Weapons missing in Benghazi

| October 13, 2012

McClatchy is reporting that when the British in Benghazi closed their office doors after their diplomats were attacked with RPGs, they left their weapons and vehicles with the American contingent there. of course all that shit is gone now;

The June 11 attack on British Ambassador Sir Dominic Asquith as he drove through Benghazi is among a list of 230 security incidents, 48 in Benghazi alone, that U.S. officials compiled to show how dangerous Libya had become. Two of Asquith’s security guards were wounded in the attack. In contrast to the Americans, who remained in Benghazi, the British determined that the city was too dangerous and closed their offices.

Before withdrawing, however, British officials reached an agreement with the U.S. consulate to leave their weapons and vehicles at the poorly guarded U.S. compound.

“We are working with the U.S. to establish what, if anything, has happened to this equipment,” British news agencies quoted an unnamed Foreign Office spokesman as saying.

So the Brits had the foresight to un-ass Benghazi. Good for them. As far as the weapons and stuff, look, we arm Mexican drug lords here, so we have no problem arming al Qaeda terrorists with your stuff in Libya.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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CI Roller Dude

Well “Joe B” said that nobody told the President how fucked up Lybia was….so,….. ummmmm….

2-17 AirCav

I can understand no one telling Joey the WonderPlug a thing–other than to talk to no oner off script but that business of obama not knowing is malarky. Hillary would have been sure to cover her increasingly wide load and made certain THE ONE knew that trouble was brewing. And then there’s that little matter of EVERY thinking American expecting trouble as each anniversary of the Sepember 11 attacks nears. Hell, the Brits rolled, leaving weapons and Lord knows what else that is now in the hands of Al.

ex AF

Locals have more than enough stuff from the recent unpleasantness. AK-47s are like .22’s over there….


I’m no lib but let’s be honest with ourselves. We trained and armed al-Qaeda back when they were fighting the Russians. We have a very bad habit of arming and training those that will only use it against us.

2-17 AirCav

Okay, I’m all for honesty. The Us did not directly support al Qaeda when it formed in the late 80s as the Russian’s prepared to withdraw from Dodge. To this moment, reliable sources are at odds with each other about the degree of actual support we extended. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, as is said. Uncle Joe Stalin is the best example of this adage applied.

2-17 AirCav

I should point out that lefties frequently cite to that OBL support stuff–or did until THE ONE singlehandedly took him out in a mission so secret no one will ever write a book about it and, of course, obama will never take credit for or even acknowledge he personally led the team that did the job.


I’m no lib but

Sure sounds like it. You realize the Taliban and Al-Q didn’t even exist in anything resembling their modern form until the early 1990’s after the Soviets had already left, yes?


@4 – Al Qaeda was funded and trained from its inception by Mohamar Qaddafi in Libya back in the 1970s and onward until Osama bin Laden started kicking in the cash.

Who do you think planted the explosives that destroyed the PanAm flight over Lockerbie, Scotland in the 1980s? And the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut in 1983? Who was it? Was it Bigfoot?

I’ve said this before: short-term memory loss is not a good sign.

CI Roller Dude

Oh yeah, we found some of the UK’s old weapons in Iraq…I had an old .455 Webley, and a Sten gun…figured the Brits lost them 50 years ago when they were there….and none of them worked anymore.


The CIA armed and trained the United Islamic Front,more commonly known as the Northern Alliance, in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation. They neither trained nor supported Al Qaeda. Some members of the Northern Alliance stayed, others left and either joined or formed other groups. Someone here awhile back used a good reference: Saying we “trained al qaeda” is like saying the Foo Fighters best album is Nevermind.


America was anti-anything Soviet, I’ve done quite a bit of research into the soviet war in Afghanistan, in some instances mujahideen fighters had newer Chinese made AK-47, that were purchased with american funds, and of course the stinger missiles… No matter if they were or are al-queda, whoever they are they sure kept them AKs, RPGs and everything else in a safe place waiting for someone else to try and invade the stan…. Most Liberals will say that George Bush Sr. is responsible for the current war in Afghanistan because at the time he was the head of the CIA… I think its pretty cut and dry…. we also funded Iraq during their war with Iran, just so we could turn around and fight them in 91… I see a pattern here…