OWS/Black Bloc Hippies Show “Courage”

| May 21, 2012

Coming to us yesterday from the the Chicago Sun-Times is a story about our brave intrepid hippie warriors who decided they’d blow off a little steam between throwing “I was there” medals, plotting to blow up shit, and generally being worthless malodorous dickheads to attack some unarmed, innocent diners:

Police call the melee at the restaurant a targeted assault by a mob that Winston said wielded metal batons and hammers. Ten diners were hurt in the attack, and three of those were hospitalized.

Tinley Park police had five suspected assailants in custody, and Winston said 18 young men, all wearing hooded jackets and obscuring their faces with scarves and other coverings, stormed into the restaurant.

“They came running in the door single file,” said Winston, who owns Ashford House, 7959 W. 159th St., and the adjacent Winston’s Market.

Winston, and police, said the men knew who their targets were, and that the attack wasn’t a random act of violence. Winston said the mob “targeted” a group of 20 diners, all of whom were from out of state.

Now I’m just gonna go out on a limb here and make a little observation. As of a few months ago when WI went from no-issue to shall-issue, this leaves Illinois as the only state in the nation which does not allow concealed carry.

Anyone here want to guess as to whether or not they’d pull this shit in a place where CCW was 1–allowed, 2–likely?

Those little hooded shitbags might have come into the restaurant single-file, but even with their hoodies, masks, hammers, and police batons, as soon as they found themselves facing some pissed off patrons willing to dump a couple of hundred grains of P+ .45 hollowpoint into their sorry meatsack carcasses, they sure as hell would be piling over each other in a mad rush to GTFO before they were carted out in rubber bags.


Category: Crime, I hate hippies, Occupy, Protests/Rallies, Shitbags

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Southern Class

Because we all know that if Concealed Carry is forbidden, the community is safer. NOT!


But guns are scary! They also kill people!


From the article: ““Once they attacked the table, they went and started hitting random people,” Winston said.”

So whoever their intended target was (and whatever dumbass point they were trying to make) anyone who was there was fair game.

Nice. Dumbasses.


Of course – persons acting civilly in public were being targetted. How DARE they!

Read in a comment on one of the news reports yesterday that the original target was a wedding party? Odd set of circumstances in any case; even more odd way the details were reported.


Of course if you click the link under “Related Stories” you find this

The table attached was a White Supremacist meeting and this interesting tid bit:

“Tinley Park Mayor Ed Zabrocki on Sunday said police do not know if the protesters had any connection to the NATO Summit in downtown Chicago”

But nothing stirs up TAH like armed hippies…



How do we know the people at the table were White Supremacists? I know I know… fuckin’ Illinois Nazis, man. But still – was it the hoods on their heads? The swastika armbands? Eating BBQ with a fork?

Sounds like populist tripe to increase Martyrdom creds.


“The table attached was a White Supresicist meeting and this interesting tid bit:”
Even if this is true, that makes this ok? Really? Last I checked unless they were breaking the law they are wronged party and this type of action should not be occuring in this country.

Old Trooper

@5: It doesn’t matter who their “target” was, because they were randomly attacking people quietly eating their meal. Maybe if you were one of the people sitting at a table quietly enjoying your meal, minding your own business when the chuckleheads attacked, you wouldn’t be talking so stupid?

I don’t give a shit if they were hippies, anarchists, little green men from Mars; they had nor right to enter a private establishment and start attacking un-armed patrons. Like Sparky said: they wouldn’t be doing that in a shall issue state, where several of the patrons could have been armed, because they would have been ventilated for their trouble.


Odd (and funny) response there, Ret. Normal people don’t give a rat’s ass who is coming at them with a weapon – they will simply take appropriate action to survive the situation.

btw, where are you getting that the attackers were hippies? I did not, and still don’t, know that. Not that it matters. Punks or thugs, young or old, with or without a political agenda. Makes no never mind to me.


One-if a group of klansmen broke in on a New Black Panther group peaceably having dinner and beat the crap out of them, that would also be wrong. Free association is one of those “constitutional rights” that us crazy right wingers are always going on about (and note, there seems to be some dispute over whether or not this group is really a bunch of “white supremacists”).

Two-diners who were not associated with the group were also attacked, but hey “guilty by proximity” I guess is good enough for guys like HM2 FMF-SW Ret.

Three-the restaurant owner took a reservation for a large group to have dinner. He didn’t know who they were or what they were about (at least that’s what he says in the linked story), but he still had his business smashed up. To a lefty, I guess that’s what he gets for not having a vegan, fair trade cooperative which exclusively serves the party cadre (or something, God only knows).


@12 Yeah, I see now the updated news reports. But, the initial reports lacked a bunch of details. Strange lack of detail while very explicit detail in other ways.

The point is well taken that most of us respond not to who is holding the weapon or what the victim might represent. The act is wrong.

And that is where we differ from the whiny libs for whom stupid stuff which matters not is more important to them than is surviving.


This never happens in concealed carry states.


So, vigilantism is bad if it is someone protecting their property from the Occutards. However, if it is the Occutards attacking private citizens, then it is acceptable?

Yeah, the Occupy Movement is exactly like the Tea Party…

CI Roller Dude

Since Il is the only state that doesn’t allow CCW permits, these turds must have felt very brave. In the Calif County I sort of retired in as a cop, they have only issued about 60 CCW permits, so bad guys here feel pretty safe also. Do you think that would have done this in TX, AZ, or any other state with “Shall Issue” laws? Of course not.


Atually guys, I do think this would happend in a CCW state if that is where NATO, the G8, the IMF or some other group of that ilk was meeting. We are not dealing with a pack of rocket scientists you know. It would, however, probably end differently.


If it would have happened in a CCW state the headline would have been “Youthful idealists mercilessly gunned down by crazed rednecks during peaceful protest” or something similar.


as deserving as they might be of a beatdown, its still overkill. I don’t care if they are Illinois Nazis. They could be the WBC having a Phelps family reunion, its still not right. The bottom line it that these people call EVERYONE fascists. Cops are fascists, Republicans are fascists, vets not aligned with IVAW are fascists. I will not support them just because they actually beat up some real fascists one time.