Manning switches up again

| October 10, 2013

Chelsea (née Bradley, aka Breanna) Manning has switched up again, this time he/she/whatever has decided that along with his/her/whatever’s name and sex that they are changing their motivation from a “peace advocate” to a “transparency advocate”. From NBC News thanks to Dave;

In a two-page statement to Britain’s Guardian newspaper, Manning said not only that she’s not a pacifist but that she even believes it could be reasonable to interpret the documents she gave to WikiLeaks in 2010 as justifying U.S. military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“It’s not terribly clear to me that my actions were explicitly done for ‘peace.’ I don’t consider myself a ‘pacifist,’ ‘anti-war,’ or (especially) a ‘conscientious objector,'” Manning writes in the statement, which is dated Monday but wasn’t published until Wednesday.

“I’m a ‘transparency advocate,'” Manning wrote. “I feel that the public cannot decide what actions and policies are or are not justified if they don’t even know the most rudimentary details about them and their effects.”

Yeah, I don’t know what any of that means. I guess that person is trying to mitigate that person’s crime. It seems to have been triggered by some hippies naming him their winner of a peace prize of some sort even though he’s been credited with needlessly causing the deaths of people all because his boyfriend dumped him.

But, his announcement that he’s not a peace advocate should be a kick in the ‘nads to Code Pink and the Vets for Peace which always a good thing. Manning goes on to tell the media that he knew nothing of the award when his lawyer said that Manning was “overwhelmed” by the award. Imagine that, one of Manning’s lawyers lied.

Category: Shitbags

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Well, I am declaring myself as a “why don’t you shut the fuck up and do your sentence you fucking scumbag” advocate.


Keep reminding me why that douchetool is still drawing air off my planet?


What MGySgtRet said.

And can’t we just call him/her/it Blender, or something? It’s getting tiring keeping up with what he/she/it wants to be called.


It gets even better, Jonn. He/she/it also doesn’t want to be called “Private Manning” – he/she/it now wants to be called “Ms. Manning” instead.

Tough, “dearie”. You’re Private Manning until the day you’re released from Leavenworth and have in your hot little hand that DD214 with Characterization of Service marked “Dishonorable”.


Did you say “transgendered advocate?”


It just means, “I’m such a special little snowflake.” Someone may have forgotten to tell him that while special, snowflakes aren’t really good for much and that there is a very limited duration of their specialness.


@6 Now, if we could just plaster this special little snowflake to a hard surface and heat him until he melts….

Old Tanker

Wow, he can hit from all 5 sides of the plate now….


# 1 beat me to the punch. My thoughts exactly.


I am still waiting for a lifer to figure out the tainted food or Improvised Long Range Poison Blow Dart Gun (ILRPBDG) options.


I always thought transparency was only good when applied to negligees… otherwise it’s highly overrated.


At what point can someone higher up tell he/she/it to STFU?


Beware of the Killer snowflake. MCPO why not just a good old fashion IED (Inmate Enragement Death).


Group therapy session ideal members. Manning, Hassan, and Bales. Not sure who would try to kill who first, but I am sure the Shrink would want to kill them all after listening to them for so long.

2/17 Air Cav

“I have a song to sing, a story to tell…. I’m weally, weally locked up now and this isn’t fun at all. I scared. You won’t forget me, right? I was on the front pages not long ago. Remember?”

Chelsea who?

NR Pax

Will someone PLEASE get this guy’s father over to Leavenworth for a visit? This whole “daddy pay attention to me” thing is pretty tiresome.

A Proud Infidel

I say chain him to a rack, give him/her/it a hammer and say “GET TO WORK, PRIVATE!!!”.


Can we maybe pay someone to pay shitforbrains a visit and smack him till he bleeds?

Sam Naomi

I hear that their going to give him his own PO.Box so his fans can keep him up to what the outside world is doing, Right now I say, lets just let this poor excuse of a HE/She just rot in hell.


How is this sack of shit still breathing?

Come on, prison system. Earn that yard and TV time.

Perry Gaskill

No offense to Dave, but a better source on this is the original story that ran in the UK Guardian:

Purely in the interest of keeping TAH accuracy up, it might not be fair to say that Manning’s lawyer David Coombs lied about Manning being “overwhelmed” by the IPB peace award; Coombs was likely quoting retired Army Colonel Ann Wright who made such a statement while accepting the award on behalf of Manning.

What’s also interesting if you follow the hyperlinks far enough down the rabbit hole is that there’s a sort of amusing slap fight going on among the peace activist crowd about whether or not Manning’s latest statement is a good or bad thing.

Something else that might be pointed out is that evidently what the Guardian is doing is blowing a media dog whistle. The Guardian has reaped a lot of benefit from a trio of recent story threads including the Murdoch phone hacking scandal, Wikileaks and the war logs, and the NSA revelations, but all three stories have started to lose steam. The convict formerly known as Bradley Manning is in prison, Julian Assange is still cowering in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, and Eddie Snowden is looking forward to getting snowed on in Russia.

What’s a good post-Soviet publication to do in the absence of yet another anti-American bombshell but try to bolster what it already has by running what amounts to a non-story story?


@21. Your points are taken. Here’s hoping they knock the shit off and realize that the majority of Americans A)don’t give two fat shits about Bradley and B) Care even less what some fucktard British commie newspaper thinks of Bradley.

And on another note, Bradley, you have a good weekend at Leavenworth. In your cell. For the next 30 years. You fucking little bitch. I will have a beer. And do what all other non incarcerated citizens do. Enjoy freedom. You, on the other hand, will be sleeping on your metal rack. Pissing in your metal toilet. Eating off your metal tray. God knows that makes me happy. Suffer you traitor. You whining, self important traitor.


Hey, they hafta keep his/her name in the forefront in order to ensure everyone will buy his/her book when it comes out, not to mention the movie deal.


Hey, Pvt. Bradley Manning…. GFY, freak.
