Gordon Duff on the Boston bombing
OK, I rescind my previous statement that Nevada’s gubernatorial candidate David Lory VanDerBeek makes Gordon Duff look sane. Duff’s cheese has slid completely off his cracker, off the table, and all the way down the stairs. His take on the bombing points directly at…wait for it…no not the Jooos, this time…the Federal Reserve Board;
We have awakened in a Terminator movie.
The mysterious entity is the Federal Reserve, a group of banks, mostly believed to be European, the ownership and real management totally unknown, that controls, not just America’s economic system but nearly every other central bank in the world. Investigations have shown that “the Fed” has broken away from all oversight, has taken on its own military and intelligence service and has become a defacto “super-national” entity, not just controlling world economies but now, through Google, a series of Blackwater analogs and partnerships with AIPAC, NATO and the drug cartels, is now able to wage war and dispense “justice.”
The Fed’s first war is, of course, against the US.
I know. Right? As always, his proof is his previous rants about 9-11, Sandy Hook, Anders Breivik, and the Detroit underwear bomber, who suddenly has an accomplice. How many people does it take to scorch one guy’s ‘nads, anyway?
”Boston” is exposed as a false flag terror attack so carelessly planned that the press wasn’t even notified of their role. Thus, the mainstream “pop-culture media” blew this one out of the water.
If only the Fed would hire better soldiers, they might have gotten away with it – luckily Duff is on the job. But, if it was so carelessly planned, why wasn’t Duff able to stop it with his mighty pen, like he’s done so often over the years?
Category: General Whackos
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of synapses suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
Strong with the crazy, this one is.
You pick
Reminds me of a card game I played in college… Illuminati by Steve Jackson Games.
The UFOs use the Federal Reserve to attack to destroy the Yuppies.
Every bad thing that ever happens anywhere is a false flag. Boston bombing? False flag. Rear-ended in traffic? False flag. Loose stool? False flag.
Oh, and the joos did all of them.
#1 Nik,
I pick “Strong with the stoopid, this one is.”
Ben Bernanke builds bombs?
Who knew?
Tis is great. I was looking for a new contracting gig when this one was up and I won’t even have to go to some shithole in Africa.
I’m trying to decide who the bigger booger eater is, this goober or Alex Jones.
When Ed Schultz gets canned by MSNBC for being too ethnic, Gordon Duff will finally have his shot at primetime.
Not that anything he says will distinguish himself from the Madcow or even Obama… “Some say, sequestration is a good thing… some say, cutting the anti-terror budget is good! Hope! Change! Cooling of Racial Tensions!”
Always good for a laugh, Duff is. Makes me feel a little bad for doing it, having been raised in an era when decent people did not laugh at crazy people. But, he demands it! And seems to enjoy it so much.
Is the “pop cultural media” this ass clown is referring to The Family Guy? Who that crackpot Alex Jones thinks “predicted or suggested” a month ago that the bombings in Boston would take place?
It started as a internet meme and Alex picked it up and ran with it. They say Alex talking about it “gave the theory credibility”. Ha! Since when has this blowhard had enough credibility to give away?
They both need to eat a bag of di@ks!
I was convinced it was the shape shifter aliens…shit I am glad he is around to set me straight!
Hmmm i see he has 1st class tickets on the crazy train
I guess I have a question for Duff; if the players involved in all of these “false flag” ventures are so insidious, why is he still stealing oxygen after exposing them for what they are? Or maybe HE’S part of the operation…they’re paying him to play the crackpot, foil-hat wearing blogger which lampoons their efforts, which in turn provides them cover…conspiracy within a conspiracy. So tell us “Duff” (if that is your real name), how much are your masters paying you to play the patsy???
I am thinking of starting a folk band called “Backwater Analog” I don’t know WTF it is but then again neither does Duff.
This must be the web site where the readers still believe that building seven fell in its own foot print from two tiny fires in the lower floors. Maybe you brainless fools might look at evidence and facts. Oh that would require unwashing your brains first or require you had any brains to begin with. Classic example of how MSM can fool the fools. You people are comical, if it weren’t so sad it might be funny.
@15: You’re so adorable, I bet you’re going to audition for the live action My Little Pony movie.
#15 is the classic example of the “French Model on the Internet” crowd.
#15’s name says it all: use the sledgehammer approach. And no warning.
#15 might want to pick up a copy of the 3Feb2005 edition of Popular Mechanics.
Twist! Don’t ever try to inflict common sense and reality on these paranoid cospiracy theorists!
Reality is not part of their world.
@20: If it makes his head explode, that’s one less idiot. And I remember the conspiracy nuts’ first reaction when that issue came out: “We need to get to the bottom of this and find out whose been paying off Popular Mechanics!”
@21 – This is why I come to TAH.