Covering for Obama

| October 29, 2012

So a walk-through of the media and this morning and they’re doing their darndest to keep Libya off of the front page. Washington Post’s only mention of the President is a puff piece about how he walks a tight wire on race (what else). But nothing on Libya. The Washington Times, however, has finally picked up on the story, reporting that John McCain has shook the cobwebs from his brain and started talking about Libya;

“For literally days and days they told the American people something that had no basis in fact whatsoever. And that is the president of the United States,” the Arizona Republican said in an interview on CBS‘ “Face the Nation.” Mr. Obama “said that he immediately ordered action to be taken no action was taken over seven hours. Now we find out the secretary of defense decided not to take any action.”


“Somebody the other day said to me, ‘This is as bad as Watergate.’ Well, nobody died in Watergate,” Mr. McCain said. “This is either a massive coverup or incompetence that is not acceptable to the American people.”

In the editorial pages, Joseph Curl picks up the Watergate analogy;

The main lesson from Watergate (after the no-brainer that you should never hire a guy named “Tricky Dick”) was this: The Cover-Up Is Worse Than The Crime. For some reason, Professor Obama seems not to know this crucial lesson. Or he’s just arrogant enough to say, “Well, that doesn’t apply to someone as brilliant as moi.”

Make no mistake, though: There is a massive cover-up under way in the White House. Nothing else can explain the endless contradictions over the attack that left the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans dead. The White House has already had to rewrite the entire narrative once, holding a late night conference call with reporters just before a House hearing two weeks ago in which State Department officials told a whole new tale: There was no “spontaneous” protest over some anti-Islam video posted on YouTube. Instead, there were dozens of heavily armed terrorists who poured over a 9-foot-high fence covered with barbed wire to attack America on 9/11.

Yeah, the cover up has been going on since the irrational and implausible story that the attack occurred because of a spontaneous demonstration over a poorly executed movie – a movie the was produced more poorly than the attack on the consulate. Who brings a mortar tube to an impromptu demonstration?

At Blackfive, Deebow doesn’t like the idea that Obama is blaming the military for his won paralysis in reacting to the attack in time so save four Americans.

A link to the Washington Examiner sent to us by Ex-PH2 asks why Romney isn’t talking about Benghazi. For the record, I asked the campaign that question last night and I’m still waiting for an answer.

As far as the media goes, a young sergeant in Afghanistan wrote to tell us that the TV in their messhall is tuned to BBC and al Jazeera, English because they can’t trust the US media to tell them the truth anymore.

Category: 2012 election, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media, Military issues

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“… because they can’t trust the US media to tell them the truth anymore.”

From an American soldier, that is the money quote of the day, IMO.

Now if after Romney wins in a landslide of historical proportions, he doesn’t succumb to any, “Let’s just get on with the business of the country…” BS in order to be seen as a “healer” and gets to the bottom of this. Heads need to roll.


Here is the interview conducted by reporter Kyle Clark of KUSA Denver…Man o’ man, Barry got caught w/ his knickers down, he was expecting softball questions, but instead got some brushback pitches. Mr. Clark was all business and wasn’t buying BO’s bullcrap story on Benghazi incident…

© Sponge

Some of the folks over at AceofSpades have been saying this for quite some time.

Commenter AllenG specifically says “Watergate didn’t have a body count.”

He’s got a blog, where he as a breakdown of the document dump a while back and gives a pretty good synopsis.

Go check it out it you want to get even more pissed off about this.


Sen. McCain is right — no one died over Watergate, but there was an ‘incarcerated’ body count. It did an enormous amount of damage to the Republican party.

This is different. It’s a lot more harmful. It is also doing an enormous amount of damage to the Democrats as well as the media talking heads and jocks that still try to gloss over the incompetence in the administration.

No matter who wins this election, the people responsible (including the incumbent) will face the consequences for what they’ve done. Count on it.


Don’t really need to be any more disappointed in this group of posers than I am already. These clowns approximate entirely too closely my worst nightmare.

Right now the clown in chief is telling folks how wonderful FEMA is and that people should evacuate when told to do so. Isn’t it a bit late to be evacuating from Sandy?? But isn’t he wonderful. His “people” are wonderful. He has met everyone’s needs.

Yeah, right, idiot. Now he’s telling people to go to to learn how to prepare for this storm. Again – isn’t it a little late to prepare?


One reason for Romney not talking about Benghazi: anything he says now will be viewed as undue command influence in a future investigation/prosecution.

What I would like to see is the FEC pass judgement on the MSM as adjuncts to the DNC, and slapped with tax violations, fines, and other punitive actions. They have freedom of speech, but not freedom from the law.


OWB, what do you expect from him? He’s completely incompetent. He probably can’t get dressed without someone telling him how to do that, and when, and what to wear.

I keep telling myself that one day, I’ll wake up and everything will be like it was before 2008. Then I have to smack myself back to reality.

2-17 Air Cav

The plan is for him to be all over this storm. He will even be (or all ready was) at Ground Zero, NYC. No, not the WTC, the War Room for weather. You see, he IS a man of action. He truly DOES have the welfare of each of us at heart. He HAS the right team in place. Look, he even took off his tie AND he’s yaking a sandwich at his desk today. How serious is that! Make no mistake, he is the Chief Executive nonpareil! He isn’t looking for votes. This isn’t about image. He really cares. He really, really cares.

2-17 Air Cav

Hey, how about another fly-by over Manhattan in AF One?


OMG!!!!! Rush is currently referring to Blackfive’s report! He’s talking about the painting of the target now!!

Ooooooh, this is good. And he’s pointing out what is obvious to all of us. And that milblogs across the country are all discussing the same.


The voice of the people….Vox Popularis

2-17 Air Cav

Send him a link to the FIRST POST when Jonn threw the BS flag on Day 1!


AirCav, Bo is in New York? Why? The restaurants in midtown Manhattan are all shut down? The subways are shut down. Battery Park is already flooding. Nobody’s home.

Why would he be there? Oh! Day late and a dollar short. I forgot.


BO also pointed out that the first responders will be “working 24-7 throughout” the current emergency. Fookin’ idjut, first responders work 24-7, 365.
But, all you folks out there who’ve lost your power, go to or call 311 for info. What a maroon, what an idjut…

2-17 Air Cav

Local advice includes not using candles for light. I kid you not. Do not run gas or charcoal grills in your home and do not use candles for light. Me, I put a few next to the drapes, a couple more next to the matches and kerosene. Oh, and for convenince I put three next to the pile of papers I want to read when the lights go out.


“As far as the media goes, a young sergeant in Afghanistan wrote to tell us that the TV in their messhall is tuned to BBC and al Jazeera, English because they can’t trust the US media to tell them the truth anymore.”

Be On The Lookout for flash traffic prohibiting the “unauthorized capture and broadcast of foreign propaganda that has not been vetted by the State Department PIO.”


You asked why Romney isn’t talking about this disastrous business.

The smart thing to do is to stay out of it. There is no political capital to be gained from Romney’s sticking his oar in.

We all know that some serious mistakes have been made with the Benghazi incident. At this point in this game, the party that shows the other’s mistakes is more likely to get a backlash from doing so.

Romney is better off staying out of it, even if you disagree with my take on this.