Your guns back in White House sights
So, despite the failure of the latest gun-grabbing attempt in Congress, the White House is redoubling efforts to get their grubby paws on your guns. Joe Bite Me will launch the latest campaign today in remarks at the White House. Why? Well, the Washington Post writes a fawning piece about Bite Me today and tells us that he “really cares” about the issue. Horse shit! if Bite cared about gun control, why is he telling women to blast their shot guns from their balconies periodically to scare off prospective intruders? That’s about the most irresponsible thing I’ve heard in decades.
Biden just wants to get rid of what he calls assault weapons – because just the sight of them scares the living shit out of people who don’t understand them or their purpose. That’s why you can find a number of pictures of liberal politicians holding up scary black rifles for the cameras – because the image of the weapon scares the regressives. From the Washington Times today;
Mr. Biden is expected to make a push for background check legislation in Tuesday’s address as well. The measure co-sponsored by Sens. Joe Manchin III, West Virginia Democrat, and Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania, that failed in April would have expanded background checks to firearms sales online and at gun shows. Right now, only federally licensed dealers are required to perform the checks.
Yeah, well, federally-licensed gun dealers are required to perform background checks when the weapons are bought online or at gun shows, too. If the Democrats really wanted to just close the “loopholes”, which is what they claim that they want to do, you know the “loopholes” that 90% of the American people want to close, they’d strike out the phrases that require the people who will perform the background checks for private sales to maintain records in perpetuity of those sales. That’s what the NRA and everyone else opposes – a de facto federal gun registration process.
Machin, Toomey, Biden, Schumer and the rest of them know that removing that one little provision would sail the legislation through Congress with little opposition, but they just won’t remove that part of it. Why? Because that’s the part they want most – more than just background checks, they want to know where to go to get the guns when the time comes.
Oh, yeah, and the Washington Post says that “The White House needs to show it is doing something” because “The Democratic base is watching”. So it’s all about appearing like they care for purely political reasons, not out of any sense of duty to the majority of Americans who abide by the laws and whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution, but rather a out of a sense of duty to their political pocketbooks.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Any sense of duty our government had for the American people went down the drain a long time ago.
Well said. personally, I would like to see ALL gun laws scrapped. As a dealer, I ought to be able to sell to anyone, anytime, anything that I feel comfortable doing. It’s no business of the government what type of firearms I have, how many I have, or whether or not I still have them.
Eliminate the 1968 Gun Control Act and everything passed since then. We don’t need it, and we especially don’t need to have the government knowing about what we have.
If only voters remember this come election time next year and vote out any anti-gun senator or representative.
Couple this effort with the NSA data collection. Hmm.
I wish I could decide whether it’s just policy stupidity with its reactionary heart in the right place, or something more sinister. I sit on a committee at my synagogue, one of the few veterans, and we’ve been discussing gun control for sometime. They are good people, but for *all* of them, firearms are foreign, with the exception of a father of a son on a local high school shooting team. Needless to say, he’s quietly sympathetic to my arguments. When they get on about high capacity magazines and focus on assault weapons, I ask the questions: how many people were killed in neighboring Philadelphia by assault rifles this month? The answer is 0, consistently so. It’s always handguns. And then I ask the following questions: 1. What would background checks at a gun show or for other sales do to prevent that? 2. What would mental health funding increases do to prevent that? 3. What would an assault weapons ban do to prevent that? They cannot answer these questions, and then rather than look for logical solutions that we could pursue, such as increasing funding for inner city law enforcement, or allowing municipalities to exercise greater control over laws within their jurisdiction, they want to go after the big, easy answers. And in spite of being highly intelligent, rational beings, they cannot suspend their belief in the narrative imposed on them! It’s frustrating. These people are not my enemies, they’re not your enemies. But the penchant of them to vilify legitimate gun owners confounds me. How can reason prevail against the insensate need to do “something?” There are things we can do to save lives. Heavens, if they could just suspend the silliness and look at what is really happening, they could approach legitimate gun owners and say, “what would you guys do to solve this?” and perhaps something could move. Because honest to G-d, I see more intellectual and emotional sensibility and willingness to compromise from the 2nd Amendment supporters than them. Maybe I just summed up my growing dissatisfaction with liberal/progressive circles. It seems to me that… Read more »
I guess the media will be incessantly hitting the airwaves again with gun horror stories and poll results that were based on crazy questions. They’ll also be hoping another lunatic goes off on a rampage. (In that regard, I hope someone is keeping a very close eye on The Moron.)
I just got an e-mail from a local dealer selling Smith and Wesson M&P-15’s for $860. I guess that Joe got the same add and decided that he needed to run the price back up to the $1500 range.
All this bullshit again – just when prices for ammo was just beginning to fall.
I’m beginning to think that these “gun grab” speeches are designed to throw 2nd ammendment peeps off the scandal scent.
“Oh, yeah, and the Washington Post says that “The White House needs to show it is doing something” because “The Democratic base is watching”.
Bullshit. This is liberal smoke and mirrors, again, to take the heat off the domestic f@ck ups going on. It is always the same shit. The left doesn’t want the real issues out there so they come up with liberal “sound good solutions to feel good issues”. People in this country, especially liberals see a black AR-15 and get f@cked in the head scared because the don’t know what they are. At close in home range my Glock 30 does just as much as if I pull out the AR. But most limousine liberals are happy and feel justified to hire armed personal security for themselves. Hypocritical, head up their ass retards. This just pisses me off to the grind my teeth point.
You could be right on about that, Fen, B. Hussein 0bama & Co. ALWAYS place their agenda first, and they’ll pull whatever stunts they think will manipulate people as they see fit.
Most. Corrupt. Administration. Ever.
@8. I heard that! Thank God I re-load. It’s the only way to keep the price sorta reasonable.
I wish they would show this much concern and effort when it comes to illegals and voting.
Great story, many well spoken comments.
It never left their sights. They are hoping those that are against all this will have either forgotten or conform.
@7&8 Hmmm. Makes you wonder if the elite in DC have stock in arms and ammunition manufacturers? They certainly would have realized a return on an initial investment after Sandy Hook. Maybe it’s time to drive those prices back up, you know, to start funding a nice car or college for the kids.
Why can’t there be one list; just one single damn list of people who are prohibiting from owning, or possessing weapons. ONE DAMN LIST of felons and mentally ill and people subject to protection orders. Due process to get on the list and due process for the few who could eventually get off of it. ONE DAMN List publically available to everyone whether federally licensed dealer or private sellers.
You mean one whose accuracy is beyond question, like the Do Not Fly list?
because the image of the weapon scares the regressives.
And pissing off or scaring libturds gives me such a warm fuzzy, dontcha know.
Always wondered what was wrong with a compromise, say a background check you could get which would be valid for 90 days and allow you to buy from anyone, private or dealer, with no further checks? Nothing says you HAVE to buy – I’d do it every 90 days just to screw with ’em and just-in-case I saw that Sharps I want – no way to database anything you actually did or do not buy, yet you are checked. Must make too much sense….
@ 11 A Proud Infidel
Sorry about being late getting this posted, been alittle busy getting ready to sendsome info to Jonn, anyway you want to know what part of Iowa I lived in, you wanted to get in touch with me by email. I live down on the Iowa & Missouri border, Southwest Iowa, I have two email addresses, either one will work: or
Are any of these anti-gun fanatics also lobbying for strict mandatory minimum sentences for violent felons, plea-bargain reform to keep vicious criminals from getting catch-and-release sentences, and abolishing parole for murderers? Do any of these people have the slightest idea how many homicide victims are killed by previously-incarcerated violent felons who never should have been on the street in the first place? Do they realize how many lives would be saved?
There are always weeks or months of hysterical shrieking about gun control whenever there’s a man-bites-dog mass shooting sensationalized by the media, but when it comes to the topic of controlling DANGEROUS HUMAN BEINGS, there’s only the sound of silence.
Every time I buy from a dealer I have to sign that fed form(background check). I collect the curios and antiques firearms. EXAMPLE= I just brouth a Remmington mod.760 in 300 Savage. This is a pump action rifle not made for many years.Most of the time I find the rare firearms from non dealers.Question,is the IRS going to this base to come after you for undeclared income ? Sales tax both State and Federal? Joe
@5, BK – take in the above, and throw it at anti-gun people whenever they start up their gun-banning bullshit. ALWAYS re-frame the debate; get the focus away from the inanimate objects and towards the topic of overall homicides and violent crime and the HUMANS who perpetrate them, not the tools they use.
I’m not a consipracy theorist by any means, but there has been a curious pattern for quite awhile. National mental health system, demolished, turning mentally ill out on the streets. Death sentence removed from some states and not used much in others plus plea bargaining; probation, and parole, placing violent criminals in a position for release back onto the streets. No ability to stop tons of illicit substances from coming into our country and finding their way into our population. Removal of the ability of citizens to defend themselves by multiple attacks on the Second Amendment. This is a massive national “train wreck” in the making, and we all have front row seats.
I too have to ask just how often are our Governments. Federal, State, and local, actively enforcing currently existing Gun Laws, prosecuting violators, incarcerating them…. One thing is certain, crooked, power-happy politicians prefer unarmed peasants!
Ted *HICCUP!* Kennedy’s driving killed more people than all of my Gun collection combined!!
And in other news…
“OFA Gun Control Rally in San Bernardino Draws 3 Protesters”
So now Joey the Clown is in charge of the Gun Control effort? That just tells me the level of enthusiasm the administration has for it. Nothing more than a sop for the base. Well, I’m a member of the opposition base and I am watching these Bozo’s too. And I have a very long memory,
@26. My wife works for the Big Blue box store, in sporting goods, selling guns and ammo.
For the years that she’s worked there, and the sales she’s declined, because of a straw purchase(woman knows nothing about guns, but the denied boyfriend/husband is standing there with her, or he points out the gun, then walks away), denied by NICS(felon, PPO), or, an illegal attempting to purchase, she has never, ever, been subpoenaed by the feds to appear in court against an arrestee who violated federal firearms laws.
Interesting. Very, very interesting. Makes me wonder, after months (is it now years?) of ignoring Uncle Joe, why is the media attempting to make him appear relevant? Hmmmm.
Because he is the best bet to run against Hillary. They gave him what their polls said should have been a slam dunk (“New gun laws, 90% of the people support ’em, not even Biden could f*ck this up”)and they came up short. Heck, the Republican reciprocal-carry bill got one more vote than Biden did on the universal background checks. Not everyone in the Democratic party likes the Clinton dynasty, and there’s not that many high-profile opposing Dems to choose from.