Biden wants Usama’s picture on Obama bumper stickers

| February 25, 2012

The Washington Times reports that “Bite Me” Biden thinks that death of Usama bin Laden warrants a centerpiece position in the President’s reelection campaign;

The quest marches on for a bumper sticker for the 2012 Obama campaign, and Vice President Joseph Biden Jr. believes the slogan should highlight the death of Osama bin Laden.

At a campaign event in Manchester, N.H., Thursday night, Mr. Biden offered this suggestion for the campaign’s 2012 bumper sticker: “Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.”

Yeah, because bin laden gave his life for the second Obama term. Can you imagine the outcry if President Bush or Dick Cheney had made such a suggestion with the visage of Saddam Hussein in the 2004 election?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Marooned in Marin

I’m seem to recall Dems getting their panties in a wad about a picture of Bush on AF1 on the phone during the 9/11 attacks that was only being used as an RNC fundraiser. Hey “Bite Me” why don’t you just have Barry spiking Obama’s head like a football. It’s amazing how Obama always tries to take credit for the work of our troops, but wants to balance the budget on their backs and doesn’t stand up for them in Afghanistan.

Marooned in Marin

“why don’t you just have Barry spiking Obama’s head like a football?”

Sorry I meant Osama. Had Ted Kennedy disease and I haven’t even been drinking this a.m.

Joseph Brown

Marin, either one works for me!

Bah Bodenkurk

I’m so sick of hearing about how Obama killed Osama like he booted the door in and fired the fatal shots. It’s bullshit.


How ’bout pictures of our guys that just got killed in Afghanistan plus a NObama?


Marin, what Joseph said in #3….


Some big differences betweenn Bin Laden and Hussein:

1. Hussein never attacked us, Bin Laden did.
2. President Obama did not waste two trillion dollars on a needless war getting Bin Laden, the mistake from Texas did.

Also the notion that the Republican’s didn’t use national security to their electoral advantage is laughable. The fact that you believe it is hysterical. Why don’t you cry to Max Cleland about how unfair the Dems are.


1. Hussein never attacked us, Bin Laden did.
Follow the money. A great deal of cash came out of Iraq to fund the attacks of 9/11. Also, I would say that firing surface-to-air missiles at American fighters patrolling a U.N. no-fly zone is an attack.

2. President Obama did not waste two trillion dollars on a needless war getting Bin Laden, the mistake from Texas did.
No, he wasted more money than all presidents before him from the birth of the country to give people free stuff and kill the economy by printing more money without anything behind it.

Also the notion that the Republican’s didn’t use national security to their electoral advantage is laughable.
Yes, that explains why a Democrat is in the White House and ACORN was shut down thanks to election fraud.

The fact that you believe it is hysterical. Why don’t you cry to Max Cleland about how unfair the Dems are.
Actually, I would rather see a fair election to get Obama out of office and get sanity back into our state of affairs.

Oh, and before you start applauding how the Dems have done no wrong, try reading the Health Care bill that Pelosi said had to be passed to find out what is in it. They can access your personal bank account and remove funds without notifying you. Great, huh? There are more.


Now that the Dems are in the WH, drones are smexy, GITMO stays open and JSOC is not a “squad of secret assassins” but are heroes now!

It’s only evil if a republican does it.


Biden can’t have a mic in front of him without looking like a complete retard….

Cedo Alteram

#8 Nice take down.

The problem is what aligned that raid were policies that were enacted and pursued by Bush, that he passionatly opposed.


If you think burning a koran had bad results, can you imagine what this would do??

(Yes, most of us understand that the riots are being done by terrorists who would use or manufacture any excuse to be offended.)

Joseph Brown

Insipid, Max Cleland is confined to wheel chair because a DEMOCRAT president got us into the VN war and a DEMOCRAT president escalated that war, several times.
It also didn’t help Cleland when he dropped that grenade stepping out of a helicopter carrying a case beer.
‘Nuff said, little man?


————————————– Follow the money. A great deal of cash came out of Iraq to fund the attacks of 9/11. Also, I would say that firing surface-to-air missiles at American fighters patrolling a U.N. no-fly zone is an attack. ————————————– As far as your first statement, there’s absolutely no link found between the funding of 911 and Sadam Hussein. Even George Bush admitted that: While i’m obviously not sure about your second fact (my guess is that it’s the same amount of bullshit at the rest of your post. ————————————————– No, he wasted more money than all presidents before him from the birth of the country to give people free stuff and kill the economy by printing more money without anything behind it. ————————————————– No, he did not. Our debt comes from Republicans. Make no mistake, had the Supreme Court not stolen the 2000 election we’d have a balanced budget right now and a secure social security trust fund. The ones who TRIED to kill the economy by printing money was GWB. The one who is saving it is President Obama. ——————————————————– Yes, that explains why a Democrat is in the White House and ACORN was shut down thanks to election fraud. ————————————————————- A democrat is in the White house because he got more votes than the Republican he ran against (i know that’s a foreign concept to Republicans who prefer to win elections by running to the SC like the School yard sissy when ever a state has the temerity to assert its rights.) Acorn was shut down due to spineless dems in the Senate and a well-orchestrated campaing of lies by Republicans. While there was certainly evidence of registration fraud, no one has ever provided any evidence that anyone falsely registered actually voted. What happened was that Acorn was paying people to get names and some people, instead of doing their jobs just took names out of the phone book or made up names. However Acorn still did dilligence to go through those names. Either way the idea that Acorn is responsible for President Obama getting 9… Read more »


Yes, the Democratic president DID make a horrible mistake. Unfortunately, GWB is too much of the stupid fuck to learn from it.

Actually, Cleland did not drop the grenade, another soldier did. He just reached for it thinking that he dropped it. But the witnesses of the scene and the soldier that dropped it all said that the mistake was not Cleland’s.

But it’s typical of the right wing phony support of the troops. You’re all for the troops as long as they believe as you believe. But a Democratic winner of a Bronze and Silver star deserves to be lied about by the likes of you and Coulter simply because they happen to have an opinion different then your dictate. Talk about small. If anyone is a “little man”, it’s you.


OH, I forgot to mention. Politifact rated the whole “The ACA can take money from your bank account” a pants on fire lie:

Better luck next time.


Of course what insipid will never admit to is the blatant hypocrisy he supports.


Some morons are still whining about the “stolen election” 12 years ago? Good grief, naive one, try a different search engine, and find some facts on the election. Your search engine is stuck on stupid, as are you. But you do provide a service, you remind one and all why Americans and progressives will never be able to live together.
Politifact? Really? You quote a site owned by the St. Petersburg Times, they’re about on a par with the NYT, LAT and WaPo.
And where the fuck are those millions of seniors enjoying wellness visits? I sure as hell don’t know any, nor have I heard from anyone who’s gotten one. But, I was advised by the CMS, that’s the Center for Medicaid/Medicare Services that I can no longer have a prescription cough syrup, it’s too dangerous. But, it turns out it isn’t too dangerous, I can still have it, at four times the cost I paid previously. So, yeah the ACA has really been beneficial. You think you know more about ACA, but you only know what DU and OFA tell you, so you don’t know shit, junior.


First off, there’s some ACTUAL morons still “whining” about Abraham Lincoln’s “violation” of state’s Rights (to own slaves). Secondly I was responding to someone accusing Obama and Acorn of stealing the landslide election of 2008. Thirdly, don’t ever talk to me about the Constitution again if you can make light of the biggest Constitutional violation of our lifetime. As far as your discounting politifact goes: this is the main reason why Conservatives are so stuck on stupid. Anthing that disagrees with their preconcieved notion they refuse to read simply because it is part of the “librul media”. As far as your sob-story about the cough syrup: good. MAYBE with each hacking cough racking your ingrateful body you’ll come to realize that the big-government programs that the Dems are trying to save are not just for “the others”. It’s not the black guy getting benefiting from a pell grant that’s bankrupting this nation. It’s you and your medicare. If your Conservative Principles had any meaning you’d be thrilled to be paying for the cough syrup and no longer sucking off the government tit. Or better yet, you’ll call up your Congressman and DEMAND that they take you off Medicare completely and give you a 10,000 dollar voucher to allow you to get private insurance as called for by the Ryan plan! Yeah, it will cost you 10s of thousands a year, but what’s that to a good government-hating Conservative? But we all know you’re not going to do that. The prevailing philosophy of you old, selfish shit Republicans is “I’ve got mine, fuck everyone else!” The idea that you can cry like the whiny ass titty baby you are because the Government Program which you Conservatives claim to hate isn’t treating you right is hysterical. Here’s where i got my information on health reform: Actually only 150k people enjoyed wellness visits, 4.5 million got a check for $250 for closing the donut hole. Something which i’m sure you’re really upset about because Big Pharma should be able to charge whatever they want. I mean to everyone else, not you. Big… Read more »


blah, blah, blah

Meanwhile, some of us here are of an age that we actually DID fight against instituting Medicare, and STILL think it is a horrid idea.

But that’s a bit long to put on a bumper sticker. Ya know – the actual topic of this conversation. Remember??


“‘Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.'”

Stop and think about that as a bumpersticker for a moment. Who would fit so narrow a group as to be able to put that on their car, and drive around with it?

They can even screw up a bumpersticker. Amazing.


That “Horrid idea” cut the rate of elderly poverty in half.

And obviously UpNorth doesn’t think it’s a “horrid idea”. His complaint isn’t really that the “Cost went up”(although as a true government titty-baby that’s how he worded it) his complaint is that it’s not doing enough. He’s mad because they cut his entitlements. The cost stayed the same, he’s just mad that the rest of us aren’t shelling out the cost for it, he is. Again, it’s the “i got mine” philosophy.


Insipid, just out of curiosity, do you approve of your lender arbitrarily changing the interest rate on your mortgage?


In the interests of brevity, I’ll answer the question I asked. The answer of any sane human would be “no.” The reason is because all of us expect a legal contract to be honored.

The veterans signed a contract when they joined the military. And like anyone else who signs a contract, they expected the government to hold up their end of what was agreed to in that contract. That’s not happening, and yes, the veterans fight to keep the benefits that were promised to them in the contract they signed.

Now how is that a hard concept to understand?


PN, he won’t get it, he hasn’t got it and never will. He can’t understand the concept of honor, be it service or a contract.
I mean, he thinks that Medicare cut the rate of elderly poverty. How much of an Occutard does one have to be to think that way? He gets his “information” from the HHS website, then says that others who don’t go to far-left websites are closed minded?
Oh, and Instupid, I pay for my Medicare Advantage plan, so eat shit and die.


The concept of earned vs unearned benefits is beyond the intellectual capacity of so many. Others are smart enough to get it, but choose not to see. Don’t even try to have them understand contractual arrangements!

Spoiled chldren. A real shame.


Liberal: Someone so open minded their brains leaked out.

Hey, can we please stop feeding the trolls.
I am all about debates. I love discussing topics from both sides of the room, HOWEVER, when the other side cannot shut up long enough to research or think about both sides of the conversation, then I am just talking to a wall.

That being said, I am going back to my work here in Afghanistan. Good afternoon to you all.