Homeland Security reviewing ROE for border agents

| October 19, 2012

Apparently, some “human rights advocates” are upset that when rioting civilians attack border agents by throwing rocks at them, they are met with a hail of bullets in return. So the Department of Homeland Security is reviewing the “disproportional response”. This won’t end well (LA Times at Stars & Stripes);

Under the agency’s guidelines, agents are permitted to use lethal force in such situations because rocks and other projectiles have caused serious injuries. Most agents involved in fatal incidents in recent years have been cleared of wrongdoing.

“CBP law enforcement personnel are trained to use deadly force in circumstances that pose a threat to their lives, the lives of their fellow law enforcement partners and innocent third parties,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a recent statement.

Human rights advocates and civil rights groups hailed the inspector general’s move as a way to counter what they call a growing culture of impunity. It is believed to be the first time that the agency has come under such scrutiny in recent years. The inquiry was not announced publicly, but was included in the inspector general’s annual performance plan, which was released Oct. 4.

So, what exactly do they expect? If border agents threw rocks back at them, they’d complain about that, too. Maybe they should just arm themselves with Nerf bats and those guns that launch little Nerf rockets. That would be a great deterrent.

The folks who throw rocks need to learn that if they don’t want to be shot, they shouldn’t throw rocks at armed folks. I mean, that’s what I take away from it. In fact, I’ve done a lot of stupid shit in my life but throwing rocks at guys with guns isn’t one of the things I tried.

Since September, three people have been killed in confrontations involving Border Patrol officers, including a mother of five from the San Diego suburb of Chula Vista and a 16-year-old suspected rock thrower from Nogales.

During the boy’s funeral this week, mourners carried his coffin along the border fence and shouted epithets at border officials who bolstered security along the fence dividing Arizona from Sonora.

Yeah, that helps to get your point across. Idiots.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Old Trooper

Hitting someone in the head with a rock can be fatal. Maybe the take away in this whole thing is: Don’t bring a rock to a gun fight.


Here we go…the good idea fairy is going to help the higher echelon fucks perfect stupid


My answer to the problem? HIGH VOLTAGE.

Saves on ammo.


So, border patrol agents should not be allowed to defend themselves against attacks?

Or people who throw rocks should expect to not get return fire?


Oh, wait. I’ve got it! The border agents did not post a warning sign that says “If you throw rocks at us, expect to get shot by us.”

Now I get it.


I say we issue them rubber rounds… or better yet, paint ball guns with a mace fill. You throw rocks, we shoot you in the face with mace.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

“The folks who throw rocks need to learn that if they don’t want to be shot, they shouldn’t throw rocks at armed folks. ”

I take exception to this statement Jonn, and I think Darwin would agree with me. I would prefer they get shot, and preferably killed, for not knowing it.

If they don’t instinctively know this they shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce as it only weakens the herd with their pathetically stupid gene pool….

Throw a rock get shot, sounds like fair play to me.


handguns didn’t send the message? We should upgrade to SMG’s.

AW1 Tim

They fail to mention that the “mother of five” who was shot and killed had a Border Patrol Agent hanging on to the hood of her car for dear life. She was refusing to stop and trying to swerve to throw him off her hood.

The agent was in uniform and had ordered her to stop. After several warnings, the officer fired at her and killed her.

Seemed like a justified shooting to me.


Tim, if they mentioned that it wouldn’t fit into their narrative.


need to issue one per CBP patrol: reproduction 18th century musket, large bore, flintlock. Several thin leather patches, pound of FFg powder, small batch of FFFFg priming powder, multiple projectiles rounded down from common rock. You launch rocks at us, we launch rocks at you. Level playing field.


Yeah those poor little innocent kids that the CBP guys shoot really arent all the innocent and in most cases little. These are teenagers who should know better that to throw rocks and are usually throwing rocks AFTER they were caught smuggling drugs or people into the country. I live in Arizona just about 90 miles north of the border. Im tired of the drugs and people smuggling and all the rest that goes with it. Im especially tired of the people who dont have to deal with the crap that comes over the border trying to dictate how we should deal with what happens on our border. In the latest incident of a CBP agent shooting a rock thrower a person was hit with a rock, thats what prompted thee shooting. This is yet again another instance of play stupid games win stupid prizes. If you dont want to be shot on the border try not throwing rocks at people after youve been caught smuggling drugs over the border.


Reality: There actually is nothing here to discuss, but some whining idiots want to create another solution to a problem which does not exist.

Throwing rocks at those guarding the borders of any other country on Earth would result in your getting shot. That is all one needs to know.

B Woodman

Sounds like DHS wants to enact Afghanistan-style ROEs on the border agents. “Mommy may I shoot back” doesn’t work well with adults. As was said above, the good idea fairy is hovering, waiting to strike.

2-17 AirCav

I don’t know but I’d bet that a few more Mexicans have been killed by Fast & Furious weapons than by Border Patrol Agents defending themselves from missile throwers. By the way, did I miss Holder’s resignation over that wonderful program?

Just Plain Jason

One of those shoot bury don’t report things….


At the rate they’re going, the BP will be disarmed by Christmas… But that’s ok, we have the TSA who can take over their job :/


At the rate they’re going, the BP will be disarmed by Christmas… But that’s ok, we have the TSA who can take over their job :/

SFC Holland

Follow Israel’s example and screw public opinion. Armed cannons, minefields, remote weapons systems, true border security both north and south. People don’t respect America because we are a nation of pussies. If someone’s offended we drop everything. Only rich entitled nations think the way we do. Poor countries that struggle for survival can’t afford a conscience, they are focused on sustenance. It should be okay to defend your home, and stupidity should be punished. don’t commit a crime and expect to be rewarded. stay away from our borders or die seems pretty simple to me. If you want to come over do it legally.


If I had my way, and the way a number of my close acquaintances also hold true, then we would have heavy armor at the border, and maybe even some CAS to go along with it. All personnel should be fully armed with rifles and M203 launchers, and Ma Deuce should be a well known voice that barks loudly at any armed threats. It’s time that we do this right!


I love the category you filed this under: Dumbasss Bullshit! Now, this is my kind of blog!

As a former police officer, I guffaw at the stupidity of people who haven’t been there, done that. For them, it’s an intellectual exercise. They have no sense of the practical effects of their stupidity. The best example are those chuckleheads who, when they see a SWAT standoff and the subject is shot, ask “Why didn’t you just shoot the gun out of their hand?” BWAHAHAHA!

In order to up their IQ, I would love to take these jackwagons into the crappiest neighborhood I can find, and just let them loose. They’d be shooting people left and right!

I guess at the end of the day, it’s just part of the job. You do the job and people criticize us for it. We live with it.


#3 Ah, the Taser! The greatest tool ever! Just the threat of using it brings compliance most of the time.

One time, I was the Taser equipped officer in my sector and was called to a scene of disorderly conduct. Showed up to find a guy surrounded by three other officers. The perp made a BIG show of taking his shirt off and then slowly bringing his hands up in a boxing position. “I’m ready to kick your asses!”

I simply said, “Hey!” He looked at me standing there with the Taser pointed at him, looked at the laser dot on his torso and he then slowly, ever so slowly moved his hands behind his back to the handcuffing position.

Yup, a wonderful tool!

SFC Holland

@3/21, so… taze the border? I’m for it!


@22 LOL! Yeah, I guess I read @3 wrong. But, hey, it might be a good idea. Agents are watching the border via remote cameras. Just give them a button to push when they see someone coming over the wall. ZAP! They won’t do THAT again. And it saves electricity. I’m all for going green!

Yat Yas 1833

Unless you live in Tx, NM, Az or the People’s Republik…ok maybe not them, they offer illegals asylum, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! Unless you live in a border state you have no idea. When there are gunning gun battles up I-35 by “coyotes” trying to steal each others loads of illegals then you can talk. When there are gun fights in you neighborhood by “coyotes” over “drop houses”, full of illegals, then you can give an opinion. When your national parks and monuments are being destroyed by illegals leaving their garbage and dead bodies, then flap your yap. When your state is paying hundreds of millions of $s to incarcerate, try and deport these illegals or pay for medical care for illegal border crossers left behind by coyotes, who could care less about human life or their own countrymen, then come to me and we’ll talk.

I used to keep my 1911A1 in a lock box when my grandbabies were around but not anymore. I also used to keep my .308 in my brothers gun safe but not anymore. I live in what’s considered a “nice neighborhood” here in Phoenix and about a month ago there were reports of “shots fired” on the next block over, Piute Ave. When PD showed up there were illegals running around all over the neighborhood. I put my grandbabies in the master bath, I had 1/4″ plate steel put into the walls, and walked the perimeter with my rifle. Is this paranoia? Yeah, it probably is. This is becoming life in Az because no one in comrade banana’s wants to do anything about his voting base. unless you’re living like this? STFU!!!


Geez, Yat Yas, that sounds like the neighborhood I used to live in in Chicago, and it was entirely the Latino gangs running around loose. It’s the reason I moved.

I know. You can’t, so I’m not being a smartaleck.

Yat Yas 1833

Ex-PH2, ok, ok, maybe I went a bit over the edge but it really scorches my shorts when someone from Noo Joisey is making the policy on how the ROEs on the border of Az will be enforced. What really torques me the most is that commissar nopalitano, the former Gov. of Az, would declare the “border is more secure than ever before”. Tell that to the families of Phoenix PD Officers, Cortez, Erfle & Murphy who were all murdered by illegals. All three murderers had been a deported a minimum of three times. My sister is with PD, will it happen to her? What worries me the most is, when are the citizens of the southwest going to start taking the law into their own hands? Our federal government could care less about our border then they sue the sh*t out of any state that does anything to try to enact laws to do what the Feds refuse to do. Yeah, real secure border.


I don’t think you’re going overboard. You’re just saying what everyone else thinks.


Yat? You really, really need to understand that there are many among us who completely agree with you, and we do not live along the border. This mess costs us all in lives lost, medical inflation, loss of freedom, and all the same things it does you and your family. Yes, it is closer to you, but we all see it, wherever we may reside.

Part of the problem is that this is another issue which has purposefully been made into something it is not – just driving another wedge among groups of us.


If you have not already seen this, you should take a look at it.

The story parallells our problem, in a country that invented the term democracy, and which now has an illegal immigrant demographic of 1,000,000 in a population of 11,000,000 citizens. The natives seem to be a little more proactive over there.
