Shutdown and petty tyrants
The above picture is a screen shot of Mt Vernon’s homepage. The home of George Washington is privately funded, with my money that I donate every year because I love that place. Although the grounds and home are open to the public, parking lots are closed because the open spaces are owned jointly by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association and the National Park Service. So, yeah, you can go to Mount Vernon, but you can’t park there.
I think that’s the most petty bullshit. How much government funding goes into those parking lots on a given day? Parking is free and unfettered by attendants or Park Service personnel. It’s a parking lot.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Just heard a discussion that the scenic overlooks along GW Parkway have also been barricaded. Lunacy.
Which only leaves one burning question for me – is Lafayette Park still open?
Any time a bureaucrat is faced with a threat to their funding or power they will attempt to cause as much pain as possible to show how “vital” they are. The administration is engaged in theater because they are desperate-the signature legislation of this presidency is wildly unpopular and they have been outmaneuvered by the Republicans (can you believe it?) and they don’t see any way out of their predicament, so they are throwing a tantrum.
Petty bullshit? Well, Jonn, you’re speaking of the same people who shut down the White House tours, yet manage to throw parties at the White House. So, yeah, I’m not surprised.
Gotta love the petty bullshit of a federalcracy gone amuck…
The Bureaucrats in my area have placed the barricades at the different boat launches on the Columbia River, Chief Joe Dam which is Corps of Engineers, and Lake Roosevelt behind the Grand Coulee Dam. Lake Roosevelt is controlled by National Parks.
Now all the years I have boated on the Columbia River I never once had a federal employee assist me either launching or retrieving my boat. The only time I have seen them is where there was a fee to launch. There are no fees at Chief Joe’s launch and no federal employees. Some frigging Bureaucrat is just trying a little power trip to punish us. If I was of the mind, I would launch my boat anyway.
Today I’ve read that Military Commissaries are closed, ditto with National Cemeteries as far away as Normandy as well. B. Hussein 0bama & Co. are dedicated to shitting on as many taxpayers as they can!! OH, but B. Hussein 0bama’s golf course is open, God forbid that he and his pals have to do without like us taxpaying peasants!!
This is just more petty tyranny by Obumbles in the hopes he can try to pin this all on the GOP for not playing ball HIS way (I won, get over it–sound familiar?)
Clinton didn’t pull shit like this back in 1995, but the low-information voter is going to take a look at the DNC talking points as read by the MSM newsies and gullibly accept all that is said as gospel.
@7 That’s exactly what the comments are saying on the MSM. Everybody on there is blaming the Republicans and the Tea Party.
Games, indeed. Remember the games in 2009? That was the year obamacare was passed. The country hated it then too and showed its displeasure by booting many Dems from office in 2010. This was despite the fact that the bill was hidden—and kept hidden!—from public scrutiny. Remember? The then-Pelosi led House voted for the damn thing by a vote of 220 to 215, with one Republican among the 220. So much for bilateral support for something that would turn the country on its head. In the Senate, Brown (R) of Mass was elected to the Senate and was to be the bill killer. But Reid used some slick tricks to sidestep the obstacle and make the bill filibuster proof. The vote there, again along party lines was 60-39, with Bunning of KY not voting. Then came the Supreme Court and that horse’s ass John Roberts with the stupidest decision in Supreme Court history. And that’s saying a lot! Obamaman was happy, Reid, Pelosi, and the progressives were happy, and the country was screwed. It was screwed by a handful of Democrats in one vote who were promptly booted from office for their party loyalty. Pelosi lost her majority and thus her leadership role, and now it’s the Senate’s turn. Games. The final (or nearly final) effort to hammer obamacare is upon us, with even the unions hating obamacare now. There is much more at stake here than park access, football, and employee furloughs. If you don’t see it, you soon will.
Hey Val you and Barry are so BOGUS…….
When I visited Mount Vernon, I went by boat.
I think it was the “Spirit of Washington”, or something like that.
If I remember correctly, we had dinner on the boat, and we also stopped to visit an old fort, whose name I’ve forgotten.
There’s a couple of those tour boats that sail the Potomac River between Washington, D.C. and Mount Vernon.
I’m sure that Harry Reid, the patron saint of hookers everywhere, is dancing his little dance of triumph and toasting himself silly over this.
I’m also sure that John Boehner is weeping in his cereal over this same thing.
This is the dumbest business I’ve seen coming out of people who are supposed to be adults but act like what they are, a bunch of little kids.
Fine. Fire their asses in the next electon, wipe the damned slate clean, and start over.
In the meantime, stop holding jobs and paychecks and pensions hostage just for a chance to feed your fucking egos.
Saw a good one on FB a few minutes ago: Obama sent more security to the World War II memorial than he did to Benghazi.
It’s taking more effort to close these places than it would to just leave them open.
@11 The old fort was probably Fort Washington in MD.
“pull the strings, make the peasants dance and scream to amuse me”. signed, his imperial majesty Oblowme.
Sir, you are correct!
Thank you.
I was just there – Lots are open.
The WH website lists what could be affected by the shutdown. Get this. Two of the top three are VA related. Is that a laugh riot or what? They have a backlog that circles the globe and Baracka is now weally, weally concerned. By the way, the top item listed is that old people and widdle chil’en will go hungry. What scare tactics? Where?
This is all the mindset of a tyrant. “Those who oppose my imperial rule must be punished.”
I disagree with nearly all here on the nature of this fight, but yes, these petty actions are simply pathetic. If I were a congressman, I’d donate my entire salary during this shutdown to help fund some people at the CDC who are working with kids in need of experimental drugs for cancer. For fuck’s sake, how the hell are you serving the country by letting things like that fall by the wayside.
Shame on anyone here who thought the Democrats were not going to do petty BS like this. If you voted for the schmuck in chief or any of comrades in the democratic party, you are responsible for this. Are the re”pubic”ans, with Boehner’s tears or McCain’s insanity much better? not much, but at least the media would be engaged and keeping crap like this from happening…
Petty bullshit, sure, but if I understand the legal arguments here (IANAL), if the parking lots were left open and unstaffed, any cars and property left in them were free range for vandalism, theft or whatever, because there was technically no federal law enforcement to stop them. So they’re using more pers to secure them than to staff them. Whatever.
Interestingly, I live in Ontario, and the few times our provincial government has gone on strike, the provincial parks became open and free and people took to them – how are you going to police the borders of a park as big as Algonquin?
@5 Cacti
Have you considered going down to Chief Joe’s, with a couple of your friends, and launching those barricades? Just sayin’.
Who said anything about ‘serving the country’?
What a silly idea!
I’m surprised they haven’t tried to shut down the GW Parkway and the B-W Parkway.