When enough is enough

| September 10, 2013

The Washington Post has an article about local militias in Mexico which are beating back drug cartels when the government doesn’t seem interested in it. The citizenry began their operations with sling shots, machetes and old hunting rifles, but they’re arming themselves more appropriately with the weapons that they take from from the cartels;

“We are coming together with only one thing in mind: Kill or be killed,” said the doctor, JoséManuel Mireles, 55, who described what is happening as an armed social movement and estimated that thousands of citizen-fighters are pursuing the gangsters into the hills. “The only training we have is the courage we have inside.”

The rise of the self-defense movement in Michoacan is a desperate reaction to an increasingly oppressive drug cartel and to the security vacuum created as [President] Peña Nieto took office last year seeking to avoid a direct confrontation with the cartels.

As with everything that seems to work effectively, the government is trying to disarm the militia groups;

In Tepalcatepec, a core group formed that included many cattle raisers angry that the cartel was about to take over their association’s governing board. They decided to make their stand at the semiannual association meeting.

“When those criminals climbed onto the stage, we said, ‘How is this possible? We are many, and they are so few,’?” Reyes said.

Hidden shotguns and even machetes came out, and the crowd swarmed 15 men whom they recognized as gang members. Amid clashes over the next hours and days, locals detained many more, handing them over to the state prosecutor in the town of Apatzingan, a cartel stronghold.

After 12 hours, however, the prisoners were released.

Since then, Mireles said, “we decided not to detain anyone anymore.”

That’s probably a lesson we should apply to our Guantanamo experience.

Category: Crime

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We should send them our Emporer to straighten out their problems.


@1 – Sounds like they’re doing just fine to me.

No prisoners and no quarter? ‘Bout time.

defensor fortisimo

It wouldn’t be the first time a private citizen did more for against the cartels than the government,http://badassoftheweek.com/index.cgi?id=369674427455


So they won’t be needing the seven samurai?

Good for them. Some day, that will happen here.

The Dead Man

#4 The Magnificent Seven, we’re talking Mexico after all. Seriously though, awesome news. Glad someone’s doing something finally.


This is exactly how revolts against authoritarian/totalitarian regimes begin. And they are exactly the type of people we should be helping instead of asshats in the middle east.


Huzzah! @6 Bingo.


@The Dead Man, “Magnificent Seven” was based on Kurosawa’s film ‘Seven Samurai’.

And I do see this happening some day in the future, when people get fed up with inept, incompetent police who can’t shoot straight, arrest the wrong people, and strut around in castoff military gear and vehicles.


Ah…not to pick nits, or anything…but weren’t the people taking up arms against the drug cartels, not the authorities? Or did I miss something?


PN, yes, they were.

A Proud Infidel

So Mexican people are revolting against the drug cartels that B. Hussein 0bama & Co. armed as best they could with AK’s via “Fast & Furious”! OOOooh, [wannabe] Emperor Hussei ain’t gonna like that, HAHAHA…


Good for the citizens! Mexico is not a democracy, it is a dictatorship, and does nothing for its citizens except to send them north so they can send $$ south into Mexico.


@ #6: Well, you would think so, but as is usual with this bunch of clowns, they gave arms to the other side.

Open Channel D


Repeat as needed.

B Woodman

Yep! Take “care” of the cartel as needed and necessary. Then take “care” of the gubbment agents that try to disarm you. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Herbert j Messkit

It has been said by people smarter than me that Mexico has the resources to be one of the wealthiest countries in the world THe USA serves as an outlet for many of their discontented people. They need to return home ,stand their ruling class against a wall and shoot them,and slaughter the cartels and their families

Just an Old Dog

Mexico is a perplexing country. I have only scratched the surface of it’s culture and history but I have a theory why it is the way it is.
Unlike the US Mexico’s population is 80% indigenous. Prior to the Spanish arriving the native people had a strict social caste. A very small percentage of the population held true power, most were considered as a simple labor source. The Spanish simply filled the upper caste. There was never any true broad based movement to establish a middle class or individual rights. Its all about getting your piece of the pie, and after the powers that be grab their share there isn’t anything but crumbs left for the average Mexicano. There is no trust at all in the government and little hope to get ahead.


The nastiest insult I was ever taught in Spanish was ‘gachupin’, which means ‘colonialist’. The person who told me that also told me that the Spaniards — in her words — come over to Mexico and breed with the locals, because they think it improves them, and then call them half-browners.

The insults and slurs she told me about make the Afro whines about racism look downright whiny.