Susan Cole, the PTSD fake, sentenced

| November 15, 2012

Jerry920 sent us a link to the news that the twit who claimed she had PTSD to get out of jury duty was sentenced yesterday for “second-degree perjury and attempting to influence a public servant”. We discussed her back in March when she was first arrested after bragging about her misdeed where a judge could hear her.

Her makeup looked like something you would wear during a theater performance,” court reporter Kelli Wessels told investigators at the time, according to the Denver Post. “When the judge asked the entire panel if anyone had a mental illness, [Cole] stated she had difficulties getting ready in the morning, which was apparent to me by the way she was dressed.”

Cole was excused from her civic duties. But her plot was foiled four months later when Judge Mansfield heard a woman bragging about how she faked mental illness to evade jury duty on a local radio show.


Cole pleaded guilty Tuesday and was given a two-year deferred judgment for the felony count of attempting to influence a public servant, a felony, and two years of probation for the misdemeanor count of second degree perjury, according to the Denver District Attorney. She is also required to perform 40 hours of community service.

She told the judge at the time of her dismissal that she caught the PTSD while in an abusive relationship and in the military. For one thing, everyone in the military is in an abusive relationship. At the time of her first appearance, I wrote;

Shame on the woman for dragging the rest of us through the mud with her antics, but shame on the judge for believing the crock. A disheveled appearance is the exact opposite of a veteran. I’m pretty sure that putting on two different socks and shoes has nothing to do with one’s mental state. If I had the slightest inclination to look into this woman’s bullshit background, I’m betting she never spent a day in uniform and if she was in an abusive relationship, her partner was probably just the first in a very long line of people wanting to abuse her. I know he is today.

In today’s article, Dr. Joseph Calabrese, a psychiatrist at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland said;

“As a mental health professional, I find this disturbing and upsetting, PTSD is a very serious, life threatening illness. And things like this tend to trivialize it.”


“I find these sorts of things distracting and inappropriate,” Calabrese said of Cole’s “manipulative” behavior. “That sort of criminal behavior has nothing to do with mental illness.”

I hope this whole trial has been a traumatic event for her, and it’s too bad that they won’t toss her strange ass in jail for another dose of trauma.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Standing offer: anyone has enough info (1stname/middlename/lastname plus either SSN or DOB) on Cole let me know and I’ll file a FOIA request.


I have difficulties getting ready in the morning … a six year old boy, a lovely bossy wife, a job that has my BB ringing 24/7 … all these things makes the mornings difficult!

You can’t make this sh*t up!


There’s also a contact person with phone number on that press release who may be able to tell you what the A in Susan A. Cole (dob: 10-21-54) might stand for.


A = Asinine

Green Thumb



Since she pleaded I guess she didn’t get a trial by jury? Probably good luck for her.


“Cole pleaded guilty Tuesday and was given a two-year deferred judgment for the felony count of attempting to influence a public servant, a felony, and two years of probation for the misdemeanor count of second degree perjury, according to the Denver District Attorney.”

Not anywhere near enough.

That said, you might be able to get the information from the Denver area Parole-Probation office, or the Court where she was sentenced. That sort of thing should be public information.


Thanks, OWB. The name and DOB might be enough; I’ll contact the Denver DA’s office if that turns out not to be the case.

FOIA away.


Follow-up: FOIA on “SUSAN A. COLE” with DOB as listed in comment 4 above came back. “No records located.”

Looks like she’s just a wannabe poser who never served trying to play the PTSD card.


She probably caught it from some fake seal.