California’s latest gun grab
According to the Washington Times, there are a dozen or so gun control bills on Governor Jerry Brown’s desk which would not only keep California in the fore of gun grabbers’ paradise, it charts new territory in the business of gun grabbing. Apparently, one of the bills would outlaw lead bullets;
To put the lead bill in context, about 95 percent of all ammunition sold in California contains lead. The alternative is metal bullets, some of which can pierce police armor and are banned by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Critics say the bill would effectively end hunting as a sport in California.
“If California outlaws lead bullets, the federal government already outlaws everything else, so there’s nothing left for hunters to use,” said California Assemblyman Brian Jones, a Republican from Santee. “It basically outlaws hunting.”
Another bill from the California Senate goes further than even New York’s SAFE Law passed earlier this year in regards to semi-automatic rifles;
If he signs Senate Bill 374, which bans all semi-automatic weapons with a detachable magazine, including hunting rifles, Mr. Brown is likely to set in motion a lawsuit, said Long Beach attorney Chuck Michel, who represents the National Rifle Association’s California affiliate.
“This bill is proof that the slippery-slope argument is valid,” said Mr. Michel. “We hope the governor sees how particularly ill-advised this bill is, but if he signs it, the NRA will have no choice but to challenge the law.”
Meanwhile, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is lobbying the governor to sign the bills while praising legislators for passing “an unprecedented number of life-saving measures to keep our communities safe from gun violence.”
I guess that means that even my little Charter Arms AR-7 survival rifle would be illegal with it’s huge .22 caliber bullet and the dangerous eight-round magazine, since it’s both magazine-fed and semi-automatic. I bought it in 1983 to protect myself on Belton Lake from the rattlesnakes who would take a break in my boat while they were crossing the lake. I hope they don’t find out that my bolt-action Remington Model 700 also has a magazine or they’ll go after that one, too.
There is some push-back in the legislature, but with Democrats holding a supermajority in both houses, sailed the legislation through easily;
“If [Gov. Brown] does sign them, I think that we’re going to see an outcry brewing,” said [Republican Assemblyman Brian Jones]. “These are hard-working families, a lot of whom happen to be union, and they’re hunters, they’re sportsmen, they’re honest, law-abiding gun owners who feel like their Second Amendment rights are being attacked. And they don’t like it.”
I guess it’s just a race among the governors to see who can be the most liberal -that’s liberal in the modern sense, not the traditional liberty-loving sense.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
And the commies in the Peoples Republic of Maryland are trying to keep up.
The environmentalist wack jobs have a hand in this too. About 15 years ago there was some ass-clown professor at SDSU that was trying to say that Eagles were dying off because the were getting lead poison from eating rabbits that had only been wounded by hunters.
He blamed “redneck hunters in Santee” for the decline of the Eagle population.
I’d love to say “only in the PRC” but it looks like aomehow we wound up with two “Left Coasts”
I did not know that the definition of ‘liberal’ had changed to ‘stifling’.
You know, if you read that brain-dead piece of MD legislation for its full context, you realize that no matter how many strictures are proposed and/or imposed on law-abiding citizens by these easily-panicked politicians, none of it will stop the acquisition and/or use of guns by criminals for any purpose.
Then you also realize that these frantic attempts to control ‘whatever’ mean that they actually have no power over you, and they know it, and it scares the bejesus out of them.
Considering that CA democraps aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, they probably forgot to include a law enforcement exemption in the bills. Hopefully more gun manufacturers will take a stance like the makers of Barret .50cal “If it’s not legal for citizens to own in your state, don’t send your police firearms to use for repair/service.”
I see more granola-guzzlers getting eaten by mountain lions in the near future….
As a retired CA cop, I can tell you the laws in CA are not only confusing, but very useless at controlling any kind of violence. Most of the retarded laws even apply to cops!
Most citizens in other states can purchase a firearm with less hassle than even a cop in CA can.
I wonder if the shrinking size of the all volunteer force plays a part in this too. When military conscription was the order of the day, more folks getting familiar and comfortable with weapons. Nowadays, only hunters and “gun nuts” have guns. Oh, and criminals.
Who cares; as long as you feel safe.
Which kills more birds, the lead bullets these clowns are howling a out, or those goddamn windmill farms? Logic and common sense are a complete anathema to liberals!
“they’re hunters, they’re sportsmen, they’re honest, law-abiding gun owners who feel like their Second Amendment rights are being attacked.” And, the dems could care less. The people aren’t capable of making those decisions, it’s up to the ruling elite to do it.
@3, maybe someone ought to explain to that “professor” at SDSU that more eagles and other birds die because of wind farms than die from eating wounded rabbits.
Very curious how one shoots a rattlesnake In a boat
I used rat-shot and usually drilled them before they got in the boat.
Gawdalmighty, the sheer uselessness of my state’s government never fails to make me (a state employee) sick. I was never a fan of ol’ Governor Moonbeam, and the legislature ain’t good for much, either. Contrary to popular belief, most of California really is conservative, pro-gun, pro-hunting, pro-AR-15, proud Americans. Just look at the gay marriage vote: over the last 15 years, a large majority shot down gay marriage bills 3 times in a row, for all the good it did us (fuck you very much, 9th U.S. Circuit Court).
But we are controlled by the commies from L.A. and the Gay Bay, and to a lesser extent the illicitly-franchised illegal aliens in Imperial County. We outnumber and outvote all of them, but they remain in charge. Someone tell me our elections aren’t rigged…
“…life-saving measures to keep our communities safe from gun violence.”
Would that be the new Chicago safe, or the old New York safe?
/sarc off
@15, I looked at an election map some time ago and was surprised to see that the Northern 2/3 of California was red.
@17 The “red” counties also included San Diego (my home), Riverside, Orange, and most of the Central Valley. I think San Bernardino was on our side, too.
I could be wrong here, but I’m fairly certain lead qualifies as a metal. Either that, or all the chemistry classes I’ve taken in my lifetime are wrong as labeling it as such. Makes me wonder how naive, and yes I know that is being too nice, the media who reported on the bills are to basic facts of science.
@11. The Bald Eagle body count from death by windmill continues to climb. I forget the number but it is quite high.
I want rape charges brought up on the Good idea fairy. She seems to be doing a hell of a lot of damage. And the morons who wrote these bills too. Raping the constitution to all hell. Wait till the Mexican govt attacks California because their are no weapons left to defend her people.
I’d die laughing if that was the case.
What would noted douchebag, Paul K. Wickre, say about all this… Psul ?
Yet another reason to avoid California like the plague. I truly sympathize with those folks living there that still believe in the ideals of the Constitution.
Apparently state’s rights trump the United States Constitution.
@24 Lebben- tell me about it. I wont purchase anything from California. personal or impact: the hell with that place. The arms/ammo dealers need to cut off all services to CA agencies for this
And my ex wonders why even seven years after I left I refuse to go back there.
Form a state-wide boycott on hunting!
DON’T go hunting for the next two-three years.
What I see this action (if taken as an action) doing is this:
-No buying of hunting licenses, thus reducing revenue for the state wildlife areas (and employees)
-No hunting, thus no reducing of the game animal population.
If the herds and flocks aren’t reduced by hunters, and there’s no money for the state wildlife areas and employees, then the game animal population will explode. With an exploding game animal population, they will eat out their habitat. When they eat out their habitat, then they’ll starve. Lots of poor, poor starving Bambis, Thumpers, and all the other hungry Disney-esque forest creatures. Let the Libtards and EnviroNazis wrap their collectivist heads around that. Let them try to find a new scapegoat for the plight of all the newly dead beloved creatures of Mother Gaia. You Kalifornia hunters would be out of it. Couldn’t blame you. (Oh, they’d try, but they wouldn’t get far) They set the rules with the no-lead-bullets law. You just played the game by the rules they set.
The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences of Un-revokable.
Sorry for the long-winded rambling. It’s late, I’m tired, and I just NEEDED to get this idea out to where it may spark a soft revolution. I hope this makes sense to you out there to whom it was intended. G’night.
I truly hate the Communist-controlled government of Kalifornia and am glad I escaped when I did. Although the gun grabbers are making noises and trying to get traction here in Nevada. Reichsfuhrer Bloomberg’s MAIG media blitz didn’t go far here at all.