Focusing on our weaknesses

| March 16, 2012

The Washington Post reports that according to some of the recently de-classified documents that were gathered up at the site of the bin Laden execution in Pakistan, there was a plot afoot to kill President Obama and General David Petraeus.

“The reason for concentrating on them,” the al-Qaeda leader explained to his top lieutenant, “is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make (Vice President Joe) Biden take over the presidency. … Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis. As for Petraeus, he is the man of the hour … and killing him would alter the war’s path” in Afghanistan.

Administration officials said Friday the Obama-Petraeus plot was never a serious threat.

I guess Obama had even bin Laden fooled that he is more competent than Bite Me Biden. While I certainly won’t argue that Biden isn’t completely unprepared to lead this country, I’d ask how anyone could think that Obama is any more prepared for the challenges of fighting terrorism than Biden ever was?

Afghanistan was such a straight forward fight, it’s hard to imagine how anyone could turn it into a giant cluster fuck in a few short years like this administration has done. I mean, how could they screw it up more than the Bush Administration had already?

I guess bin Laden believed all of the Nobel Prize shit and the rally in Berlin hype like most of the American voting public believed it. It’s difficult to imagine Biden screwing the war against terrorism more than Obama has already. I’m sure it’s possible, but it’s still hard to figure.

So the quote from “the administration official” that the plot was never a serious threat is true, but not in the way he meant. It wasn’t a serious threat because even if they’d succeeded none of our national security would have changed and we’d still be just as screwed in either case.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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I find it a little tiresome that anyone would think this was news-worthy. Are our politicians so sure of their worth that they are actually shocked to discover that a professed enemy of our nation would like to see them dead?


i can’t believe that any serious enemy of the United States wouldn’t be doing everything they could to PROTECT the SCOAMF…

he’s done more damage to this country than all of our other enemies combined throughout history.

Just Plain Jason

I just had a nightmare image of Fightin’ Joe Biden appointing John “you know I was in Vietnam” Kerry as secretary of Defence…that’s how it could get worse. I need to go take some something for the headache I just got…


“As for Petraeus, he is the man of the hour … and killing him would alter the war’s path”

I have no doubt assassinating him would have altered the war’s path, and not in al-Qaeda’s favor.

As well as our enemy usually seems to knows us, they occasionally reveal the most startling naivety.


I’ll call *bullshit* on the article. Since 2001, POTUS security has ramped up significantly. No way in hell would or could it happen. Especially since “Rangers” and “Marines” are on the J.O.B. Our enemies really don’t have a clue nor should they be exposed to current measures in place.


“Afghanistan was such a straight forward fight, it’s hard to imagine how anyone could turn it into a giant cluster fuck in a few short years like this administration has done.”

And I’m sure now all our troops will be blamed for the outcome of middle east by the left. Just wait for it during election time. It’s never Obama’s fault. He wants all the rewards of leadership without any of the responsibilities.


Hypocrites to the highesr degree!
You racists mangle Obama’s successes as “delusional’ and “false” yet you can’t answer why websites like Politfact and exist! they exist to prove to are liars!
“SCOAMF” is a retarded racist crap created by retarded racist who are STILL pissed America voted for a Black man as President of the United States instead of a Ditzy quitter, Caribou Barbie!

I hate that poor people get health care, and our dependence on foreign oil is a good thing? The “staggering debt” has nothing to do with the wars started by the previous President. Higher unemployment — actually the economy is recovering. Unsecured borders — fewer people are coming across than during the Bush years. I don’t even know what “compliant unconstitutional herds of followers” means. The Muslim Brotherhood has taken over the Middle East? hmm… want to think about that? De-funding our military? Absolutely deep cuts can, and should, be made in the military budget.

Of course, now you have a lying rebuttal to Obama “inheritin” the Bush economy to “he created it”! So Obama created the wars in Iraq and Afgan? Obama crrated the Keystone and TARP program?

If you don’t believe me the Google which president increased our debt the most, and the United States Treasury Report will verify this information. Just so you know, before you look up this extensive and accurate multi-page document. Bill Clinton increased our debt the least, while he was the President. Enjoy your research.

You dinbats are too busy lying about Obama’s successes and “broken” promises and other crap you remove this obvious fact!

You racists KNOW the GOP candidates are a joke, you KNOW they can’t win. and you HATE that they are attacking Obama and being respectful at the same time!

Obama is anything but a Socialist. He stands to the Right of Eisenhower and is trying very hard to save American Capitalism from its own stupidity.

Anyone who calls Obama a “SCOAMF” is a retarded fact. plain and simple!


Well at least I Googled and found out what SCOAMF meant.


Wow! Someone is off their meds! lol


Well ya know, “Questionman”, I took your advice, and I did Google it. And here’s what I found:

US national debt on 20 Jan 2001: $5,728,195,796,181.57
US national debt on 20 Jan 2009: $10,626,877,048,913.00
Bush(43) debt increase (8 years): $4,898,681,252,731.43

Yeah, that’s pretty damn bad.


But I poked around a bit more, and I also found this:

US national debt now: $15,566,570,829,745.90

Obama debt increase (3 yrs 1 mo 29 days): $4,939,693,780,832.90

Uh, wait a minute, that second number for an increase is bigger . . . .

Gee, I guess that means that according to the US Treasury – who really should know – the national debt has gone up more in less than 3 yrs 2 mo of the Obama administration than in 8 full years of the Bush(43) administration.

(flip) Here’s a quarter. Come back and play again when you’ve bought yourself a clue.

SCOAMF is absolutely apropos. And it isn’t racist, dipshit. It’s race neutral – and in this case, 100% accurate.


@10…and out of his room, and off the ward… (eyeroll).


Addendum: given the incredible ignorance you exhibited in comment 7 above, Questionman, I thought I’d best answer your question explicitly. I doubt you can count high enough on your fingers and toes to double-check the math.

The president who has added the most to the US national debt during his administration is Barak H. Obama. And by the end of his first term – which hopefully will also be his last – he’ll almost certainly hold that title by over $1,000,000,000,000. (That’s $1 trillion, in case you’re unfamiliar with numbers greater than you need to count the change you make while working at Micky-Ds or Burger King).


And the “swoop and poop” crowd chimes in yet again.

Now I grant you, the line has already been used, but people really have been asking themselves, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

Few of us are. I am marginally so only because I closed all my credit card accounts and have paid or are paying them off. I have bought NOTHING that would be considered frivolous. I have taken maybe one vacation in the last four years, a long weekend to Vegas.

Aside from that, I’m still getting fucked daily on my taxes (of which I’m now the 50.5 percent), my medical insurance is through the roof, I’m not planning on any sort of major purchase in the near future (meaning at least 2-3 years out, if then), and food/gas/electric more than eats up any payraises I receive.

AW1 Tim


“Anyone who calls Obama a “SCOAMF” is a retarded fact. plain and simple!”

Wait…. WTF is a “retarded fact”?

Besides, I thought that leftists thought that “retarded” was a BAD word? Shouldn’t you be saying “mentally challenged” or some other PC bullshit term?


Just saw this and couldn’t resist posting it for Questionman’s benefit. Apparently CBS has noticed that Obama now is #1 among all US Presidents in adding to the national debt:


Tim–retarded is okay in the mind of a leftist if you’re talking about Palin’s son with Down’s Syndrome. Otherwise, prepare to be publicly flayed.

And in other news, Bristol Palin is still waiting on her phone call from Obama…