Why is the Federal government hiring ugly LEO agents?

| May 22, 2012

Another Colombia prostitution scandal arises, this time the Drug Enforcement Agency is under the gun according to an ABCNews link sent to us by Tman;

“It’s disturbing that we may be uncovering a troubling culture that spans more than one law enforcement agency,” [Sen. Susan Collins] the Maine Republican said this evening. “In addition to the Secret Service scandal, we now learn that at least two DEA agents apparently entertained female foreign national masseuses in the Cartagena apartment of one of the agents. The evidence uncovered thus far indicates that this likely was not just a one-time incident.”

Are these government law enforcement agencies only sending their ugliest agents to Colombia, or are they only hiring ugly agents? I never found a need to pay for company when I was in Colombia, although I’ll admit that I am unusually attractive, none of my friends ever paid for it either. So I really don’t get this whole thing with these agents.

Category: Pointless blather

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Can’t wait see how many of them hot foot it over here and comment. 🙂


Not that I would know mind you, but I suspect that for the married ones, they hire the strange when abroad because it helps them mentally minimize the cheating aspect of it, and they can better compartmentalize accordingly.

The women in Columbia must be smoking hot!


What if they were going to homosexual brothels (is there such a thing?)? Would the media then say- “Off duty is off duty” and they were being persecuted because of their gay lifestyle?

BTW- My old roommate (Marine Aviator)told me that the old Tailhook conventions were a blast!

It always takes one to “blow” a good deal.