Zombie; Protesters greet Obama on S.F.’s Billionaires’ Row
Our buddy, Zombie, was back in the protest picture-taking business last week when Obama came to San Francisco to fleece the rich for the money that they’re not voluntarily giving to the government. Apparently, the anti-jobs, anti-economy hippies who don’t use oil in their daily life were out in force to protest that Obama is thinking about giving the go-ahead for the Keystone pipeline. In among the folks who don’t really understand what they’re doing besides holding signs, was this uber-clueless turd making no good point, just walking around with an upside down flag. I’m sure he doesn’t know what it means either;
You can see the protest organizers rushing over to convince him to do otherwise so as not to muddle their message. Or not. So they’re all just being hip. Actually, I’m thinking they’re racist for protesting this president. Or something.
Category: I hate hippies
I was hoping to see pictures of people dressed up as extras on “The Walking Dead”.
I’m thoroughly convinced that if you have the time and effort to spare to get worked up over shit like these people are getting worked up over, your life is WAY too fuckin easy.
I would bet money he is spouting that he is a “veteran of something” and “oil…Bush…Iraq…blah blah blah” to anyone who asks why he is holding the flag like this or if he even knows what that represents…hate these types of idiots.
Doesn’t need to know what it means. Only needs to know that it is insulting to his target demographic – any patriotic American. His assumption is that doing so proves his enlightened world view.
Fuckin’ hippies and dried up old scrunts? That can’t even get a 3 letter acronym right? Yeah, those are the folks that everyone should listen to.
The enemies of civilization at work.
Yup….racists. Nuthin but WASP’s in that crowd.
This is just further proof that liberals NEVER turn down a chance to prove what idiots they are!!
Re: Zombie’s pictures. Tar Baby? I thought any connection to Uncle Remus was supposed to be racist.