Assistance requested with a Wilki project.
Over the past few months I have been updated and editing Wikipedia. A few months ago on Wikipedia Commons the National Archives and Records Administration has donated over ten thousand documents, photos and other records. The only problem is that they need help to make these records usable.
Starting in July 2011, the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is undertaking a major contribution of tens of thousands of files to Commons.
NARA is an independent agency of the United States government charged with preserving and documenting government and historical records and with increasing public access to those documents, which comprise the National Archives. NARA is officially responsible for maintaining and publishing the legally authentic and authoritative copies of acts of Congress, presidential proclamations and executive orders, and federal regulations.
This project organizes Commons’ efforts to accept and deal with such a large contribution of files. Files will be uploaded from US National Archives bot, operated by Dominic (see upload feed). The Commons effort is three-pronged:
Categorization of all images
Organization of images
Improvement and restoration of images
So if anyone here regular or not has a account on Wikipedia could help me with this project I would be most grateful. Here is a example of of what these documents are. If these are not set up then it will be much harder for people to know about them.
Category: Pointless blather
Please educate the public (civilians and pseudo military) the difference between deactivating units ( no such thing) and inactivation of units! Also, an Army Post is NOT an Army base. Army 101! Drives me crazy… I was with 6 th Group when it was deactivated. Bullshit… It was inactivated not deactivated! Units are inactivated, NOT deactivated! Again-Army 101!
What help can i provide?