In a war we want to focus on the really important s###
TSo sends us a link from about the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers who want us to focus on the more important aspects of military service. This time they’re going for the religious preference “solicitation” for your dog tags.
“What MRFF has received complaints about is the fact that a service member’s religion is listed on forms where there is no legitimate reason for it to be listed, such as the Army’s ORB (Officer Record Brief) … forms whose purpose is to provide a summary of a service member’s education, special skills, and service record,” said Chris Rodda, a writer and a researcher for MRFF.
“There is no reason that religion should be a factor in any career or assignment decisions that the information on these forms is used for,” she said.
Yeah, that really reduces the combat effectiveness of the force. Ya know, all you have to do is exactly like me and Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood terrorist, did – put in No Religious Preference. It certainly didn’t hinder his career to deny his Muslim religion, and it was probably the least of my worries, career-wise.
And I wish they’d change the name of their organization, they don’t want anyone to be freethinkers, they want us all to conform to their endless and useless drivel.
Category: Shitbags
In reality, they’d deny a service member whatever last rites or prayers without their preference being listed. On the other hand, some atheist might be prayed over.
I don’t get what they’re thinking.
“Freethinker” is a good old word for atheists and agnostics – you’ll see it in nineteenth-century literature. I prefer it to the more recent effort (a few years back) to relabel nonbelievers as “brights.”
Reminds me of the story about the dead atheist. There he was, laying in his casket, all dressed up and no place to go. 🙂
No Rel Pref worked fine for me.
Of all the ironies….just after I typed the previous comment, I was called in to get my deployment dogtags (I’m at UDC prepping for deployment)
Looks like No Rel Pref worked just fine…again.
CI- You are so brave! How did you manage to overcome what clearly had to have been extensive brow beating by your Christian peers that dominate the military? Didn’t the dog tag person tell you that you would go to hell?
Wait, you mean no one cared, there was no peer pressure? Wow, who knew, except everyone else who has ever had to go through the same fahkin thing except this one LT and his 20 brothers that signed the idiotic petition.
Well….I had to dodge holy water and deployment bibles being thrown at me….but it only prepares me for combat, right?
I blame the No Rel Pref on my ORB for not being a general by now. It has to be the only reason.
Maybe if I put Muslim on my ERB they would have promoted me as a sort of affirmative action.
Considering that NRP was and probablly still is the most chosen “preference”, these people have WAY too much time on their hands.
How long untill they incorporate sexual preference on the tags? *face palm*
Draw a cartoon of mohammed or start a BBQ with a Koran, tape it, post it online and see what happens. Basically, if these fuckin boneheads didn’t tape this, we’d have nothing to discuss right?
Jesus….how the hell did that end up here?! Friggin blackberry….