You Weren’t so ‘FAST’ at 3:00 am, Obama…

| October 29, 2012

One of my first thoughts when I heard that our consulate in Benghazi had been overrun with four Americans being killed was, where was FAST (Fleet Anti-terrorist Security Team)?

While I read news reports that special operations units in Europe had been alerted, I couldn’t help but wonder, where were the troops specifically trained for such a mission? It wasn’t until today that I learned a FAST team had indeed been dispatched to Benghazi, but not until after the fatal attack.

Had minimal foresight been exercised by the Obama administration, one of the most highly-trained and little-known, quick-response specialty units in the Marine Corps could have been on site in anticipation of heightened violence on September 11th, which as my wife reminded me, was the eleventh anniversary of 9/11, making it even more meaningful to Muslim terrorist planners.

The Marine Corps Security Force Regiment, headquartered in the Norfolk, Virginia area, whose primary mission is naval security and anti/counter terrorism, has companies and teams of former infantry Marines who have volunteered or been selected for these specialized operations, spread about the world to protect American interests. These are some very tough, very deadly specialists, heavily trained in CQB, Close Quarters Battle, and SWAT tactics. Had a FAST platoon been on the ground in Libya as a sensible precaution, they, with their naval support, most likely would have made short work of the attacking terrorists and denied the Islamists the triumph of killing an American ambassador.

Since FAST units had already been deployed to multiple locations in North Africa during the various Arab Spring uprisings, it is incomprehensible that no one responsible for diplomatic security saw fit to have, at the minimum, a platoon of these lethal specialists deployed to embassies and consulates throughout that region, at the ready to deal with contingencies that might arise during the 9/11 anniversary.

The FAST company stationed at the naval base in Rota, Spain, some 1500 miles from Libya, is supposed to have several hundred Marines assigned. The FAST company at Manama, Bahrain may be even closer. Just fifty of those heavily-armed, fierce defenders from either base could have made a huge difference, perhaps even deterring any attack at all by their very presence. Further, FAST units are sometimes deployed afloat with the fleet, meaning that there may have been one of these teams aboard a ship much closer to the site of the attack at the time it commenced.

What is truly amazing, and will be infinitely more difficult for the Obama administration to explain, is that an available force of Marines, specifically trained in embassy and consulate defense, was not alerted and in the air immediately when the first shot was fired in Benghazi. Instead, they were only ordered in after the battle was concluded and four Americans lay dead. Reports coming out now verify that personnel in the consulate sought reinforcements for almost seven hours without success.

America failed to support her outposts on foreign ground at a time when the locals were demonstrably hostile. It would appear that Hillary’s campaign ad was prescient; Obama did indeed get that 3:00 am call when Americans were in harm’s way:

And, as his fellow-Democrat, now Secretary of State, had predicted four years ago, it went unanswered.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues

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AW1 Tim

Of course, if the entire operation was to permit the embassy to be overrun in the first place, then things make a lot more sense.

One of the interesting articles I read states that there were two warehouse-type buildings beside the embassy that likely housed arms being sent covertly to Syrian rebels. It claims that the Ambassador and the former SEALs were actually facilitating the transfer.

The attackers managed to loot the weapons from the warehouse and inadvertently killed the Ambassador in the process. This administration decided to let the attackers overrun the compounds in order to cover up their illegal arms transfer.

Not saying it’s true, but it makes sense to me, even without having to resort to my tinfoil helmet of wonder & insight. 🙂

What I do believe is that those men were left to die in order to cover up something. What that something was, I don’t know, but I’d really like to find out.


Can I borrow your tinfoil helmet since I believe you are correct.


Make mine the chartreuse tinfoil helmet today, please.

2-17 Air Cav

The guy in the White House–the one who closely resembles Alfred E. Newman but isn’t nearly as bright–commented on MSNBC this morning regarding the Benghazi attack. “The president said that he took offense ‘to some suggestion that, you know, in any way we haven’t tried to make sure the American people knew as information was coming in what we believed happened.’”

What? Run that by us again, will ya? There is some suggestion? No, moron, we are saying this: You are deliberately withholding information and lying through your well polished teeth.

“that, you know” Knock-knock. This ain’t the Southside of Chicago, bub. Speak up and speak clearly. Better still, shut the hell up and next speak when you are willing to tell the truth, you damn weasel.

I can’t deal with this. The PResident of the United States of America is a damned liar. The Secretary of State is a damned liar. Their respective sacks of crap lackies are damned liars.

God save our military in harm’s way while this POS is CIC.


With the coming $1 trillion in defense cuts, will the FAST survive?

2-17 Air Cav

@5. If obama is re-elected, what’s the difference? Get fitted for a turban now–just in case.


A turban? I don’t think so, AirCav. Stock up on popcorn. There are still surprises to come. Better include stocking up on pizza and wings, too.


No 2-17 Air Cav, I won’t. A stetson’s fine by me.


Just received this from a friend, without attribution:

The Battling Bastards of Benghazi

We’re the Battling Bastards of Benghazi,
no fame, no glory, no paparazzi.
Just a firey death in a blazing hell,
defending the country we loved so well.
It wasn’t our job, but we answered the call,
fought to the consulate, ‘n scaled th’ wall.
We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate,
led them to safety, ‘n stood at th’ gate.
Just the two of us, ‘n foe by th’ score,
but we stood fast to bar th’ door.
We called for reinforcement, but it was denied,
so we fought, ‘n we fought, ‘n we fought, ‘n we died.
We gave our all for our Uncle Sam,
‘n Obama didn’t give a damn,
just two dead SEALS, who carried the load,
no thanks to us, we were bumps in the road.

Meg Lakowski

Yeah, so … yeah.
Maybe the President accidentally scrolled past the infos on rapid-response assets while reading his intel briefings? Help me out here, trying to find some semi-sensible reason …
(goes to dust off her tin-foil hat)


After today’s (10-29) post at Cdr. Salamader’s place, I’m beginning to think a proposed scenario may be accurate. Basically, POTUS & company completely dropped the ball, decided the attack was not a great threat, and after things went south they were too scared of “Black Hawk Down II” to do anything.

After that they went with their instinct, which was obfuscate & ignore in the finest manner of the Chicago political tradition. Problem is, they aren’t in Chicago anymore.


No matter how hard this administration tries, the stink of this will not wash off. Fucking own it, cowards.