Bloomberg and guns again
The New York Post reports that the city’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg launched another pointless sting against gun owners and PRIVATE sellers. This time on the internet;
Investigators searched 10 websites with 25,000 guns available for sale and, posing as buyers, contacted 125 sellers in 14 states.
They then began negotiating their purchases, admitting during each exchange that they couldn’t pass a background check.
That should have sounded the alarm bells, since federal law prohibits weapons sales to such dicey individuals.
But officials said only 48 of the 125 sellers followed the law.
They said sellers on Craigslist — which supposedly prohibits the sale of firearms on its site — failed the integrity test most often, 82 percent of the time.
Yes, this is despicable. Yes, I only want law abiding gun owners, but what is the point of this sting? These are PRIVATE sellers who don’t have licenses that can be revoked or restricted further. What does Bloomberg want to happen? Forbidding gun sales on the internet? Apparently these private sellers really don’t care who ends up with their guns, so forbidding gun sales on the internet won’t stop them.
Witness: Craigslist doesn’t allow people to sell guns on their website, but people do it anyway. So by passing more laws to restrict them won’t do anything except restrict people who DO respect the law.
But then Bloomberg is a liberal and the only thing that matters in liberalism is to look as if he’s concerned about an issue. Whether he can do anything constructive is irrelevant.
Go watch the video at the link and if you don’t want to punch Bloomberg in his smarmy face, you’re a better than I.
By the way, look at how Bloomberg blames the Ruger P95 9mm instead of the person who shot the police officer Bloomberg is talking about. Because guns kill people all by themselves. That’s why mine are in a gun safe so they don’t hunt me at night.
On a related note, firearm sales are up this holiday season according to a Sacramento CBS station;
This surge in gun sales — the best holiday sales season in three years, according to the Firearms Dealers Association — got a shot in the arm on Black Friday.
“Black Friday sales were off the charts this year,” a TDS employee said.
That’s good news…more gun owners mean fewer Obama Democrats.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Yeah like a spoon made Rosie O’Donnell and Michael Moore FAT!
Wait a second. What kind of “undercover investigators” did he use? Were they federal, state, or city? And, if they did buy the firearms out of state, didn’t they break federal law by not going through an FFL?
I are confused.
“…contacted 125 sellers in 14 states.” Excuse me, but can anyone please explain to me how this is a job or even an area of concern for the MAYOR of New York CITY? He has no jurisdiction over anything outside New York city limits. Why isn’t Eric Holder suing New York City. Ecause its investigators are doing the federal government’s job? Isn’t that his premise for suing Arizona, Georgia and Alabama over immigration?
Correction: …suing New York City because…
Proof reading is good. Must practice it more often.
Then Bloomy would shit rubber bricks if he went to Kittery Trading Post in Maine and saw all the NY plates in the parking lot.
Two points:
#1, I don’t always trust anything the Anti Rights (anti gun) dumbasses say or do. They’ve been known to make up shit.
#2. All good citizens who legally own firearms, should be responsible with them. Use them safely, keep them from idiots and children and don’t sell them to felons etc.
#3 Or run a santuary city or have the NYPD conduct intelligence gathering in Jersey(mosque overwatch) with out notifying said jurisdiction. Nevermind making your own connections in the UK. I remember the FBI making some comment about New York city being its own fiefdom with it’s own foreign policy.
Its amazing which laws mayor Bloomberg and commissioner Kelly choose to enforce and break.
The thought that Bloomberg might have been doing it under “Fast and Furious” program has crossed my mind a few times…
Bloomberg’s being Bloomberg because he doesn’t want to address the real elephant in the room.
Not the illegally purchased gun. The judge who let a criminal walk free, buy a gun illegally, and kill a cop.
THAT should be illegal.
“This surge in gun sales — the best holiday sales season in three years, according to the Firearms Dealers Association — got a shot in the arm on Black Friday”. The best in three years? Coincidence? I doubt it.