Welcome Home for Vietnam Vet

| May 8, 2013

This happened up Old Trooper’s way, but the link was sent to us by Jeff. Just watch the video;

Category: Support the troops

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Combat Historian

Thank you, Vietnam vets, for going in harm’s way when so many others would not; welcome home…


As a young soldier, many of my NCOs were Vietnam Vets. Ditto virtually all of the officers who were MAJs or above, or who were senior CPTs with prior service.

I learned a lot from those guys. I owe them – and everyone who served there – one helluva lot.

Well deserved kudos. Thanks, Vietnam vets.


GOTDAMNITSOMUCH….thanks for making me tear up.

B Woodman

Damn dusty in here again. . . .

Green Thumb

Good stuff.


Some of the nicest men I’ve known were Vietnam vets. Love and thanks to all of them.

Old Trooper

I haven’t watched the local evening news in a long time, so this is the first I’ve seen of this. Very cool.


Awww. This is GREAT! Thanks for posting.


That story made my day – Thanks!


At least two of the local twin cities TV stations covered this story – but this one was the best.

Some of the best, but ‘toughest’ stories to watch are when children are waiting for or surprised by their returning deployed parent. Having experienced this myself at a young age… it hits home.


“……….they almost had to sneak home.”


Eagle Keeper

As a Marine pilot, Isaacson presumably served in Vietnam voluntarily.

Has anybody ever considered apologizing to those vets who were drafted and only went to Vietnam under duress?


@12 I was drafted and nobody on this planet owes me an apology except those that dodged it or went to Canada. I didn’t go to Vietnam “under duress” and neither did anyone else I know. Did anyone have to apologize to WWII vets who were drafted? Per capita there were more volunteers for Vietnam than WWII.

This was so nice to see. I have always believed and worked hard to make sure no Service person has to “sneak home” ever again.


Eagle Keeper: perhaps those drafted during Vietnam simply considered that service payment for the debt they owed to this nation for giving them freedom. Freedom still isn’t all that common in the rest of the world. It damn sure wasn’t in the 1960s and early 1970s.

If they didn’t, IMO they damn well should have. I know I considered my voluntary service exactly that.

Every American owes this country a debt they can never repay for giving them freedom.