Another Hugo Chavez Update

| March 5, 2013

It appears that the reports that Hugo Chavez was making a “slow and steady” recovery may have been . . . overstated.

The Venezuelan government announced yesterday that their Communist Leftist President has suffered fresh setbacks in his recovery.  According to Information Minister Ernesto Villegas:

“Today there is a worsening of his respiratory function, related to his depressed immune system. There is now a new, severe infection.  The commander-president remains clinging to Christ and to life, conscious of the difficulties he is facing, and complying strictly with the program designed by his medical team.”

The Venezuelan government has previously indicated on multiple occasions that Chavez is “fighting for his life”.  This latest report doesn’t seem to be good news for the Chavez “home team” on that score.

Yes, Chavez is a born survivor.  But with each new report, I’m increasingly getting the feeling that he’s nearing the end of his time here on earth.

Category: Hugo Chavez

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This shit’s getting worse than Weekend at Bernie’s.

And while I’m dating myself, this guy is reminding me more and more of Amarante Cordova, the old guy from The Milagro Beanfield War. Find me something that ISN’T wrong with the guy, yet if the Venezuelan media (and ours–but ours doesn’t have as much credibility and is more state-run than theirs) were to be believed, he’s gonna outlive us all…

2/17 Air Cav

“But with each new report, I’m increasingly getting the feeling that he’s nearing the end of his time here on earth.” Yep. And you think the Vegas boys don’t know what they’re doing? Ha! Here are the croak odds from days ago, with updated odds in parentheses:

March 5…..6-5…(unchanged)
March 7…..2-1.. (even money)
March 8…..5-1.. (2-1)
March 9…..10-1..(9-2)
March 11….15-1..(7-1)
March 12….20-1..(unchanged)
March 13….40-1..(50-1)
Field (i.e., Any date after March 14)…99-1..(unchanged)


Hugo is probably in a coma and sinking fast. They’re simply putting off the inevitable, probably because if they actually said, “yes, he’s near death”, then they’d lose their hold on the populace…which may happen, anyway.

2/17 Air Cav

I’m sorry. March 6 was omitted. Frankie Fingers says that the odds are 4-5 that Hugo says adios tomorrow.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, Hondo, I’ll tell you what. I’ll make this easy for you. IF Hugo leaves this mortal coil ANY DATE AFTER March 13, I’ll donate $50 to the charity or blog of your choice, provided it doesn’t support abortion. IF Hugo kicks off on March 6 or March 7, you do the same for me BUT you donate only $10.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Generalissimo Hugo Chavez is still….alive? Maybe that Cuban health care is more advanced than we knew…

K.J. Hinton

Damn. I was going to say I’d happily pull the trigger myself, but it doesn’t look necessary now, does it?

2/17 Air Cav

@8. Just don’t do it after March 13, please.


Hugo Chavez will live until they determine who his successor will be.

Or the ice runs out, whichever comes first.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@10…with a decent power grid the ice could last some time, letting Hondo collect on the bet….


Hurry up Hugo!!! (taps watch impatiently)…..


Comrade Hugo will live until someone turns the respirator off.


Well, it’s all because he was attacked by enemies and that’s how he caught the cancer in the first place.

I kid you not.

I know that paranoid conspiracy theories can be fun, but this guy needs a new hobby.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@15 that’s got to be true because Reuters is also reporting it…..

Wasn’t aware we had weaponized cancer infecting agents….

B Woodman

I caught the radio news this afternoon coming home from work, Hugo’s dead, today, March 5th. So settle all your bets like gentlemen and shake hands.
As a continuance, the VP (now El Dictator) is blaming Hugo’s death as poisoning by the US.


Poisoned by the U.S.? That sounds a little too complicated. We could have “droned” his ass and called it a day.