Saturday feel good story

| March 23, 2013

Dusty sends us a link on our Facebook page about a woman in North Carolina who stayed home from work yesterday morning when at about 11 AM she heard someone force her door open. She went and hid in the closet with a cellphone and a handgun;

The men ransacked the house, and when they opened the closet door, she fired at them, Griffin said. One man was struck, authorities said.

The men fled, and neighbor Wayne Crumpler said he heard them yelling for help.

“I heard somebody out at the road. He was hollering, ‘Help me,’ waving his arms, jumping up and down trying to stop traffic,” Crumpler said. “There was another guy in the background. I heard him hollering, ‘Help me. I’ve been shot in the chest. I’m dying.'”

The wounded man then started toward Crumpler’s house.

“He started in this direction. I stepped inside and got my revolver,” he said. “I told him to hold it.”

The man then ran into the woods, Crumpler said.

It’s a real fairytale ending isn’t it? Michael Daquarius Bynum, 16 is in jail the same fate awaits his accomplice, Christopher Devonte Joseph, 18, when he gets out of the hospital. The police say the lady doesn’t face any charges.

Crumpler said he was glad she was able to defend herself.

“She was lucky she knew how to use a handgun and lucky she had it. Because If she hadn’t, we might be going to a funeral,” he said. “I’m proud of her.”

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guns

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B Woodman

Without seeing pictures or being mentioned in the b’cast, one could almost guess the perps races from their names. “Daquarius”. “Devonte”. Really!?


I’m sure that if Baracka had sons they’d look like Daquarius and Devonte.


Good for her! I imagine the whole experience was traumatic for her but better that than any other likely outcome.
It is disappointing to see the first comments on here be about though. It just feeds the stereotype that 2nd amendment supporters are a bunch of racist, uneducated, rednecks.


If they were white, your response would be……what?


@4, “@$$holes got what they deserved”.

Old Trooper

@3: Trash is trash, however, because of the politically correct motives of the media, it wouldn’t be prudent to identify them by skin color or show pictures of them. So, who is racist? I know for a fact if they had been white, there would be no problem in showing their picture. I don’t identify thugs by their skin color and if they are white, black, green, purple and they bust into my house, I guarantee that my weapon is color blind, too. There are a lot of tweekers (meth heads) that get into plenty of trouble and they aren’t any different than these 2.


Good for her.


Ex-PH2: agreed. Someone burglarizing an occupied dwelling IMO fully deserves any involuntary body piercings and/or lead injections they receive while doing so.


FWIW, the linked news story DID include one of the perps’ pictures. (But it also left out BOTH of their middle names!)

Perp’s a perp. Don’t care if he looks like me or not.

Eagle Keeper

FWIW, the linked news story DID include one of the perps’ pictures. (But it also left out BOTH of their middle names!)

Perp’s a perp. Don’t care if he looks like me or not.


See, this is why the cast iron skillet stays on the stovetop and the phone is always in my pocket.

Step 1: Call the cops

Step 2: Grab skillet

Step 3: Wait at point of entry

Step 4: Apply skillet to intruder’s head, twice if necessary

Step 5: Sit on intruder until police arrive


Almost forgot, the one thing they told us in CPR class was leave the phone line open so that your call keeps going until the police arrive.

Bam Bam

Dear citizen,

Good work on using me for one of my many important purposes.

The 2nd Amendment

Ps. Revolver sends his regards! Good shooting!

Cpt Bob

If this had happened any where north of Washington DC, she would be in jail, the boys’ mama would file a 16 trillion dollar law suit and Eric Holder would charge her with a hate crime.

NR Pax

@3: It really doesn’t matter what we say or do or how we act: We’re always going to be portrayed as racist rednecks. So why bother trying to climb to the moral high ground?

That being said: Good on her for stopping the wealth redistribution agents.

2/17 Air Cav

“If they were white, your response would be……what?”

1. Atta girl!

2. Good shooting!

3. Congrats!Your house is now on the hoodlums’ Stay Away list

4. May I buy you replacement ammo?

5. All of the Above

Laughing Wolf

#4 politicalnonreason, “your aim needs improving, here is a gift card for lessons at a local range” Pretty much what I say now since I don’t care if perps are white, black, or purple with pink polka dotted renticulated pythonoids from Arcturus.

A Proud Infidel

If that had happened in Chicago or DC, she’d have been robed, raped, and possibly murdered. I agree with y’all, I don’t care one whit about the perp’s race, etc., and I’m ass-out sick and tired of snot-nosed liberals pining about hoe it’s society’s fault that those pooor boys had to go out and rob,…..

@14, Cpt Bob, yep, or Califruitnia, Illinois,…


#4 – I like a good, feel good story. But since you dropped in and tried to make this crime about race, maybe it should be pointed out just how pissed off you would be if it were your own mother in that situation. Somehow, I think you wouldn’t be so damn quick to stir the shit pot, would ya?

And so these two wannabe criminals will catch a stretch in NC’s school for wayward yout’s and get another shot at graderatin’ from gladiator academy one more time. From there, maybe they’ll re-enter the real world and go back to robbing 7/11’s or find your house #4 and you will welcome them with arms wide open.

Pretty nice fairy tale?


Just to provide some equal time to all these heart-warming stories…


Wrong site, Joe. You should post your shit here: