Selected Headlines from Our Crazy World

| September 25, 2013

Talk about distracted driving!  Couple Spotted Apparently Having Sex While Driving On Ike (For the record, the “Ike” is I-290 in Chicago.)

C’mon – the Whizzinator is so . . . 2005. ( Ask Onterrio Smith about it.)  Italian Long Distance Runner Accused of Using Fake Penis to Beat Doping Test

It’s not the rest of us that are “weird”, Miley.  Miley Cyrus topless and tongue out for Rolling Stone, talks about America’s ‘weird’ morals

What will those damn college kids try next during Rush Week?  College student accused of trying to recreate ‘Grand Theft Auto’

53%?  Yeah, 53%.  Apropos, actually, considering the last election.  Barack Obama is political king of the fake Twitter followers, with more than 19.5 MILLION online fans who don’t really exist

Must be that “new math” – from about Mar 2010 to Sep 2013 is apparently now considered “more than six years”.  Obama claims he hasn’t had a cigarette in 6 years — or has he?

Sometimes you really do need to see a doctor – or even call 911, pronto.  Especially if you’re experiencing chest pains, tightness in the chest, and are sweating.  Cops: Man Found Dead In Car Had Just Googled His Symptoms

Car died?  Well, give it a funeral!  Man gives his Porsche Cayenne a funeral at its last resting place

I thought it was the Arkansas Razorbacks.  Wild Hogs Roam Streets, Scare People Near Atlanta

I don’t even want to think about how it might taste or smell.  ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ author to release novel-themed wine

What’s next – cat-hair encrusted baguettes?  Parisian cat cafe offers “purr therapy” to animal-lovers

Gee, who would have guessed?  Amanda Bynes reportedly unfit to stand trial


Hat tip to Fox News and the Drudge Report for the above links.

Category: Pointless blather, Who knows

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Now I know where to go for a seriously loud laughing session.

A Proud Infidel

I read the “Pig Story” linked to Drudge, and the Woman saying how scared she was is a NJ transplant, GO HOGS!! Let the local Good ‘ole Boys plug ’em after she moves back up North!!


Well all I can say is, Cmom on man.


The pig headline reminds me of something I would love to do. I want to buy 4 pigs. Paint each one of them with a number. The numbers would be 1,2,3, and 5. Release them in a mall and watch security look for #4.


Hondo, I sent you something via Jonn about 200-years-ago this month the Battle of Lake Erie. Where is that? If Perry hadn’t won that fight, we might be speaking canadian instead of English.


Miley is truly remarkable-she’s a 20 year old with a nice body, that she shows off and yet she manages to be not sexy. Nobody wants to see you contort your face like that Miley-yuck!


Hondo, you hoser! It’s alright, eh? You’re forgiven.


“Italian Long Distance Runner Accused of Using Fake Penis to Beat Doping Test”…phony Italian sausage = Stolen Phallor.


SO, Miley starts conversations with “Yo”? Nothing more pathetic than a white girl trying to sound like she’s black. I heard variations of that my entire career, and anyone can hear it most nights watching The First 48.


He gets people who don’t really exist to vote for him, getting them to follow him on Twitter is nothing


There was a facebook meme going around right after Miley’s stage performance comparing her tongue-out look (which seems to be her go-to face) to a giraffe or cow doing the same thing. It was so fitting.


That must be it, Hondo. @12. Absolutely correct on the Twitter story.


Regarding the first headline: nothing to see here. Typical Sox fans after a game. Or whatever.


If that’s true Ex-PH2, he’s just doing to her what Jason Giambi did to the Sox last night.


68W58 – ROFLMAO!!!


Kanye may be getting just a little too big for his britches