Paterson: Community organizer is racist term
Apparently, the entire English language will be placed off-limits in this election, because every effective phrase that refers to Obama’s inexperience will be classified as racist. From Drudge, I found this nugget from WCBSTV about New York’s accidental governor David Paterson lecturing us that “community organizer” is code for “black”;
“I think the Republican Party is too smart to call Barack Obama ‘black’ in a sense that it would be a negative. But you can take something about his life, which I noticed they did at the Republican Convention – a ‘community organizer.’ They kept saying it, they kept laughing,” he said.
Maybe they kept saying it and laughing because it’s damn funny that someone thinks their experience as a bloodsucking leach qualifies them to be President, um, Governor.
In case you think he might have been taken out of context, Paterson went on to clarify;
Paterson sees the repeated use of the words “community organizer” as Republican code for “black”.
“I think where there are overtones is when there are uses of language that are designed to inhibit other people’s progress with a subtle reference to their race,” he said.
I’m not sure if my criticism of Paterson’s intellectual gymnastics will be perceived as a attack on him for his melanin content or his ocular deficiencies. Or his inability to grow a beard that doesn’t make him look like a scruffy hobo.
The New York Times quotes Paterson;
Mr. Paterson on Tuesday seemed to bristle at such attacks. Defining what a community organizer was, Mr. Paterson said: “It means that an individual who could have gone to Wall Street and made a lot of money — and then run for office because he can buy media time — chose to go back and work in programs in neighborhoods where he thought he can make a difference and became an elected official based on his involvement right in his own community.”
Except that Chicago wasn’t Obama’s “own community” was it, Governor? He went there specifically for political reasons. I’m pretty tired of this code word bullshit. It’s just to deflect criticism without addressing the underlying issues. Hell, I could say the same about Obama’s use of code words, too.
In the LA Times, they quote Obama on a tear about the Constitution in relation to terrorists in Michigan;
“We may think this is Mohammed the terrorist,’’ he said at a campaign rally, but “it might be Mohammed the cab driver. You might think it’s Barack the bomb-thrower. But it might be Barack the guy running for president.’’
Continuing, he got more heated, his voice booming. Referring to the Constitution, he said: “Don’t mock the Constitution! Don’t make fun of it! Don’t suggest that it’s un-American to abide by what the founding fathers set up! It’s worked pretty well for 200 years!’’
He finished with a sigh: “These people.”
What does he mean by “These people”? These white people? These people in the Midwest? These people who place the safety of citizens above the rights of a few criminals? Why, that’s racist. Since he was talking in Michigan, he was probably talking to a group of people who sympathize with terrorists, so maybe he was talking about Christians as “these people”.
See how that works, Governor. Get a grip.
Michelle Malkin offers some synonyms for “community organizer” just to be helpful.
Category: Politics
So why was he using the name Mohammed? What’s that supposed to mean, huh? He’s got something against people named Mohammed? Well, I just think I’ll be all indignant over that! So there!
(ok, I’m done now.)
They’re not just ‘stuck on stupid’, they’re cemented to it.
If we’re all so racist why is it Nobama and his camp who always bring it up? I think I know who the real racists are.
We’re discussing this same topic on the RC Pirate Forum. BTW, it was Obama that described himself as a “community organizer”, so according to Paterson’s logic, my blogging partner, phantomlord, put it this way:
When Obama is called a community organizer, a term he described himself as, he’s being racist against himself.
Seriously folks, this race card playing by Obama and his supporters is getting beyond ridiculous. Any criticism of the “Annointed One” will likely bring the charge of racism, so we might as well get used to it and move forward. OTOH, Obama and his supporters, such as Gov. Paterson in this instance, are looking foolish when making baseless accusations such as this one.
Can I throw up now? Maybe the phrase “Lipstick on a pig” is code for Obama’s being a male chauvinist pig? Empty suit that he is…just a thought. We should all stay home, get fat and eat bon-bons, I suppose. Ho-hum. I am sick of the race bullshitt. Really.
Geez, that B. Hussein Obama sure has a thin skin for a typical half-white person and former community organizer.
It reminds me of the classic scene from “Annie Hall:”
Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) to his calm friend Rob (Tony Roberts):
“You know, I was having lunch with some guys from NBC, so I said, ‘Did you eat yet or what?’ And Tom Christie said, ‘No, JEW?’ Not ‘Did you?’…JEW eat? JEW? You get it? JEW eat?”
Yes, I agree, that race is a major tool in this election. It is used many times daily by the Democrats. They have attempted to instill total blackness to B. Hussein Obamessiah, in order that anyone who doesn’t wet their shorts over him is a born racist.
Poor guy, is confused: He is half-Honkey, and half-Donkey, and don’t quite know how to handle it. With credible competition from the Republicans, his supporters are at a loss for any decent reasonable retaliation. Nothing they say these days can be fact supported and still work for them. The facts is ours, Ours I say!
Stinkin, nasty Hippies, anyway.
nuf sed
I just want to say to the “Governor” —
Get over yourself. You, personally, are NOT that f-ing important. So, STFU and do whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing as the “Governor” of New York.
““ You might think it’s Barack the bomb-thrower. But it might be Barack the guy running for president.’’”
He’s right…..
There’s NOT a whole hell of a lot of difference between these.
Thanks for the clarification, Barry.
I don’t recall ever hearing the term “Community Organizer” before it was applied to Obama. My first thought on hearing it was that it sounds like a euphemism for “ACTIVIST”, which is in most cases a euphemism for ASSHOLE.
Don Carl- If you read Jonn’s blog that had the Huffpo clip in it with the local black man running for office- he stood in the South side streets and showed how much BHO got done as CO. NOTHING. You hear the CO erm now because Palin referenced it in her speech. He was no activist either. He just held out his hand and lied to his constituents.
Maybe “Code Word” is a code word for “somebody be tellin’ an embarassing truth about me.