Rally for Trayvon “smaller than predicted”

| April 2, 2012

Old Trooper sends a link from a Miami local station which tells us that the Trayvon Martin rally in Miami was less attended than activists had hoped;

The Reverend Al Sharpton spoke to a crowd of more than 3,000 people, chanting “No Justice, no peace.”

And the Reverend Jess Jackson called for an “end to vigilantism.”

There were local speakers, too;

Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho showed his support, saying he stood up for Trayvon.

“He was my student. He will forever be remembered as a child of Miami-Dade,” Carvallo shouted.

A child of Miami-Dade, huh? Then Miami-Dade failed him since he’d been suspended from school three times in the last month of his life. Once was for attacking a bus driver, once for skipping school and once for possession of drug paraphernalia. Nothing he should have died for, but it kind of demonstrates a pattern of behavior that everyone is in denial over. In October, he was discovered with burglary tools and property that didn’t belong to him.

With all of the attention in Miami directed towards Trayvon’s death, you’d think that this would be a story and a reason for the black community to be even madder about something they can actually do something about, rather than focusing on an Hispanic man with Jewish surname who may have been defending himself;

I don’t know the death of two completely innocent people attending a funeral should be a bigger deal than one thug losing his life in a situation which is becoming more apparent was of his own making. How bad of a shot do you have to be to hit a 5-year-old in the leg?

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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insipid showing up to push long-discredited meme in 3…2…1…

Although he is kind of entertaining, in a Dupont Circle tranny slapfight sort of way.


Attacking a bus driver, drug paraphernalia, and possession of burglary tools and stolen property. Nah that’s not very thuggish.


They wanted/expected 75,000. They got 3000.

Outrage? Yeah, not so universal.


People are learning he wasn’t an innocent kid who was just walking through a neighborhood ay night…


I learned a new term “gold grill”.
Who knew?

Old Trooper

@1: How do you know that insipid isn’t one of them to begin with?


Wonder what insipid would have to say about this? http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/29/2720508/teen-faces-life-sentence-in-slaying.html
For that matter, I wonder what Sharpton, Jacks-hmmm or Obama would have to say about this?

Yat Yas 1833

You should have seen the rally here in Phoenix! People were out in the streets by the 10s!? The downtown ‘Civic Space’ park was swarmed by 75-100 people. Of course they were clad in their ‘suburban, middle class, All American’ “hoodies” which made them look like their hero, “The child of Miami-Dade”! What, IMHO, is the saddest thing is they don’t realize that by dressing like thugs, they only make their boy look worse!