Actions Provoke Reactions

| November 16, 2012

The two ladies involved in l’affair Petraeus seem to be finding out firsthand the truth of the above title.

Looks as if the Army has decided to suspend the security clearance of Petraeus’ alleged mistress, Paula Broadwell.  No specific reason was given for the suspension.   However, based on what’s come out I’d guess it was the combination of alleged adultery and computer harassment.

Both behaviors are kinda regarded as “no-no’s” for Army officers.  Broadwell is a member of the US Army Reserve – a MI officer holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, to be precise.  Having one’s security clearance suspended is a significant issue impacting one’s  ability to serve as a MI officer.

However, at least one source is reporting that a recent search found “substantial classified information” on a computer used by Broadwell.  That could also be the reason for the Army suspending her security clearance.  Mishandling classified info is also a rather big “no-no” for an Army officer – especially an MI officer who presumably would definitely know better.

Separately, MacDill AFB has apparently decided to suspend unrestricted base access privileges previously granted to Jill Kelley.  No specific reason was given for this action either.

It will be interesting to see how these play out over time.

Category: Military issues, Who knows

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If the Army is conducting what is known as a 15-6 investigation into any of the issues you mention, then the proper administrative procedure is to put a flag on her file, which means no promotions, etc. A security clearance during an investigation, particularly one involving improper possession/storage of classified info, also will be suspended during the course of the investigation.

During a 15-6 investigation, a MI officer is as useful as an 11B who is facing a Lautenberg issue.


Well, Broadwell’s career was sunk the moment she chose to cheat on her husband with a married man. Wonder how long she has till retirement and if she’d be allowed to stay on till then.

Doc Bailey

Well shit. You KNOW that this would come back to bite everyone involved



Book. Book tours. Public speaking engagements.

Disgruntled Major

LTC B is going to see the underside of lots of buses. West Point has pointed out that she was not #1 in fitness as she claimed. Hahvahd has helpfully noted that she was asked to leave the PhD program so she settled for the MA, and anon professors have the knives out. Kings College London (her next PhD try) has started an “ethical review”. Oh, the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round…


If she deliberately mishandled classified info, knowing better, she should go to jail.


Heh…”significant impact”. Broadwell’s military career is over.


…and I suspect a LIFETIME movie deal will be in the works any day now, followed by a book and numerous speaking engagements that will likely garner $20,000.00 each. Maybe a reality show or talk show? Your guess is as good as mine.


Broadwell is living proof of the adage, “Fuck up–move up.” She might not be getting a military retirement package now, but I’m sure the other deals rolling in will more than make up for it.

All Jill Kelley has to look forward to is a photo shoot for Playboy.



Jill Kelley? Playboy? Meh. I honestly don’t think she’s very attractive. I certainly don’t think she’s hot enough for Playboy.


The possession of classified materials at home seems like a pretty damnable deal from here. Should be an automatic out, shouldn’t it? With or without jail time, but jail time is fine by me.

Forget all the distractions. Nail her for mishandliing classified material. Or is that sort of thing OK in the Army these days?


To echo what OWB said, I read that she lost her clearance because she had classified information on her home computer. Dumb bitch.



I don’t know where in the UCMJ that sort of violation would be found.

I do know they need a thorough damn investigation into HOW she got it from a secure system to her, very probably unsecure, home machine. The results of that may well justify the thorough beating of some IT people.

Basic, basic, basic security says “Hey…any secure machine will NOT have a disk drive of any sort. It will not have functioning USB keys. It will not be reachable via VPN or RDP. Materials cannot be attached to emails.” This is basic stuff that government agencies don’t seem to be able to get right.

It doesn’t excuse what she did, but it shouldn’t have been possible.


I’m no expert, but if she had classified information on her personal computer, wouldn’t that warrant a thorough investigation by the Army CID. Revokation/suspension of her clearance isn’t enought. I doubt she has SIPR capability (or privledges) on the thing she bought from BEST BUY. Just sayin’.


@1, I prefer the term “as usefull as a Jag Officer manuevering a Platoon”.

Ughhh, me grunt, me go drag knuckles, me go break things. 🙂



Therein lies the problem. I can make a damn secure system. But if I’m ordered by my Agency Administrator to circumvent that system, that’s what I have to do…after I’ve documented they’ve been warned of the potential consequences.

Now I don’t deal with anything nearly as problematic as TS/SCI level documents. Closest I come is HIPAA, which can be pretty damning in court. That whole “you were warned” thing goes out the window when the feces hits the circular air motivation system because classified docs are loose in the wild now.


Interrogator: We found proprietary and classified files on your personal (home) computer.

Suspect: Yes, and did you not also find a copy of the letter authorizing me to have them? You are aware, aren’t you, that I am not the only official, military or civilian, who routinely works on such documentation outside the office?

Suspect: You did see the declassification stamps, right?

Interrogator in an aside to partner: Keep looking. The more we can pile on, the more this story will dominate the news, and the less attention will be paid to other things . . .

Miss Ladybug

Whether she took them herself, or someone else took them and gave them to her, she would have know she shouldn’t have them, especially since she’s MI.

Heck, Daddy was MI, retiring in August ’91. He says there are still things he knows that he can’t talk about… If she didn’t know it was wrong, she shouldn’t be an officer, nevermind an MI officer…


I don’t care what she does professionally. But I would like to see her in Playboy!



Echo that. Broadwell is far hotter than Kelley.


OK, who let her have that stuff to begin with?


@24, I thought she was an intelligence officer. That would explain her access, but not her stupidity bringing that shit home.


@23 Kind of like comparing a hooded cobra with a spitting cobra, isn’t it?


When will this bitch be brought up on adultery charges?

Or do politically connected field grade officers not have to bother with such pedestrian matters>?


Commentary I was listening to last night said that any more, adultery charges are rarely prosecuted by themselves. They’re usually prosecuted as an add-on to some other charges.

Things must have changed, because when I was in, a Marine I knew was busted for sleeping with someone’s wife. Even though he was single, he was busted, put on 2 months restriction, 1/2 pay for 2 months, and some other stuff. He did keep his E-4 though.



Nah. I think Paula’s pretty good looking. Kelley, however, is…uninspiring to my eye.


@30 I like cobras, some better than others.

I still wouldn’t play with one.



Fair point.


…in all fairness to the damaged generals, however…at least a cobra acts like the snake it is.


Adultery is not a crime unless you’re in a different socio-political environment than you are here at home. If you’re some place else, you might get stoned to death for even daring to think about it.

Here, it’s just a disgusting “boys will be boys” kind of thing.

Dirt Dart

Hondo, this is the gambit she could run. Worst case she see’s them all.

18 USC § 798 – DISCLOSURE OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION (The Espionage Act of 1917)

UCMJ Article’s:
78- Accessory after the fact
81- Conspiracy,
92- Failure to obey order or regulation,
104- Aiding the enemy
106a – Espionage
107- False official statements
108- Military property of United States – Loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition
120a- Stalking
131- Perjury
132- Frauds against the United States
133- conduct unbecoming an officer
And my favorite- 134 – The military catch all,adultry to end it all…


She’s West Point. So was Big Johnson III, who married the daughter of his #1 Iraqi contractor while still married. The same Big Johnson who’s pulling in more $$ in retirement than most here make, even after alimony and child support.

What puzzles me is that 99.99999999999% of the time, the Lefties are out in force to protect the dishonor of a slut. But Broadwell’s been left to fend for herself.

However, the other person in the troika, Kelley, has been to the WH 3 times this year? As an unpaid social planner? Is that what we call courtesans these days? Wonder how her hubby’s doing, what with him only being a doctor and not wearing stars. Looks like Kelley is top cover from the press.