Live From The Clown Show (RNC Protests)

| August 28, 2012

Since I go to school nearby at the University of Tampa, I decided to walk over and see if I could spot any decent protests. Fortunately for the police, they were pretty light.

There are small pockets here and there but nothing coordinated or even mildly exciting. The scene in downtown Tampa is mainly one of police officers just standing around in large groups talking.

Nonetheless, here are some photos from my stroll. I have a video as well but can’t upload it yet until I get to a better connection. (UPDATE: Embedded the video below)


not sure if these guys are WBC or what, but they were spouting about Mormons, muslims, and gays et al

more of those crazies

some lady dressed up in Desert camo with a Gopher head. I … have no idea.

This is a barricade for the street leading to the convention center. Every street leading up to it looks like this. It’s a good ways away from here, and no one can go past (without credentials).

The Westboro Idiots. You can see the convention center in the background.

Cops on horses riding up the street.

The Ron Paul people

Last but not least, the guy holding a “Veterans For Ron Paul” sign

Seeing veteran, I was genuinely interested in talking with a fellow vet. So I went over, and said, “So, you’re a veteran?”


My response was then one of irritation, saying it’s a bit of false advertising, now isn’t it?

Then his buddy next to him tries to help him out, saying, “A veteran made the sign and wanted him to hold it for him.”

Ok. That’s all for now. I’m off to go see Jonn.

[UPDATE: Here’s the only video I took, of the crazy people in the first picture.]

Here’s a link to the video.

Category: 2012 election

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“A veteran made the sign”

So why can’t he HOLD the fucking sign, you dumbasses?


You didn’t get any photos of the CodePink Diseased Vagina Dancers? WTF???

Jonn Lilyea

President Obama should be there to tell him he didn’t build that sign


I liked the sign in picture number 2: “Homo sex is a threat to national security”. Only if you’re afraid of being found out.

That sign should really read “Sex is a threat to national security.” That would be more accurate.


I thought the RNC was the clown show with the court jester act to follow next week.


Maybe that kid who got burned for showing up and speaking on TV at a Paul rally made the sign and doesn’t want to get in trouble again.

B Woodman

“But officer, this isn’t my dope, I’m just holding it for my vet friend. . . .”

2-17 AirCav

“Then his buddy next to him tries to help him out, saying, ‘“A veteran made the sign and wanted him to hold it for him.”’ So I says, “Oh, well my veteran buddy wanted me to kick your asses. Whomp! Whomp!

2-17 AirCav

I see what was once known as the footprint of the American chicken is making a comeback.


My question is, when will Chic Fil A start catering food for the NG/State Troopers?


Luckey, they only want to feed the polygomist and non divorced portion of the country, so that cuts down on who they can feed. 🙂

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@9 easy now….just because he and his numb nuts friend didn’t make the sign with the peace symbol (the random vet did it remember?) and don’t actually have any military experience doesn’t mean their backs are painted yellow….well ok, maybe it does since they are f@cking fakers pretending to be something they are not with that sign…

2-17 AirCav

I think I’m suffering hippie flashbacks…The head on the sign looks to me like Nixon in a bicycle helmet.

Just Plain Jason

Sounds like a duffel blog story…


HM2 FMF-SW Ret: C’mon – Chick-Fil-A will feed anyone who wants to buy one of their sandwiches. Just not on Sunday. (smile)


It’s official: Mitt Romney is the GOP candidate.


Did the crazy guy with the bullhorn in the video say the President has magic underwear?


Oh come on people, you do not really have to be a Veteran to be a Veteran for Ron Paul… it is like that new clothing company run by those children. Or like Obamas ad where he has fake republican woman speaking out against Romney… it doesn’t matter that they lie or misrepresent, just ask Wassermann schultz, she will explain it to you.

Jonn Lilyea

Yeah, it’s like being in Iraq Veterans Against the War and never deployed outside the US. It’s no big deal. But you get to wear the T-shirt.


At least the hippies got a shower when Isaac passed nearby. I’m sure there are hippies all over Tampa, crying because the hurricane didn’t hit dead on.


Man, that’s all they got? That’s some SERIOUS weaksauce. I thought this was gonna be Chicago 1968 all over again!

How can I (vicariously) be the evil capitalist Enemy of the People without a critical mass of douchebag hippie-tards?

I has a sad.


Prig–buck up, little camper! The freakshow will be on full gloriously ri-tarded jackwagon-y display in Charlotte soon enough!


Anyone think the Occupy-anarchy crowd will show up at the DNC?

2-17 AirCav

@21. That’s it! Somebody punches Dan Rather in the mouth again and he’s back prime time!

Green Thumb

Fuck Westboro.

I have been around them a few times.


Just Plain Jason

I remember when I went to this site proclaiming the brutality of the police against the Occupy Wall Street People I went there hoping for some dogs and fire hoses…shit no all I saw was very well behaved police. They were doing everything they could to not hurt protestors even though the protestors were doing everything in their power to get hurt. Here we just have a random crazy yelling on the street corner, no crazy dancing vaginas, no chemtrail crazies, although I would have loved to see the conversation between the “vet” for Ron Paul and Strike FO. That would have been funny…


@11, So that means that President Obama’s father gets a free sandwich?


If he was still alive that is.



Paultown kool aid slurpers just might – why not? Ron Paul, being the sore loser won’t endorse Romney/Ryan ticket – effectively aiding reelection of Barry Marshall Davis to 4 more yrs. Screw loyalty, if he can’t get the party’s nomination – throw a temper tantrum and obstruct GOP effort to unseat Barry.