Third victim in Benghazi was a former SEAL

| September 13, 2012

Fox News is reporting that the third of the four victims in Benghazi yesterday was a former Navy SEAL currently working for a private security firm;

Glen Doherty, a former Navy SEAL from Massachusetts, was one of the victims of the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, a family friend confirmed to Fox News.

Doherty is the latest victim to be identified. The U.S. government earlier confirmed that U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and Sean Smith, a foreign service information management officer, died in the attack.

The name of the fourth American who died in the attack has not been disclosed.

So, two of the three who were murdered along with the ambassador yesterday were veterans, Smith being an Air Force veteran. Still serving and still giving their lives for their country.

Category: Veterans Issues

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RIP warrior…I hope you were able to go out valiantly


God rest his soul. May there be some sort of justice.


BUD/S Class 194. He was 42 years old and was a Hospital Corpsman! Apparently work for US State Dept under contract. No doubt he fought to the end.


Jesus. Poor bastiches. None of them deserved this.

…Why do the news stories keep saying “died in the attack” instead of “killed in the attack?”


Because Washington wants to downplay this as much as possible so they can try to work at ameliorating tensions in the way they do best – probably by throwing taxpayer money, apologies or reparations payments at it.

God I am getting cycnical… earlier today I commented somewhere that this whole mess – timed for 9/11, obscure asshat inflaming the Arab ‘street’ with a cheap BS stunt they will never see but only hear about – has all the hallmarks of a really well played alQaida agent provacateur.




Dave, sadly, that’s exactly how I read it. Murder is murder, except where the ROP is concerned, and then it’s either “workplace violence” or “misunderstandings” or some shit like that.


I recieved an alert last evening from Fox that one of the killed was also a former SEAL, Tyrone Woods. Was it false?