Taliban…is not our enemy

| January 3, 2012

I wrote the other day about Joe Bite Me telling Newsweek that “…the Taliban per se is not our enemy.” The White House defended Bite Me’s latest stupid statement;

“It’s only regrettable when taken out of context,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said of the vice president’s remarks in an interview published Monday.

Well, how’s this for context, Jay;

It was posted yesterday and apparently it came from Kilo Company 3/17th Marines who were ambushed by the Taliban (who are not our enemy, per se). No Marines were injured in the ambush. I guess that’s why they’re not our enemy…they can’t hit shit even when they have the advantage of surprise, cover and concealment.

Category: Terror War

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Marine 83

Probably 3/7 as there is no longer a 17th Marine Regiment.


I’m far from a Biden fan or apologist. That said, it seems a little premature, but might be part of an outreach that’s been discussed before–esp. since Karzai is openly negotiating with the T-ban.

From a COIN perspective, it reminds me of the Embrace Moderates as a Political Arm phase–it’s been done before with the IRA, Hamas, and Sendero Luminosa (I think).

Again–premature but not unheard of. Can’t kill them all, might as well marginalize the extremists and reintegrate those who can be rehabilitated.


Nice suppressive fire.

Is it me, or did all those plants look like pot plants?


They’re not our enemies huh….Biden’s got his head even farther up his ass than I thought…



God, I m,is the hell outta my 240B!!!!!!!! I carried one for 15 month my second tour, and what a fucking deterrent that thing was! The only downside was that the Soldiers and Sailors that were of Junior Enlisted rank were actually scared to used it! I mean, seriously? There is no headspace and timing required to shoot the damned thing, and they STILL were freaked out to shoot it or even gun in an MRAP turret. That, coupled with these remarks and Panetta’s has me truly worried about the next war we fight!