Conservatives are strong; hippies are weak

| May 17, 2013

Yeah, I know, Hondo wrote about it yesterday, but he didn’t use any good examples about the differences between strong conservatives and weak-ass hippies (yes, if you’re a liberal, you’re a stinkin’ hippie) like our buddy ROS did at Victory Girls;

Take my beloved Jonn over at for example- HOT-ness…….and so very a conservative veteran. Or THE hottest man I know- also a veteran, an MBA, an addiction to knowledge, and an abundance of other attributes too numerous for me to list………and conservative. LTC Allen West, Todd Palin, Dr. Ben Carson, Paul Ryan, Kevin Jackson of The Black Sphere, and Neil Cavuto (don’t judge me) are all conservatives, and just gaze upon that pile of smoldering intellectual GQ material. And then there’s Dwayne – Johnson, that is. Yeah, don’t even try to argue that one.

Well, that’s only the important part (to me), so you should click over and read the rest. So I don’t get accused of Stolen Smarts, I don’t remember getting an MBA.

Category: I hate hippies

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2/17 Air Cav

“but he didn’t use any good examples….” Bwahahahahahahaha.


I saw that earlier. Congratulations, Jonn!


I’m not qualified to judge “male hotness”, Jonn. Has something to do with my 23rd chromosomal pair. (smile)


Oh, there are some hippies that clean up pretty good, but they spoil it when they open their mouths other than with a script. Some of them might even be acceptable boy toys if we could just keep them quiet!

My hot list would have to include Tom Selleck and Ollie North, for sure.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, I’d have to include myself–so long as no one here knows what I look like.


I have a list of hot guys, which includes Harry Wales. (Oh, shut up!)


Heh-via the corner awesome headline regarding this issue

Study: Dan Foster Types More Likely to Be Conservatives
By Daniel Foster


Jonn, perhaps her abbreviation of MBA as it applies to you is “Macho Bad Ass”.


Jesus, OWB, I can’t believe I left out Tom Selleck.

Pushing for days…..


I read Foster’s article. I found the “strength means resource security, weakness means resource insecurity” interesting. “If strength is tied to resource security, and weakness to resource insecurity, it makes sense for the weak to hold views that, if enacted, would increase their resource security.”

Makes sense to me, although I’m disregarding his not including the socioeconomic status of various members of the two groups.


Mark Harmon. Yeah, he’s still hot.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

In line with their hypotheses, the data revealed that wealthy men with high upper-body strength were less likely to support redistribution, while less wealthy men of the same strength were more likely to support it..

Don’t want to be the guy p1ssing in the punch bowl, but until I read the whole study that doesn’t seem to suggest what the article was trying to suggest….it makes it sound more like among generally strong men that strong rich guys are more likely to be against redistribution and strong but not rich guys more for redistribution…

The article continues to state that weaker men are almost always leaning more towards redistribution….but who really cares what the weaklings think?


@ #5: We will take your word for it until evidence to the contrary is presented. We each need our illusions, right?



I can judge HOT-ness…Jonn, dude. You are HAWT!! 😛


Oh, for god’s sakes. THIS from the guy who hurls out insults at Liberals all day long calling them vile names after vile names. Then he cries like the school yard sissy when a liberal calls him a racist (because he says racist things not because he’s a Conservative).

Yes, you’re a racist Jonn. And a liar. I never said that I was banned from Taylor Marsh because of misbehavior. I was banned from Taylor Marsh because I’m too conservative. Make no mistake, you wouldn’t make it there a day. Just as you wouldn’t make it a day at many other liberal sites that i’ve attended for years. If you did get banned it would not necessarily be because of your behavior. Merely announcing you’re a Conservative would be enough. Just as I got banned from Conservative sites for simply announcing i’m a liberal.

But worst of all, Jonn, you’re a pussy. In fact, what i find most amazing about Conservatives is that for all their bravura, they are basically pussies. This is evidenced by the last two people they championed for President- two guys that avoided service in Nam and had EVERYTHING handed to them in life.

You’re pussies because you cannot go from here to there without packing. You’re pussies because you cry like bitches the moment ANYONE criticizes your guns. You’re pussies because science says you’re pussies:×4036976

You’re pussies because you regularly hurl invectives at liberals such as “shitbag”, “fascists” and “scum” but the moment a liberal gives it back to you- even if it is based on fact you cry and have a tantrum.

Yes, Jonn, I might be banned. But you’ll always be a liar a racist and a pussy.


Speaking of weak.


uh oh, butthurt libtard alert!


I thought that waste of skin was banned?
Oh, and instupid, Bravura is defined as “dazzling artistic flair: great skill that is shown when something artistic is done in an exciting or innovative way”. I don’t believe that what you believe is what we know. The word you were searching for, in vain, yet again, is “bravado”. Douchenozzle.


Splink! You dumb crock of crapweasel! I truly did not miss you, gheyboy. You make all my gay guy friends look straight!


AirCav, we all know you’re hot!


Oh, my! Was wondering just what all this chaos was doing to their widdle dweem world. Guess we know that they are collectively doing a massive melt down.

I really do feel sorry for their sorry asses. They deserve every morsel of what is coming their way, but unlike them, I still have compassion for them. Sort of.


Yo, sippy!!! They give you a day off from fluff boy at the ghey pron factory?


Splinky, anyone can see clearly that you have a lack of personality and don’t take rejection well. It’s why you keep coming back here.

Therefore, Spiffy, my wish for you for this year is that you find some other ladyboy with whom you can have really angry sex, because you need it.


What?!?! No answer from Spiffy? No f-bombs indicating lack of vocabulary and creativity?

I’m SO disappointed. Oh, well. Frozen Snickers time.


EX, would Spiffy be the pitcher or catcher? Never mind, he’s gotta be the catcher.


Catcher, indeed!

A Proud Infidel

AAWWWW. poooor ‘lil Sippy-cup has another cockle burr in his pantyhose because the Dry Cleaners lost his favorite Judy Garland costume! He hasn’t gotten that mad since his hairdresser mussed up his favorite Shirley Temple wig!!