Hasan still on borrowed time

| September 26, 2012

The Associated Press reports that Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood murderer, is still drawing breaths after being released from Fort Hood’s Darnall Hospital and he’s been returned to his cell at the Bell County, TX jail.

Authorities have not said why Hasan was taken to the hospital Saturday, but he was listed in good condition earlier this week.

His former defense attorney, John Galligan, said he believes Hasan was hospitalized over problems related to his incontinence, although he has not spoken to his former client in more than a year. Hasan has had health problems stemming from his catheter, including blood in his urine, about a year ago, Galligan said.

Too bad he couldn’t shit himself to death – a fitting demise. They could have surgically removed his beard while they had his ass in the hospital.

Category: Shitbags

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Maybe someone showed him a picture of the 72 virgins awaiting him and he decided it wasn’t time to go after all.


He can sit in his own pee till he gets all wrinkly.

Dave Thul

Visiting a hospital is a perfect excuse to slip him a Tylenol PM and shave the damn beard.

Although I still think the guards should have switched his regular soap and shampoo for Nair months ago.


What totally gets me riled is that HE still gets all this press, and yet those he murdered are not mentioned in the msm…they are known and remembered only by those who loved them the most.

I can’t WAIT for the day when this POS is relegated to the dustbin of obscurity..


Why, brat, don’t you know that being any kind of criminal, whether you’re a terrorist suicide bomber or a common murderer, is always, always, always about being the center of attention?

If it weren’t that way, Charlie Manson would be dead by now.

Old Trooper

I say they velcro his head down, shave him with a straight razor and cold water, and be done with all this bullshit. We know they will never give him the death penalty, because his lawyers will argue that he is in a wheel chair, so it would be cruel and unusual punishment. I think it’s just aweful that the poor guy is having medical problems stemming from the injuries he suffered during his murder rampage. One more bullet, just one more, and we wouldn’t have had to worry about beards in uniform in the courtroom, or his problems with catheters, etc., but as it stands, he didn’t get that one more bullet at the time.

Adirondack Patriot

Key fashion tip for Hasan: When wearing white man jammies, never wear anything other than white diapers or wee wee pads. You can see right through and that is such an embarassing fashion faux pas.

And make sure you get a prayer rug with 3M stainproofing. Sometimes when you bend over, your diaper may not always give you leak protection you come to expect. Oh, noes!

Allahu akbar, pisspants.

Scouts Out

Fuck that, I’m glad this guy wasn’t killed after his rampage stopped, and I don’t want to see him get the DP either. Once the trial is over I say let him spend the next few decades peeing blood and covered in his own waste. Killing thus POS would be more of a mercy than anything.


If he’s incontinent, I’m wondering how he maintains valid wudu (ritual cleansing) before praying 5x daily.

After all, since he’s so traditionally devout and all, he must be doing that – right?


Too bad they didn’t use a glass catheter, and then as soon as it is inserted, stomp on it.


“His former defense attorney, John Galligan, said he believes Hasan was hospitalized over problems related to his incontinence, although he has not spoken to his former client in more than a year. ”

Please. Someone tell me Hasan is shitting himself to death.


@ #5: Sadly, I know that all you say is true.

Old Tanker

Awww, he must have been treated for a rash from sitting in shitty diapers all day….