No, you don’t have a choice

| December 12, 2011

VTWoody sends a link to some silly shit in California (where else?). It seems that the do-it-yourself giant Lowes pulled ads from a Muslim reality show “All-American Muslim” after an advocacy group “Florida Family Association complained that the show was “propaganda that riskily hides the Islamic agenda’s clear and present danger to American liberties and traditional values.”

So some California State Senator, Ted Lieu, D-Torrance is calling for a boycott of Lowes because the retail giant’s decision is “un-American” and “naked religious bigotry”.

“We want to raise awareness so that consumers will know during this holiday shopping season that Lowe’s is engaging in religious discrimination,” he said.

In addition to an apology and reinstatement of the ads, Lieu said he hoped Lowe’s would make an outreach to the community about bias and bigotry.

So a company isn’t allowed to make decisions based on their consumers’ wishes without some government moron interfering. Last I heard, Lieu had to change the privacy settings on his Facebook page because he was getting so much criticism yesterday. So he can’t handle criticism much like Lowes. Funny how that irony thing works, huh?

Category: Shitbags

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As much as I think the Florida Family Association’s complaint is rather ridiculous, Lowe’s has every right to decide where their advertising dollars are spent. Although this case is government moron vs religious moron.


Freedom for me, but not for thee. Such is the liberal mantra. Thanks for my daily reminder of why I left that shithole of a state.

2-17 AirCav

I visited the Florida Family Association’s (FFA) website and found that Lowes is one many, many companies who have pulled ads from the show All America Muslim so I don’t know why Lowes was singled out for this honor—and I do not mean that sarcastically. The FFA has a link that allows you to post a send-ready email to companies if you are interested in letting them know that you do not support the Learning Channel’s pro-Muslim propaganda. Here’s the link to the FFA:


@3- It’s because that senator is a racist, cav. It’s a well-known fact that illegal immigrant day-workers hang out outside of Lowe’s looking for work, and he wants them to go hungry.

How’d I do?


Damnit, I meant to say “undocumented day-laborers”.


My view is going to be painted with a broad brush here, but part of me, based on the people I know, thinks it holds some water.
Liberals are either too poor and lazy, don’t know how to do home repair/improvement or think they’re too good to fix up their homes and pay someone to do it. So pissing off liberals isn’t going to hurt Lowe’s sales.
Hell, most hardworking contractors I know might be driven to lowes in support of this.

2-17 AirCav

It’s as plausible explanation as any except I am not sure there are many Mexican Muslims.

2-17 AirCav

@7 was for Teddy. Sorry. I’ll try to do better in the future.

Laughing Wolf

There is some good question as to if Lowes actually pulled their ads because of FFA. It is much more likely that they pulled them because the numbers for the show tanked and are continuing to tank. See It would not be the first time a group claimed an ad was pulled because of them, and the advertiser did it for business reasons (possibly without even knowing the group existed).

As for Comrade Lieu, maybe he would be happier in a government more suited to giving people like him power, and should look at transferring to the socialist dictatorship of his choice.


@7- The muslim thing hasn’t anything to do with it beyond a conveniently PC excuse to boycott the store. It’s the reduced traffic at Lowe’s that he’s after, because he hates brown people. Boom.

I’ve got this shit on lockdown, like Duff on teh Jooz.

2-17 AirCav

If AAM were smart, it would follow one of their showcased families into Lowes itself! I can hear it now:

Greeter: “Hi, welcome to Lowes. May I help you?”

Muslim Male: “Yes, I am looking to build a funeral pyre to dispose of a body.”

Greeter: “Certainly, sir. Let me guess. Honor killing?”

Mulim: “Yes! How did you know?”

Greeter: “This is Dearborne. We get this all the time. Aisle 16. And thanks for shopping at Lowes.”

Old Trooper

I haven’t heard of the AAM show. What network is it on, Al Jizz?

2-17 AirCav

OT: The Re-Education Camp Channel (a/k/a Learning Channel).


Bravo, I think. All “reality”, all the time.

@9–He’s already in a socialist dictatorship. Haven’t you been to Kommiefornukistan lately? Believe me, the Golden State is long since dead.


I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that Lieu would be a democrat. I’m sure he’s working on a bill to confiscate all of the Lowe’s outlets and rename them The People’s Warehouse.


Okay, I have to weigh in on this. I work for Lowe’s as a Paint dept CSA. This really just blows my mind. Lowe’s is rated highly for supporting and hiring veterans, and does a lot of work in the communities we are in. Whatever asshat decided to pull the ads because of pressure from FFA should be fired. Lowe’s is a company with high visibility in these communities, and with economic times being tough, this will make it even harder. As for the comment about illegals hanging out a Lowe’s for day laborer work. I have not seen it here in Illinois.

2-17 AirCav

@16. Are you kidding? This will make it harder on Lowes? To do what? Sell Ramadan Trees and signs saying, “Keep Allah in Ramadan?” What does “in these communities” mean? American communities?


Business has been down at a lot of Lowe’s Stores. We don’t sell “Ramadan” trees or anything like that. And yes I do mean American communities. We just completed some charity work here in Illinois (SW Chicago suburbs), that included repainting homes of developmentally disabled people. We also did some projects at local schools. Never once has religion come into play. We also support MDA. What I referred to making things harder was business in general. And before you go ballistic, I do recognize the danger posed by radical Islamic fundamentalists, but I also recognize that there are moderate Muslims that abhor the violence of the Jihadists. They just are not very vocal about it. Besides which, I still remember my oath to defend the Constitution and this nation. I also remember that we do have Freedom of Religion, as guarenteed by the Constitution.


All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

2-17 AirCav

211: No, I’m not going ballistic. It’s just that I appluad Lowe’s decision and I do not agree that it will hurt the chain one whit. As for the Constitution, yes. I have heard of that, including that prohibition against Congress establishing a national religion. What is pure crap is that the AMA show portrays Muslims at large in a gee-whiz-we-are-all-peace-loving and overlooking the significant number of Islam adherents who are blowing things and people up all over the place.


@21 – Except the number of Islamic terrorists blowing things and people up all over the place isn’t significant, unless you took a far different survey of math courses than I did.

2-17 AirCav

Hello CI. I was wondering when you were going to show up. Relative to the number of non-Muslims who are blowing things and people up, I’d say that a reasonable person would readily agree that the number is significant.


As for the comment about illegals hanging out a Lowe’s for day laborer work. I have not seen it here in Illinois.

Try Commiefornia. Believe me, the cities down there FORCE the Lowe’s and Home Depots there to BUILD day laborer facilities, complete with toilets, etc.

Yeah, New Hampshire isn’t exactly rolling with illegals, unless you count that French Canadian guy standing outside going, “Shovel your roof off, eh?” Massachusetts, OTOH…

And as has been pointed out, the ratings for AAM have pretty much sucked, so I wouldn’t put it past this Florida Families Group to jump on the bandwagon and claim they had something to do with Lowe’s pulling their ads, when in reality it was strictly a business decision based on nonexistent return for their advertising dollar.

Question: What documentation do you have to show typically to get the vets discount? I’m not retired, but I carry my VFW and Legion cards with me.

Oh, and finaly suggestion, 211–get rid of all the fucking Spanish signs. Nobody in NH outside a HS classroom speaks it.


Only if you’re using Beck chalkboard math.

But when anything that doesn’t portray Muslims to be bombstrapping goat-herders [or -copulators if you prefer] is pro-Muslim propaganda…I can see where someone might get that idea.

2-17 AirCav

I am unfamiliar with Beck chalkboard math. Is that a swipe? As for your characterization of Muslims, that’s nearly as funny as the SouthPark show that didn’t air, not to mention the oodles of writers, cartoonists, and publishers who have been killed or threatened with death b/c of what certain non-goatherders thought of their portrayal of certain non-bombe strapped Muslims.


That’s sort of my point. With enough actual atrocities and offenses committed by Muslim extremists, why the need to blow it out to outlandish proportions?

That’s a tactic from the liberal playbook.


I am just curious, because I really don’t know the answer to this, but how many of these Jihadists have come from the American Muslim community. Most of the ones I have heard about were disaffected idiots from the fringes of American society. People who converted to radical Islam because they were marginalized for one reason or another. To my knowledge very few if any had come from the more mainstream Muslim community.


Lowe’s should hold a community pig roast that features muslim outreach.


People who converted to radical Islam because they were marginalized for one reason or another.

Sorry, but Hasan, Hadayet, Abdulmutallab, Shahzad, the Lackawanna Six, Ressam (Millenium Bomber), and the conspirators in the first WTC bombing, IIRC, were almost all born overseas. Pre-radicalized, so to speak. The guys like Gahan, Jihad Johnny, et al, are more or less outliers by comparison.

Those are just a few off the top of my head. But please, do keep trying.

2-17 AirCav

Yeah, Sparky, I smell the shish kebabs cooking too.


I was referring to Jihadists from the United States, not the ones from overseas. I wanted to know how many Islamic extremists have come form the mainstream Muslim community here in the U.S.?


Could you define “Mainstream Muslim community”?
“the number of Islamic terrorists blowing things and people up all over the place isn’t significant”, unless you’re the one blown up, or shot, like Pvt William Long, or Pvt Quinton Ezeagwula. Then, the recipient might think it significant. Or, if you’re Pvt Long, you don’t, but your next of kin does. Not to mention the survivors and next of kin at Ft. Hood.
Sparky, Hasan was home grown, as was Carlos Bledsoe, AKA Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad.


I watched the show and had no problems with it. It was kinda dumb though just like all the other reality TV shows.

One thing I did notice was that all the Muslim women in it who made a big deal out of wearing the hija
b and talking about modesty, also wore pants. I mean what the point in covering your hair so I can’t see it but yet letting me see the outline of your ass?


Thank you for answering my question UpNorth. As for my definition of “Mainstream Muslim community”, I would say they are hardworking, middle class people like you and me, the difference being they are Muslims. You know, just like hard working middle class people of Jewish, Hindu, Christian, and Pagan beliefs. That is what I was referring to.


OK, but they are nothing like me. Sorry, just my interpretation of what Islam is, and what it requires.


I’m not even sure of the complaint here. A guy is calling for a boycott and? Or is basic sycophantry to corporations the order of the day here? I remember one person from this blog flummoxed me when he said that Walmart shouldn’t have to pay sales tax. Now they shouldn’t have to face the threat of boycott for their actions? Or is freedom of speech dead when it comes to criticizing corporations? Not only our corporations people, but they must be unaccountable people?

Boycotts are an effective measure of swaying corporate opinion. In fact I recall many a religious right fanatic calling for boycotts of various television shows for daring to show a gay kiss or depictions of gay sexuality. Though i didn’t like their message, i saw nothing wrong with them calling for a boycott. I responded by buying MORE from the advertisers.

I mean what? How dare Martin Luther King boycott Greyhound? If there policy is to make certain groups ride in the back that’s THERE business?


I know the difference between there and their. Just not always.


How is changing the settings on a facebook ad like bowing to pressure? I mean if he decided to vote Republican, that would be equivelent to what Lowes did. Or is it now necessary for a public servant to hear EVERY bit of criticism. And if that’s how you feel then how come you didn’t speak out against Bush’s “free speech zones” a little louder?


@33 – Sure…but whereas the term significant was used previously as a statistical qualifier, you’re using it as an emotional qualifier. Different use-different assessment.


insipid–it means they can dish it out, but they can’t take it–typical liberalism.


Not true at all Sparky. Not being able to take it would be demonstrated by him changing his mind about the boycott. Not wanting to listen to Conservative bullshit is just common sense.


Says the guy who spouts liberal bullshit.


Somehow folks always manage to miss the point of many of these stories. Lowe’s is free to spend it’s ad dollars anywhere it wishes based on whatever criteria it wishes to use. Likewise, folks are free to boycott Lowe’s (or any other entity) based on whatever criteria they want to use. Part of the irony of a “reality” show being in the midst of real life consequences.

Meanwhile, I don’t care wheather young girls are sexually mutilated for “religious” reasons or simply because some preditor decides it sounds like fun. I am not prepared to support any group which does such things. And I don’t care what they call themselves, their country of origin, the language they speak, or any other identifier.

Fact is that many so-called moderate muslims support not only the practice of hiding the faces of their women folk but treating them in ways that the typical liberal female should find abhorrant. The rest of us do.


Wow. Welcome to the town of strawman. Population you. I agree that the practice of female circumcision is an abomination. However that’s not called for in Islam but more of a barbaric practice in backwards countries. Nowhere in the Koran does it call for that.

Far from missing the point, the fact that companies are free to withdraw funds and individuals are free to boycott is EXACTLY my point.


@43 and let’s imagine that i found out your email address and started sending you all sorts of “liberal bullshit”. Would your deleting my emails and blocking me be an indication of weakness on your part or just a desire not to take messages from me?

Proclaiming that someone is obligated to read every piece of conservative or liberal or even moderate tripe is a rather unique definition of weakeness.