VetVoice unfair to veterans
Yeah, I’m pretty mad about this. The folks at VetVoice, a special project of VoteVets, for whom we have cute pet names like “dicksmith” and “motor pool queen” are being unfair to veterans – more specifically, the veterans at this blog. They haven’t written a post for almost a month and I’m running out of material. I don’t have the courage to troll around Veterans Today for more of Gordon Duff’s mind-melting drivel and so my last resort source for blog posts was VetVoice and they seem to be on strike, or welfare.
I don’t suppose it has anything to do with the fact that the last comment on their last post includes a link to TAH (the only other comment on that thread is spam). Someone should force some more spooge out of Jon Soltz’ computer with which to pollute the interwebs. I mean, here it is an election year, and Soltz nor dicksmith can find anything to make up about how Romney doesn’t support the troops or something.
Why isn’t Kayla “I have the best tits” Williams generating outrage about the war on Women? Or where is Tony Camerino/Matthew Alexander on the Guantanamo trial – because he’s never had experience with that either. I’m just frustrated. What do I have to do to get them back in the game. I’ll have to ask Beeker when I see him next weekend.
Category: None
Damn, Jonn. I was enjoying the peace and quiet from that direction. Now you’ve gone and kicked the anthill! (smile)
Oh Sweet Jesus, Duff’s in rare form in his latest column over at Veterans Today (4 May).
Did you all know that James O’Keefe (of “busting ACORNs” fame) was not a journalist, but was actually a Mossad-trained covert agent – and that DIA is involved, too? And that’s it’s all part of a much, much larger conspiracy?
No, I’m not making this shit up. Read it for yourself:
You’re stronger than me Hondo, I couldn’t even make it half way through that. Does Duff have a history of heavy narcotic use?
Adam_S: I didn’t make it all the way through either; I skipped and skimmed. But I think I caught the gist of it.
I dunno about Duff’s past drug history, but I will allow that I might want to sample some of whatever he’s using now. Whatever that stuff is, it appears to let him see and hear some pretty interesting and entertaining visions and voices . . . .
I tried to get through that drivel, Hondo and Adam. Couldn’t do it. But, aside from the “revelation” that James O’Keefe was a Mossad agent, as was Andrew Breitbart, I did stumble across a word that Duff invented, “fabricationist”.
And, who knew, Angela Merkel is selling nuclear weapons?
Then, there is this, “My favorite, thus far, were the two people, I am guessing Israeli citizens, arrested by the New Jersey Highway Patrol on 9/11 for exploding a truck. We have everything on them except for the two terrorists who were handcuffed in the back of a police car. They disappeared.”
Yeah, the crazy is strong in Duff. But, it’s stronger in his followers.
Have no fear. I was listening to KPFK in San Diego this am, to something called “Connect the Dots.” Did you know that all we have to do is fix our monetary policy and all will be well? As best I can tell this is by continuing to spend at the Obama levels, cutting the military budget and making the billionaires pay for everything.
I’m sure you saw your part as I ran it past you.
The funny critters seem to be taking over the world .
When it comes to VetVoice, what do you expect out of a site who increasingly took their talking points from the Left and increasingly relied upon a semi literate buffoon as their most prolific writer?
I don’t think they will be coming back into the game anytime soon, if ever.