There’s going to be a riot at the Milblog Conference; You might want to attend

| May 3, 2012

I wasn’t going to attend the Milblog Conference for a couple of reasons. They scheduled it for Mothers’ Day weekend for one reason, not that it matters much to me, but when people started raising objections, the folks at in essence said “Tough shit”. So that pissed me off. And last year they scheduled the reception in the bowels of DC, miles from the hotel where the conference was being held and I didn’t like the logistics of traveling to see the friends I’d come to spend time with. But, I’m an old man and I don’t like change.

But, anyway, my editors at Business Insiders wanted to go, so I acquiesced for their benefit. And now I’m so glad I did, but there are going to be some unhappy people when they find out my reason. They released the list of panels today, and this one caught my eye;

Benefits: Promises Delivered, Delayed or Dismissed?

After a decade plus of combat operations the issue of how we care for our veterans is taking center stage. From changing retirement time frames to medical care and wounded warrior programs, this panel will examine if the promises made to our fighting forces are being delivered, delayed or dismissed.
Moderator: Rick Maze (Military Times Newspapers)
Panelists: VADM Norbert R. Ryan, Jr., USN-Ret (MOAA), Tom Tarantino (IAVA), Brandon Friedman (VA), Terry Howell (, Kristle Helmuth (Author: The Story of a True American Hero, His Princess, and their Struggle with TBI/PTSD), Chazz Pratt (USAA), Mike Brinck (House Veterans Affairs Committee for the Economic Opportunity subcommittee)

Yeah, Rick Maze is the head cheerleader for Obama at Military Times, he hates the VSOs and got so mad at me when I caught him manufacturing quotes and trying to start a war between the VFW and The American Legion that he blocked my email address.

And then there’s Brandon Friedman, known to my readers as Beeker from the days he worked at VoteVets. I caught Friedman making excuses for the Obama Administration when the president was trying to force service-connected veterans to buy insurance and he told us not to worry that the Obama Administration didn’t intend to screw veterans. Well, we all know how that worked out, don’t we? Oh, and now Friedman, for his loyalty to the Obama Administration was rewarded with a job at the VA.

And finally, I’m so happy that IAVA will be there. Maybe I can finally get some answers as to how they can live with themselves after telling veterans that one of the guys (McDermott) who stood on Saddam Hussein’s palace roof and declared that Hussein was more trustworthy than President Bush rated higher on their veterans scorecard than John McCain.

Yeah, I’m a dick on the internet, but the whole (Milblog) world is about to find out how much of a dick I can be in person. You should go and bring a bucket of popcorn. And since I know that some of those guys monitor the blog, I guess I’m showing my hand, but they can sweat for a week or so, or they can pull out at the last minute (…that’s what she said). But I think they all owe veterans an answer as to why they perpetrated their malfeasance on the veteran community and what they plan to do in this election year to rectify it.

Category: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Shitbags, Veteran Health Care, Veterans Issues

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Nice fucking tapdancing there, guys. And good on you for asking the question that needed to be asked, Jonn. God knows the sycophants of this administration won’t dare ask them.


Wow that was a pretty pathetic attempt at dodging a question.

Yat Yas 1833

Mr. Lilyea, I would never question your veracity but is that real? Stevie Wonder could see that is a boat load of crap! I hope when you didn’t vomit on yourself after hearing that!? The dry cleaner bills can be outrageous!


That was bizarre.

Rick Maze

Jonn: You removed your earlier blog post with the offense language. I appreciate that very much. That is the extent of what I have to say to you.

I’m not picking fights or calling you names. I’m just going back to work, doing the job I’m paid to do. Thanks again for your belated but still appreciated removal of uncivil slurs.
