Neil Sawh; 9-year-old Cavalryman for a day

| February 12, 2013

Neil Sawh 3

The good folks at the 1st Cavalry Division’s Public Affairs Office sent this heart-warming story I hope will kind of calm us down a bit after all of the news we’ve taking in the past couple of weeks. The story is about 9-year-old Neil Sawh from Houston whose dream is to be a soldier;

Deciding on a career can be a difficult decision some make very late in life, but for 9-year-old Neil Sawh of Houston, there’s nothing he wants more than to be a Soldier.

The 1st Squadron, 7th “Garryowen” Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, gave Neil Sawh, a fourth grader from Houston, the chance to be a Cavalry Soldier for a day, Feb. 8, here.

Neil was diagnosed with a rare strain of Muscular Dystrophy at the age of 7 and he received the opportunity of a lifetime when his parents surprised him with a visit to Fort Hood.

“I told him, ‘you’re (going to) have to look out,'” said Nelini Sawh, Neil’s mother. “‘They’re going to be clues along the way. Let’s see if you can figure out where we’re going.'”

Nelini said as soon as Neil saw the sign for Fort Hood; he was excited and spoke at the top of his voice.

Neil said, “Fort Hood! We’re going to the Army base!”

San Francisco native Lt. Col. Jay Miseli, commander of Garryowen, said there was no better way to get Neil involved than to incorporate him into the already scheduled Garryowen Games.

“The bottom line is, we saw this as the perfect opportunity for Neil to see what Soldiers do and experience it firsthand,” Miseli said.

Neil appeared to be very shy and quiet, but opened up while on the obstacle course.

“Let’s go Apache,” Neil shouted.

In that first picture at the top, Neil looks a little uncertain, but the Cav put him at ease the only way they know how, I guess;

Neil Sawh pushups

He looks like a completely different kid;

Neil Sawh 1

But you should go over and read the rest of the story.

Category: Real Soldiers

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That’s not fair posting stuff like this when I am at work. Folks might see me…lose a little composure…


Dang these alergies making my eyes water.

Green Thumb

Right on!


Awesomeness. More please.


Wow, its dusty in here.


And instead of producing stories like this the MSM gives us crap like degranged vet lose in LA or OBL shooter can’t get benifits….

Yeah they’re “legitimate”….

Good on the 7th.




You should really post A Kleenex Needed warning..

Kudos to a great group..

Stuart Clark

Shit; I served 8 years in the Cav and I never got a Stetson OR spurs!!! That is a great story; GarryOwen!!


My first duty station was Ft Hood, 545th MP CO, 1st Cav. One of the “First Teams Finest”. To this day, I love the Cav!


Against all odds we still have young citizens that view the military positively. There is still hope.

SFC Holland

Damnit. Cried. Jerk.

Thanks for the story, we need more. We had a great one for the Best Ranger Competition in 2011, very similar circumstances. For all the bad we read about the services, there is much good if you only look for it.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

These are the kind of stories that speak directly to the character of the individuals who make it happen. We all know the good character and honorable nature of these people because of our service, but the general public doesn’t get these stories regularly. It would be wonderful to see a few of these each week on an MSM channel.

This is nicely done all around, kudos to all involved for making a dream into reality for a child and making an old f4rts eyes water.

B Woodman

Thank you. I needed that to help restore some of my faith in humanity.
Now to find a kleenex. . . ..


Thanks to the 1st Cav and all those who made this happen!!


Blood and Steel, kid…. best of luck

John Robert Mallernee


The 1/7 Cavalry was the unit I was in when I was discharged.

I see they’re wearing the Stetson now.

When I was in, we wore berets.

But, these days, I choose to wear a Stetson on special occasions.

At the time I was in the 1/7, they were armor, with M-60 tanks.

I wonder what the unit configuration is now?

I was a scout (MOS 11 D 20), and wore spurs as part of my daily uniform.

But, I understand that today, those spurs have to be EARNED by passing a rigorous field test called a “Spur Ride”.

John Robert Mallernee

Oh, by the way, the saloon located on the main floor here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home is called, “FIDDLER’S GREEN”.

Being Cavalry, I always thought only the Cavalry had “Fiddler’s Green”.

But, before they changed the name of this place, it used to be (and is still known as) the “Naval Home”.

So, I’ve learned that “Fiddler’s Green” is a term that is used by the Navy as well as the Cavalry.

For your further elucidation, the United States Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home in Washington, D.C. and the United States Naval Home in Gulfport, Mississippi have been combined under one administration, with both homes now officially designated, “Armed Forces Retirement Home”.

Thus, soldiers and airmen can now reside in Gulfport, Mississippi, and sailors and Marines can reside in Washington, D.C.


How come Code Pink never does anything like this?


Yep sheepdogs come in all shapes and sizes some even have wheels.

This kid has enough heart to do anything, a big bravo Zulu to the guys in the 7 th for letting him live his dream even if it was only for a day.

Damned allergies…


I never got to do a spur ride, but won my gold spurs in Iraq. Probably my most prized “award” the Army has ever given me.

Garryowen, kid. You’ll do well no matter what you do in life.


Bravo Zulu! Dang, got dust in my eyes! This is good read news.