Why does Michael Yon hate dead people?

| March 21, 2012

If you haven’t been paying attention, and I don’t blame you, it gets boring after a while, but Michael Yon made a big deal about the number of people he blocked from his Facebook page yesterday. Our own TSO was on that list. So was Blackfive, but Blackfive made a point of posting on the braggart’s page. Before the end of the day, I found myself blocked because I asked “Who is this Michael Yon everyone is talking about?”

Now I’m in that not so exclusive club…I was feeling left out for a while.

Yon messaged me that he suspects me of being CJ Grisham now and I’m supposed to email him from my AKO account to prove I’m not CJ. Yeah, I’m going to answer all of those security questions at AKO just to email dickweed.

Anyway, I was wondering why does Michael Yon hate dead people;

If I blocked everyone on this blog who disagrees with me once, It’d be me, all by myself, clicking my ads all day long (that’s not a metaphor for masturbation, by the way). Even TSO disagrees with me sometimes.

Category: Shitbags

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Did Yon erase his thread about that already? I cant find it anymore and wanted to see where I stand on the list.


“Why does Michael Yon hate dead people?”

Because he’s a tool?


I used to be a fan of Yon’s (during 2006-8 timeframe) but it seems he has really started down a path I cannot follow. I still follow him on FB but most of his stuff I really don’t care about.

He did take some really good picutres though.


Yeah…I had to explain to Brian’s mom the ways of Yon last night.
What a damned douche he is.

Frankly Opinionated

One good photo does not a journalist make.

Laughing Wolf

He apparently accused several people in e-mails yesterday of being CJ, and to that I say:


Whatever good work he may have done is long past, and as I told him in private and in public a while back, I hope he gets the help he so clearly needs. I have no respect for him or any who follow him, given his attacks on the dead and on those living who are everything he never will be. He’s not worth the effort to do more than pity, so I leave him to the pit of irrelevance he’s dug for himself as he’s not worth even a second of my thought or that of any sentient being.

Guard Wife

I haven’t’ been accused of being CJ yet and, frankly, I’m feeling a little left disenfranchised.

His spiral downward is taking a little too long for my liking. Let’s just crash and get it over with already. Oh, wait. Does that sound like I want to put him in a plane & abandon him to the mountainside? It’s too much like a B-movie or cartoon anymore. Except that there are lots of people in his cave refusing to turn around & realize what they are really looking at are shadow puppets. Sad.


Taking good pictures doesn’t make up for being an assclown, and tool.
Jonn, he thinks you’re CJ?
Oh, and Yawn thinks that the story from Panjway “feels” wrong? His “expert” opinion is that “that something is off with the idea that one man killed these people”.
S.G., the thread is still there, about half way down the page.


And in sort of not-related news/bullshit, Michael Yon recreates his Star Wars death scene…


I must say — being on this list is one of my proudest achievements!! heh!


yawn must have trimmed down his banned list. I know I used ot be on it. Now I’m going to have to get by banned by yon status renewed.


And OMG people, he’s not that good of a photographer!! Those uninitiated in any particular craft are way to often way to easily impressed with pedestrian work. Grrr.

And why does he hate dead people? Maybe it because he’s internalizing guilt for having built a self serving, self aggrandizing, and self indulgent business on the back of a dead Iraqi girl.

Deb Conrad

I called him on his crap yesterday and he removed both my post and my posting privileges. Just call me CJ, I guess. Asshat, he is.


I was banned a while back, I took it as a compliment. He accuses CJ of being psycho when it is him with the obvious problems.


Okay, I must be out of the loop… Who the heck is CJ and why does this guy have such a hardon/psychosis for him?


Flagwaber: Here’s the short version; others please chime in if I’m out to lunch.

CJ was an Army NCO in Afghanistan who Yon claimed was mentally unstable and who had threatened online to to kill Yon. Those claims appear to be questionable at best, if not outright baseless. Yon now claims that the Army “circled the wagons” after he complained about CJ and some others in-theater, and that’s why Yon was “disembedded” and is no longer in Afghanistan.

Old Tanker

CJ also suffers from PTSD and was very open about it in an effort to educate and encourage others to seek help if they need it. That’s why Yawn calls him mentally unstable. Yawn is a classic Blue Falcon…


I can’t find the thread anymore, although I might be missing it. It also looks like I’m banned, although I don’t know Yon from Yawn. For giggles I reported the thread to FB for abuse and personal attacks, which I thought appropriate when he included a KIA and the Gold Star Mom was on the page.

If he regurgitates his CJ rant, we could report his entire fan page as abusive.

Or Spam


Minor clarifications to 17 above: (1) sorry about the typo in your name, Flagwaver, and (2) Yon claimed that CJ had threatened online to kill him – I’m not stating that CJ actually did threaten Yon online. From what’s been reported, it appears to have been hyperbole and (at worst) a poor choice of words online vice an actual threat.


Didn’t you have a blog post yesterday that said “Some things just aren’t news”?

Well this is kind of in that category.


Who the hell is Mchael Yon? Or more importantly, who the hell does he think he is? I looked him up, seems like an average DICK like the rest of us.

Michael Yon

I am writing down all your names while my Thai helper tries to pull the Bobba Fett action figure out of my rectum. I will ban all of you!


Jesus, and I thought Charles Johnson over at LGF had a Messiah complex.

Old Tanker


I think Chuckles takes lessons from Yawn…


MY and LGF are following similar trajectories (off planet).
If you can find their early work and compare it to the current maleficence it’s hard to believe they are the same person(s).


as one of the original banned MY commenters — why, i have no idea since i’m a delicate flower in real life – i want to say how much i love this post and the comments. tah…always one of my favorite blogs. 🙂

Miss Ladybug

J.M., you’re probably who he thinks is a sockpuppet created by CJ…

I was one the list, but did still have commenting privileges. When I *did* comment saying “I hadn’t noticed”, it didn’t last 15 minutes and now I am well and truly banned…


I’ve seen a couple folks in the comments here mention they couldn’t find this post — here’s the link http://www.facebook.com/MichaelYonFanPage/posts/10150642161190665. heh — that is all.


Sadly, only my name is on the banned list, though my other incarnations have been omitted from the List of Awesome. 🙁

He really cannot do SFA right. Mayhap if I suggested he go “up the street, not across the road”……….

And Jonn, your post yesterday on cemented for you my undying devotion.


Wow… thanks Hondo, Old Tanker, and the rest of you for cluing me in (and no worries about the name misspell). This guy sounds like a real winner. Well, I knew that before, but now he sounds like he should get the gold-painted plastic cup because he competed in the Special Olympics.


Yon is a douche. When he disrespected my Cowdrey family I wanted a CIA drone to accidentally explode on his ass. He deleted all of my comments (I have screenshots tho!) and banned me.

Whatever. Brian couldn’t stand him, and for good reason. I used to like Yon, but I found out quick what a piece of crap he is. He’s not a journalist any more than Snooki represents Italians on the Jersey Shore.

Laughable at best.


I am CJ, too (as is Bratdog…..lol)… Yeah, as recently as yesterday YonClown was calling me CJ…;) Honestly, both myself and Bratdog were banned and blocked by YonClown a long time back, even though we do not appear on his official published list. I really never understood why since, like Kate, I also am a delicate flower in real life, who only uses soft tones and gentle words..lol

But as you can see on his thread (about the only thread he is hanging on by, incidentally..) there is some fine FINE company there..


LOL..this mania of everyone being CJ Grisham reminds me of that scene in Harry Potter where they drink the polyjuice potion and eveyrone is Harry Potter. I wonder if that is how Yawn sees the world. CJ running around everywhere..with all of the twinkies…


I was banned last year but my name didnt make the list….my husband made the list though and he is proud to be a part of the 1%. 🙂
His fans are clueless….they don’t know the truth….but can you blame them when he deletes anyone who disagrees with anything he posts?
Ironically, it’s mostly military and military spouses who are on this list….yet he embeds with our troops because he is so caring of our military….lmfao.

Teflon Don

Best part of this post?

“Yeah, I’m going to answer all of those security questions at AKO just to email dickweed.”

Good job keeping the teerroeests out, AKO. And you wonder why no one likes your service.

Maggie Goff

One of my proudest achievements in life is being on that list. 🙂