Syria, the terrorist training camp
At the Washington Times, Bill Gertz reports that more than 6000 jihadists have poured into Syria to get their training from al-Qaeda-linked groups like the al-Nusra Front at camps that the anti-Assad rebels have erected around the country;
“The Syrian opposition is benefiting from a steady flow of foreign fighters who seem to be joining a variety of Islamist-oriented brigades or, on a smaller scale, starting up nationality-based units,” said one U.S. official familiar with internal reports on the region.
Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official and former staff member of the White House National Security Council, added: “Syria is the new epicenter for the global jihad with would be ‘martyrs’ arriving from across the Islamic world to fight Assad. They are getting experience in the terror arts they will bring home.”
Word of the growing foreign terrorist presence comes as a gruesome video surfaced over the past weekend showing Syrian rebels beheading three Christians, including a Catholic priest, in a public execution widely circulated on the Internet.
But, wait, I was told that the entire region would settle down once the US troops left Iraq. That the only reason al Qaeda was in the region was because of the presence of US forces. Now it seems that these creatures just flock to anywhere they can have the opportunity to kill people, or get killed themselves. I guess Assad should thank us for wiping a few thousand of them off the face of the Earth before they had a chance to oppose him.
But, yeah, we should certainly send them more weapons. I mean, I like the idea of them killing scads of each other, but it’s not like the Army I knew where at the end of operations we all line up outside the arms room and turn in our weapons. Nope, these guys take them home with them. That’s why there some unaccounted for shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles somewhere in Africa left over from the Libya thing.
Category: Terror War
Why is it that the same Congress that is so obsessed with arming these people are obsessed with disarming us?
Chaos, thy name is Congress.
Can someone please offer me just one good reason the US should support either side in that internecine Levantine goatscrew commonly called the Syrian Civil War?
gotta find a way to blame America for all this. Oh yeah….blame Bush!
We sat around too long to be supporting the rebels there now. In the very beginning before the AQ types rushed in should have been the time to do something, not waiting for Assad to cross some imaginary line for which the consequences for crossing it, were not even known by Obama when he declared its existence.
On one side you have Assad and his supporters, who have killed thousands of innocent civilians so he can remain in power. That is absolutely no surprise considering his father di the very same thing.
Then you have the opposition that has quickly filled its ranks with extremist. You have them committing their own fair share of atrocities, just for example beheading a Catholic Priest, or eating the heart of an executed Syrian Soldier… never mind indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas.
No winners there to side with. Let them kill each other off until there is no one left standing.If it effects our friends there, then just level what is left.
I’m thinking that we don’t have the proper amount of nuance to make an informed decision on this. We need John F-ing Kerry (did you know he served in Vietnam?) to ‘splain it to us. You knuckledraggers just don’t understand that when a republican does it = bad, but when a democrat does it = good. Also, I’ve been told by many sources that once Bush was out and Obumbles in, that we would have instant respect from nations around the world, again. Beer and skittles will once again flow down the streets and everyone would love each other and Obumbles would make that happen. Didn’t you get the memo?
@5 Lets not forget they are instituting Sharia law in areas they occupy now, women are being told they cannot wear makeup, clothing that is considered provocative, or any of the other bullshit they push on people due to religious law.
The rebels are going to be the ones we are fighting in a few years if they win, and all because we are the “great Satan” of the west. They have shown time and time again they will bite the hand that feeds them, giving lip service to us when they need weapons or support. Then turning around and bombing us when we think all is hunky dory and everyone is great friends. I weep for the military when that happens, they are turning it into the real world version of the internet tough guy, talks big until you see who it actually is, some 90 pound whimp with acne and a scraggly goatee who lives with his mother and her 35 cats.
@5 Agreed. If we were going to be involved in this thing, the time to do it was when this all first started when AQ wasn’t there. Since this war kicked off, nearly 100,000 people have been killed and the rebels are fully infiltrated by AQ. At this point what do we have to gain by taking sides? We can help Assad who is a brutal dictator, or help the same terrorists we’ve been fighting for a decade, or stand by and do nothing and it’ll look like we helped whoever wins. Even if we gave the rebels their own tank force and three hot meals a day they’d turn on us as soon as they could.
Are there any names for those three people they killed?
This business is becoming so disturbing to Turkey that the Turks are building walls to keep Syrians out of Turkey.
And other neighbors are being forced to choose sides:
“A Catholic priest has been killed in Syria, it has been confirmed by the official Vatican news agency.
Franciscan Father Francois Murad died after fighters linked to the jihadist group Jabhat al-Nusra attacked the monastery he was staying at, local sources say.”
Those are the first two paragraphs in the Huffington Post story of the beheading of Father Murad. What beheading? He was just killed, maybe it was accidental, you know like “tragically killed in a fall” or “died in car crash.” It’s all part of the brain-cell padding.
April Spring? Poor oppressed people struggling to be free? Bullshit! That’s just the sales talk for us, the moronic masses.
Best solution. . . one nuke, dropped from high altitude . . . . turn area into glowing glass parking lot. End of problem.
One report last week said that Iran has sent several thousand fighters to aid Assad. So we have Sunni Jihadys fighting Shiah jihadys . Sounds like a perfect situation to me. The more of these animals that get their 72 olives the better.