Truther Ron Paul

| August 27, 2012

Last night the Paulians gathered to hear Ron Paul one last time this campaign season. He calmed the crowd’s fears that this was his last political campaign with the words “They wish”. So I guess we can look forward to more blathering gibberish like this;

If you can’t watch it;

“Somebody — rather nationally —- said the other day on the Internet ‘if those Paul people had been in charge Osama Bin Laden would still be alive.’ But you know what I think the answer is? So would the 3000 people killed on 9/11 still be alive!”

So. apparently, Paul believes that the US government has something to do with 9/11, and the Paulians, judging by their cheers of approval, do, too.

But, Paulians can take comfort from the fact that bin Laden would still be upright if crazy Uncle Ron had somehow fanagled himself into the White House in 2000 – an election in which he wasn’t even a candidate.

The LA Times reports;

Paul spoke for an hour, offering a history lesson on where he believed the nation faltered in its economic and military policy. He called for the legalization of all drugs, offered words of support for Wikileaks case figures Bradley Manning and Julian Assange, and urged an end to all wars.

He warned of impending fascism because of the power of big business, big banks and big government. He warned against Americans relying on the government for their needs, comparing it to animals depending on their owners for shelter and food before they are led to slaughter.

That’s a lot of insanity to pack into a single room and a single hour. His last words were the most common retort of Paulians who visit here;

Ron Paul’s parting message to his followers was that they must continue to educate themselves so that they could further the movement.

“You may run for office, you may organize, who knows what it will be,” he said. “But the obligation is there. You have an obligation to do your best to change this because it’s in your interest, your families’ interest and the interest of our country.”

Yup, we all need to read a book. Thanks, Ron, now, gtfa.

Category: Ron Paul

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How is he running as a Republican? That list of warnings “big finance, big business”, etc., sounds like it came straight out of the occupoop playbook.


Teh Krayzee is common among citizens of the Ronulan Empire . . . .


@1 Ever been to a Tea Party rally? They’re not big fans of lobbyists, bailouts, and banking nonsense, either. To dismiss talk like that as “occupoop” is asinine. A lot of TP and Republicans are sick of all that.

If Paul had a button that locked his mouth shut once he started wandering off his economic views, he’d be great.


Ah yes, his Libertarian ideals shine through except where it butts up against his religious views. Legalize drugs: outlaw abortion. Support Wikileaks: deny evolution.


Check this out



If you dig through the crazy, he actually has a couple of legitimate points about constutional limits and collusion between govt and business. Unfortunately, that’s outweighed by the foreign policy and the other looney tunes stuff.

I dealt with a few of these people over the weekend. For the most part, they were decent and respectful. I did see one guy with Guy Fawkes mask on his head filming everything around him. The supporters are decent enough people but they do seem almost cult like when it comes to Ron Paul. Most people will acknowledge their chosen candidate isn’t perfect but the RP folks really seem to believe everything he says is 100% true, accurate and represents the only true wisdom on that topic.


Mans Nuttier than Squirrel shit….


“He warned against Americans relying on the government for their needs, comparing it to animals depending on their owners for shelter and food before they are led to slaughter.” — I can’t disagree with that!

“If Paul had a button that locked his mouth shut once he started wandering off his economic views, he’d be great.” — Yep.


I like some of his views, but you have to wade through a whole lot of crazy to get to them.


Paul called for an end to all wars, eh? Sounds to me like Paul needs to read a book – by either Plato or Santayana.


“Only the dead have seen the end of war”

Excellent, Hondo!


Christ, can you imagine having this guy for your primary care physician?

Old Trooper

Legalize all drugs!!! Yea!!!! How does his worshipness plan to set limits involving drug use and say, oh driving a vehicle, perhaps? How would you test for it? What would be the threshold used to determine when you are impaired? Give us the numbers, Ron. It’s easy to throw out such an asinine comment, but it’s much harder to define the reality of the repercussions of making it so. When he says all drugs, he is saying that hallucinogens are just okie dokie. Yeah, I want a country full of people strung out to the point they see shit that isn’t there and dive out a window onto some innocent people walking below. Or, driving their car and the snakes come up through the seat, so they plow headlong into a car with mom and the kids.

What an absolute fucking moron. As a doctor, he should know better than that.

2-17 AirCav

@13. “As a doctor, he should know better than that.”Funny, that’s what they said about Josef Mengele. (Batten down the hatches.)


OT – while there’s a whole lot of crazy at the Ron Paul circus, I’m not sure legalizing drugs will necessarily lead to increased drug use. Decriminalizing drugs in Portugal certainly didn’t.,8599,1893946,00.html

But besides that, driving under the influence would still be illegal, as would operating heavy machinery, etc. If we WERE to legalize drugs, I would make the penalties for use where it would affect other people so stiff, that people would think twice. I would institute life sentences for those committing crimes under the influence. No possibility of parole. At all. And then I’d give insurance companies and hospitals the option of not covering and not treating idiots who come in there injured from drug use.

But that’s my little dream. Obviously not realistic under the current system.

Economically, however, it makes sense to stop putting occasional users who do so in their own homes in jail. I certainly don’t want to support them!


He was a gynecologist though. Can’t see how staring at diseased va jay jay all day would give him any insight into drugs and the effects they not only have on their users, but the people around them as well. RP’s last known position was reported shooting past Saturn. He’s going deep this time.


“He was a gynecologist though. Can’t see how staring at diseased va jay jay all day …..”



Why the hell is anyone giving this lunatic the time of day?


If Paul had a button that locked his mouth shut once he started wandering off his economic views, he’d be great.

No, because even then, he 1–doesn’t have the authority as President to do half the shit he thinks he’s going to do, 2–doing any but the smallest of his “suggestions” would throw not only our economy but the world economy into utter fucking chaos for the better part of a generation. Yeah, we’re speeding towards the cliff, but slamming the tranny into reverse ain’t the answer.

Oh, and for supporters of the only so-called “true conservative” his supporters sure like taking a shit all over the Constitution when it suits their agenda, doesn’t it?


Same old neo-isolationist tripe. If America’s foreign policy was more like Switzerland’s, the world would be a happy place.

2-17 AirCav

Switzerland you say? Nazi gold. Mengele. A pattern is developing.’Scuse me. Time for the meds.


+1 to #21.

I should admit it now. I’m Libertarian minus crazy pants…or I identify that way more. Maybe that just makes me Conservative. i don’t know. What I do know is that the Liberals want to imprison me with laws, rules, and regulations…then hand me what they think I should be paid a month. I make my own decisions and weigh each option before coming a rational logical answer. either way I ain’t in the crazy pants shit like Paul Ryan is.

I would argue that he and his ilk are more anarchist than anything else. It is that side of Libertarians that has gotten out of control. Hell the reason libertarians CAN’T organize is that they hate authority…even their own. Not sure where that leaves Ryan.

NHSparky hits it. His ideas would take us right back to the stone age. he is a real nutter.


If America’s foreign policy was more like Switzerland’s

Sarcasm noted. If these assclowns had bothered to take their own advice and read a book on WWII history and the immediate aftermath, they’d see the Swiss had something all over their hands as well, and it sure as fuck wasn’t chocolate.


Steadfast&Loyal: did you mean to say “Paul Ryan” above? I believe he’s generally considered a fairly conservative member of the GOP vice a a libertarian with “unique” ideas regarding government and foreign policy.



“2–doing any but the smallest of his “suggestions” would throw not only our economy but the world economy into utter fucking chaos for the better part of a generation.”

Where have you been the last few years? We’re there…and going deeper.


@22 – I’m a Libertarian (minus the crazy grenade as well). I was even an LP delegate at the national convention in Vegas this year. That said, they’re bloody retards when it comes to actual practical solutions. Most of them think the President has the authority to just pull us out of NATO. They have no concept of how our government works.

Common Sense

The Republican Party needs the limited government, fiscally-conservative side of libertarians without the crazy. They made a big mistake not letting Gary Johnson sit at the table. He wouldn’t have been the candidate, but he was a very successful 2-term Republican governor in a blue state. He did what Republicans claim they want but they don’t do. He slashed spending, vetoed more crap than all the other governors put together, and left a surplus.

He’s also pretty badass – climbed Mt Everest with a broken leg, started his own business and grew it to 1000 employees before selling it.

If he and his ideas had been welcomed, maybe he’d be another Rand Paul type of Senator from New Mexico. Instead, he’s the Libertarian Party candidate.

BTW, drugs, especially pot, SHOULD be legal. Punish the criminal acts of users, not what they put into their bodies. If you don’t have freedom over your body, then you are not free.

The War on Drugs has killed 10s of thousands of people, filled our prisons, increased crime, and resulted in the militarization of the police. Has there been a failed no-knock raid over anything besides drugs? Did this country not learn from Prohibition and the rise of the Mafia?

As for their isolationist policies, they do have a point about the US being the police for the world. Do we really want to jump into situations like Libya and Syria?


@16…I guess that means he’s seen his share of battle ravaged places! 😉


@27 – Gary is small “l” libertarian without the crazy. He’s badass, very smart, and the nicest, most normal guy I’ve ever met! That’s actually the highest compliment I could give him!

No, we don’t want to get into situations such as Libya and Syria, but…

Is it really realistic for them to promise to get us out of NATO and ANZUS and close down all our military bases around the world???


I’m not saying we should get involved in Syria, but I will say we get blamed equally for either our action or our inaction. We are still the world’s only superpower with both the capability and the will to stop tyrants like Hussein, Quadaffi, or Assad. Even when other countries have the will to intervene, like in Libya, they lack the capability, which is how we got involved. Even with most of NATO on board, they couldn’t lift a finger without our command and control assets to orchestrate the air campaign. This is why everyone still pleaded for the US to do something about Darfur and why you will not hear anyone anytime soon saying, “when is China going to do something about Syria?”


Bohica–it’s a case of damned if we do, damned if we don’t. Look at Bosnia as a case of the Euros not even willing to clean the shit out of their own back yard.

Best we just do what is in our best interest and tell the haters to eat a fat bag of dicks. They may not LIKE us for it, but they’ll sure as hell RESPECT us for it.

I seem to recall the leftards saying the world would love us if/when Obama was elected. Four years later, they neither like nor respect us…and that’s just our ALLIES. You can imagine how they’re laughing their balls off at this administration in Pyongyang, Tehran, Moscow, etc., etc…


Personally, I’m sick and tired of giving a flying rat’s shit about what the rest of the world thinks of us. And I’m sick and tired of giving a shit what the libtards think too. Do what’s right, and screw the rest of them!

AW1 Tim

I have to admit that I am in favor of decriminalizing ALL drugs. Tweak the laws to match the crimes. Hold people responsible for the results of their actions (or inaction, as the case may be) and have at it.

Once you decriminalize the drugs it kneecaps the cartels. Tax it all like alcohol & tobacco.

I prefer the old adage: “And ye harm no one, do as ye will”.


Ron Paul used to be fun to listen to, because you could argue with him when he was on the radio, and he couldn’t tell you to shut up.

Now, he has now plans to replace what he wants to get rid of. He doesn’t offer real solutions, just quarrelsome dialog.

He’s no fun any more. He’s just senile.

2-17 AirCav

“Ron Paul used to be fun to listen to, because you could argue with him when he was on the radio, and he couldn’t tell you to shut up.” That’s a framer!


2-17, your response is an honor.


well slap me silly and shave me naked.

I didn’t mean Paul Ryan. Sheesh. For some reason Paul Ryan, Ron Paul, Rand Paul are all the same person to me….that is just wrong. Similar names.

Cripes didn’t their mommas have more creative minds when naming them.

crap I’m going to have to have a crib sheet just to vote this year.