Matthis Chiroux; forced to resist

| September 11, 2012

Matt Sezer continues his propagandizing of the Matthis Chiroux bullshit. At about 3:30 into this video, Sezer shows the last time we criticized his film work for the little crud back in 2009.

Sezer admits that he believed Matthis’ story that he is an Afghanistan veteran until he saw his records at this blog, so he asked him to explain. Matthis says that he is a veteran and he spent time (six days on temporary duty) in Afghanistan, so that makes him an Afghanistan veteran “I don’t care what these idiots say…Well, yeah, I was only there a week, but I saw a lot…people say a lot things.”

Then with wilting piano music in the background he tells how his father threw him out of his house and he became a modern Thoreau living in someone’s backyard. He still thinks that he convinced the military administrative board that he was right in avoiding his service in Iraq because they didn’t give him a dishonorable discharge. But, he got the same discharge he would have received if he hadn’t shown up for the board. So that’s just more Matthis Bullshit.

You probably don’t want to subject yourself to the entire video. But there it is. Thanks to one of my ninjas for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Something is seriously wrong with the shape of Chiroux’s head.

2-17 AirCav

I made it to 50-something seconds when that female impersonator POS torches Old Glory and then stomps her. He burns and stomps the flag that drapes the coffins of our Fallen, that mealymouthed twit. One time. Just one time.


Methis Chiroux=Waste of Skin.
Following his “logic”, because we landed in Iceland on our way to Ft. Dix from Germany, I’m a citizen of Iceland? He’s a fucking retard.


I made it to 8:30 but couldn’t continue because I was laughing too hard about poor Mathis being forced to pay a hooker for sex. Guess what jackass, you didn’t have to do it. I’ve been to plenty of places where they were available and I was never forced to…don’t know anyone else that was either

Green Thumb

I wonder what six days of temp duty really was?


Wow, all I am hearing from that Shirly Temple impersonator is the sound of gas passing from a dogs ass.

“I don’t care what anybody says, I was there, that makes me a veteran.” Really? Well, I was at the Pentagon once, does that make me a general? I visited the White House once, does that make me the President? I went to a strip club once, does that make me a stripper? Nope, nope, and nope.

As for those pictures… I have a butt load of those kinds of pics from my brothers and sisters who were in the sandbox and the rockpile. I’d love to see all of the pics and analyze the quality, pixelation, and other various stats to see if they even came from the same camera.

In all, I would definitely have to say that Skeletor should just shut his cock-socket and try doing something to benefit the community… like jump off a cliff.


The Thoreau quote obviously didn’t take into account how highly a narcissist thinks of himself.


@2 you made it about ten seconds longer than I did. BTW, if my head moved that much when I talked, I’d throw up.

Robert Chiroux

I watched it some time ago. It made me very sad. I remember when my son received his honorable discharge he spoke very highly of his military service and was proud to identify himself as a veteran. Perhaps he was feeling badly about his service, inside, but at the time he never mentioned it. When the letter came directing him to report back to active duty from the IRR for the surge in Iraq it was only then I/we heard of his “opposition”, etc. I guess by now he has convinced himself he truly believes what he says but his continuing machinations have since alienated my parents and siblings along with many others who contact me to express their disdain and aggravation at having previously trusted and friended him. He continues to blame me and any other convenient target for any and everything he can but it’s bushwa and worn out. Matthis has become exactly what he has chosen to be and has yet to take responsibility for the things he has done or said he has done. That is the saddest thing of all. Oh well…

Green Thumb

When I get bored, on break, etc., I call or email those morons and mess with them. It seems to me that they were all EM’s (nothing wrong with that as I was one before stepping over)and not very intelligent or educated.

So I ask them questions like how many lick does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll toostie pop or how many IVAW clowns does it take to change a lightbulb or rock a set of balls, etc. I believe you get the drift.

They get pissed. It is actually funny. I even ask them about posers in their ranks. According to them they take that issue seriously so I bring up clowns like this. That is when they get really pissed.

I will stop when I am ahead but I highly reccommend it for those of you out there in computer land that need a laughg, a break or just need to blow off some stress.

Have fun!


Robert…I feel for you. In many ways, you’re the biggest victim of all regarding Mathis. I wish you didn’t have to go through that and I hope that, someday, your family can be reunited and whole again


@10 Email/ phone numbers, please

Robert Chiroux

#1: With all due respect my son’s given name is unique enough. Our family appreciates folks deferring from using our family’s surname. Thanks

2-17 AirCav

@7. The reality of Thoreau is quite different than the popular perception of him. He was a mooch. R.W. Emerson owned the land on which Walden Pond was located and Thoreau, being no one’s fool but his own, built his little abode there, just a few miles from the home of Mommy and Daddy Thoreau. He spent a hair over two years at Walden Pond writing the great American novel. 900 copies were printed. After a few years, 200 of them had been sold at $1.00 each—You do the math. Thoreau’s publisher returned the remaining 700 copies to him and Thoreau subsequently commented that his personal library consisted of 900 books, 700 of which he wrote. 100 or so years after his death, Thoreau the moocher became a folk hero to many knuckleheads. That’s Saint Thoreau. (He had, in terms of his ability to support himself, as much success as Karl Marx and, I’m guessing, that POS who is the subject of this thread.)


@ #14 – Thanks for the clarification. In that case, it makes perfect sense. This one has a history of leeching off others.


AirCav, my father just admired the living crap out of Thoreau, so I thought there was someting to it. Then I read his self-absorbed boook and realized that my father frequently had rocks in his head. Thoreau was a curmudgeon before he was old enough to be one. He was the complete opposite of Henry Beston, who wrote many popular natural history books in the 1920’s, books like “The Outermost House” which is about his year on the outer arm of Cape Cod in 1928. His books still sell today.
Thoreau couldn’t hold a candle to Beston.


I will once again ask why he has not been committed yet. By his logic, I should be a citizen of both Afghanistan and Iraq.


That stuff about going to prostitutes in a group as if that was a normal Army activity pisses me off to no end. I have never experienced a situation in my military career where a bunch of dudes got together and decided to go get some hookers. Now I don’t doubt that it happens (any organization as big as the Army will have all representations of deviant behavior) but it is rare and not condoned whatsoever. Those that do are the types of people who are your shitbags and lowlifes that good Soldiers don’t associate with – which I guess makes sense when we are talking about Matthis.

Green Thumb


Pick a name and number and dial away!

They will get pissed. But always be original. Ex: Ask if they are interested in affiliating themselves at their next convention with the band “Peter, Paul and the Posers”.

Stuff like that.

Have fun.

I really hate these clowns. I do not think many of them have seen a razor in years. Not that beards are bad, but one should look respectable when claiming respectability, especially on the backs of those that did it.

2-17 AirCav

@16. I will give your father the benefit of the doubt and say that he–like so many people–most likely admired the idealized version of Thoreau. We have so very many real-life heroes. I just can’t understand why some people find it necessary to invent them.


I met three absolute menschen as a result of their IRR call up for our Iraq mobilization. One came from the 101st, one came from the 82nd, and one came from some mech unit in Germany. All had previously deployed, and they were sucked into serving with our National Guard unit. And they got royally screwed, but to the man, they said, “we have this 8 year obligation that we gave our word we’d fulfill.” No one in our command knew what to do with them demobing at Dix; their questions often went unanswered. And they would do it again if they had to.

My IRR time was up in early September 2001, so it’s tough for me to judge guys hit by life’s interruption. I watch videos like this and try to imagine how my loved ones would feel if this were me. I protested the run-up to the Iraq war, but soured quickly just because of the idiocy I was aligning myself with. They have no solution and hate our country, or worse, take the higher ideals of our liberty for granted.

On Thoreau: he was a mooch, exactly as described. I think his literary contributions are overstated. The only thing I respect him for (and this came this summer after a visit to Harpers Ferry) was his defense of John Brown, but you could even ask whether Brown’s elevation in the mind of the North was inevitable once war broke out. Otherwise, the people he seems to have “influenced” the most are people with an aversion to actual work.


AirCav, you’re not alone in that.


And has anyone explained to Matthis that six days doth not a veteran make, especially when it comes to pay and benefits, you don’t get hazard pay for ONLY six days in theater, nor are you recognized as one by the VA, VFW, or Legion. If he’s the new Thoreau, I’m a Druid…


There was a report on the news at lunchtime about a man in Jerusalem who is so desperate to see things change in Israel that he set himself on fire, the way a Buddhist nun did in the 1960s in Saigon. That is a real — and devastating — protest.

This individual is dirt under that desperate man’s feet.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Hmm, flag burning doper with some trouble distinguishing reality.

Nothing new here…


That guy in Israel that burned himself to death was a resident of Tel Aviv, back in July. It’s unfortunately a lot more common than this guy, and sadly, a lot of the self-immolation in Israel is by combat veterans, like Moshe Silman.

My wife and I have periodically entertained making aliyah, but our loyalties ultimately lie with Pennsylvania (with my dad’s side going back to the Revolution) and the US. From time to time, we think about it, but the cost of living is ridiculous, and it’s what is driving these guys to kill themselves.

But these guys have almost all been vets, and especially in the case of Moshe Silman, served until his late forties, and the reality is, he served his country in a capacity that Mr. Chiroux is fortunate to have avoided. Mr. Chiroux is very lucky to live in a gilded land where he’ll never have to know the kind of desperation Moshe Silman did. His protests are a luxury and a selfish indulgence.


As I have children, I cannot watch this video in its entirety because the narrator sounds just like the sloth from the Ice Age series. Jesus, shoot me.

2-17 AirCav

I’m sorry but the notion that torching oneself is the answer to anything but the question “How crazy are you really?” is beyond my ability to grasp.


It’s an act of desperation. Saigon in the 1960s, Jerusalem now…. I don’t understand it, either, because I have never felt that desperate.


“Forced to resist”? Methis seems to have taken on some of the Al Sharpton mystique, ala “resist we much”.

Hack Stone

I’m torn. Though I hate his misguided political views, I still think his Frampton Comes Alive was great album.


Mr.Chiroux leaves me speechless and not in a good way. By the time the film maker establishes he’s not interested in Chiroux’s real record (namely that the whopping 6 days spent in AFG are hardly a means to grasp the totality of the situation) then it’s all downhill from there. I watched the whole thing and could find exactly nothing redeeming about the man.

2-17 AirCav

@30. Bwahahahahah. I had forgotten about Al Cronkite Sharpton’s somethingcasts. I enjoyed it very mulch.


Holy Shit.

I spent about 12 hours at Bagram AB a few years ago, fixing a C-130 to get it back to Al Udeid (or was it K2? Crap, this stuff gets fuzzy…). Got an RPG launched at me and my Airman while we worked, and a couple AK rounds. Had to do a battle damage inspection on the aircraft before we could call the crew out.

And I’d be mortally embarrased to call myself an “Afghanistan vet” in any way, shape or form.

I reluctantly consider myself an Iraqi vet, but admit it’s debateable since I never left Balad AB. But we got mortared and rocketed pretty regularly my first two deployments there (180+ times my first 90 days), brushed of the dirt of the near misses off and repaired the shrapnel holes in our helo’s afterwards. So I think it barely qualifies. Let me know if I’m wrong.

Matthis Chiroux is a flaming douche-nozzle suffering from cranio-rectal inversion syndrome.

Green Thumb


Sounds good in my book.


@34–works for me. And it’s more incoming than probably 90-plus percent of the douchetools at IVAW have seen, unless you can manage to count incoming balls to their faces.

Frankly Opinionated

Having read all the comments above, I will pass on watching Methis do his self degradation act.
Thanks for the warning.


@ 34: you are among brothers and sisters here, and your service at Balad counts.


@34: I agree with the others. Just because you weren’t a door kicker doesn’t make you any less of an honorable veteran. If it wasn’t for you guys we would be sitting around looking at each other asking “why am I hungry”, “where are my bullets”, “why am I still bleeding”, “why do I got to walk everywhere instead of ride”, etc. Thank you for the job you do.


Does Miss Mathis get a check from the VA? Just curious. I hope not.

2-17 AirCav

@40. Yes, JP, he receives a check–right inside the little box on the benefit application (I think it’s question 26A) that reads, “Are you currently despised by other Veterans?”


I had forgotten Bout this video till I saw it posted in the comments for the above video.

Green Thumb


Another fun way is to pull listed poser PH#’s from various sites and call them being another poser.

Ie. Call a poser and tell them your General Maggots Matteo and let them know that they need to step up their game etc., stop bouncing checks, report for duty just to name a few. Let them know that you spoke with their CO, Chief, etc and that you expect to see them at work, hear from them and so forth.

That is when it gets funny. If they are not around leave yet another poser number.

Some of the lies are hysterical.


Well, we’ve been silent long enough… I represent the majority of those who served with Matthis during his time in the Army. We led him, punished him, and dealt with his antics on a daily basis. For starters, I/we will remain anonymous because we do not want to be associated with the defector, who is Matthis. Many of Matthis’ stories are stolen anecdotes. Matthis is not necessarily a liar because some of the stories he purports are actually true, however, most of them he’s stolen. I, part of the we, am a combat war veteran, and so are many of the others who are part of the we. Moreover, Matthis was a black-eyed outcast during his time in the military. He roamed alone in Japan and Germany, as most of his cohorts avoided him. He frequently partook in drug use during his military time, and any “sexual exploitation,” was in fact his own doing. Matthis was real good at screwing over the ladies. Frankly, I wish I could contact one of his ex girlfriends whom I will not identify by nationality or name. She, I’m sure, would attest to Matthis’ audacious lies, deception, and abuse of women. Many of us lived normal lives while overseas, and we did not partake in the prostitution and abuse of women of which Matthis so readily attributes to “those around him.” I will give it to Matthis, he’s brilliant! However, he’s done an awesome job of wasting his gifts. As well, Matthis has always been the guy who was narrowly escaping his demise. Perhaps Matthis could serve up his story and reasoning behind going into the military: theft, drug use, and vagrancy in Auburn, AL? Poor Matthis! Not. Someday he’ll wake up in a ditch and not have a clue about how he got there. He’s pissed on so many whom lurk in his shadows as collateral damage.

Honey Badger

Why doesn’t Matthis or this “documentarian” mention that Matthis has put in a claim for a disability pension from the VA founded on his claim of PTSD which he says he “suffers” because of his having had sex with a prostitute … and then feeling afterward that he had actually raped her. I want to challenge him to give that “disability” pension to a rape support group. He’s so principled that he will surely want to do this assuming he isn’t already. And I do think his dad is an asshole for not letting Matthis sell mushrooms to his younger brother or other kids in that schoolyard. Simple restraint of trade. No wonder he’s so bitter about his dad.


This loser is a disgrace to the nation