This is not news. (Updated)

| November 24, 2011

Ok, for the past few years there have been people calling for President Bush to be tried for war crimes. I ignore most of these links because it is the same thing over and over again. But this one is different because there seems to be a court in Malaysia. I have never even heard of this group before.

A tribunal in Malaysia, spearheaded by that nation’s former Prime Minister, yesterday found George Bush and Tony Blair guilty of “crimes against peace” and other war crimes for their 2003 aggressive attack on Iraq, as well as fabricating pretexts used to justify the attack. The seven-member Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal — which featured an American law professor as one of its chief prosecutors — has no formal enforcement power, but was modeled after a 1967 tribunal in Sweden and Denmark that found the U.S. guilty of a war of aggression in Vietnam, and, even more so, after the U.S.-led Nuremberg Tribunal held after World War II. Just as the U.S. steadfastly ignored the 1967 tribunal on Vietnam, Bush and Blair both ignored the summons sent to them and thus were tried in absentee.

But it seems that this is going around the internet as if this were real news. The court is not legit and now power to do anything so what they say does not really mean anything. But despite that people seem to believe otherwise in the comments on youtube.

Oh and they are going to ask the International Criminal Court co-sign the verdict.

The tribunal ruled that Bush and Blair’s name should be entered in a register of war criminals, urged that they be recognized as such under the Rome Statute, and will also petition the International Criminal Court to proceed with binding charges. Such efforts are likely to be futile, but one Malaysian lawyer explained the motives of the tribunal to The Associated Press: “For these people who have been immune from prosecution, we want to put them on trial in this forum to prove that they committed war crimes.” In other words, because their own nations refuse to hold them accountable and can use their power to prevent international bodies from doing so, the tribunal wanted at least formal legal recognition of these war crimes to be recorded and the evidence of their guilt assembled. That’s the same reason a separate panel of this tribunal will hold hearings later this year on charges of torture against Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and others.

Your not a formal organization to begin with much less anything that you come up with. This is a joke and a bad one at that. But expect to see this on your Facebook feed soon if not already.

Seems that people are claiming that Former President Bush has canceled his trip to Switzerland because he is afraid that he will be arrested for war crimes. This bad joke is getting worse.

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, I hate hippies

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AW1 Tim

Nice faux court you have there, Malaysia. Shame if something happened to it…….

Be a shame for that American citizen, acting as a prosecutor there, to find his name on a no-fly list too…….

Just sayin’… 😉


Yeah. And we ignored those other bullshit ‘findings’ too.


“We want to put them on trial in this forum to prove that they committed war crimes.”. OK, then can we put the Occutards on trial for war crimes, or crimes against humanity? This is a “forum”, so why not. They’ve committed crimes against health, sanitation, shitting on police cars can be WMD’s, and spreading cooties, lice, crabs and drug-resistant TB are all crimes using biological warfare. Not to mention rape, which is certainly a war crime.
If they can do this shit, we certainly are entitled to do the same.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

UpNorth, even better: we can declare ourselves to be a “People’s Special Tribunal of Revolutionary Justice.” Rights of the accused: (1) to be found guilty and (2) to be sentenced to death. Evidentiary standard: same as the Occutards–if we believe it so, it must be so. use of Sears DieHard batteries, jumper cables, beatings, Iron Maiden (EXCELLENT!), and the auto-da-fe permitted to elicit confessions from the accused.

Give them what they’d give us if only they had the power to do it.

Zero Ponsdorf

Who the hell funds this circus in Malaysia?


OK, we’ll convene the tribunal at noon tomorrow. First up in the docket? Obama, then the Occutards nation-wide. Then Joey, just because he’s a dumbass. Then the dumbass from Deloitte, who’s living in a $700/night hotel room while taking care of the Occutard’s money. After all, he’s financing “war crimes”.

Doc Bailey

I’m sure Joe jizzed in his pants over this. Hippies everywhere want to take Bush and do to him what was done to Momar, though they try to couch that in the whole “trial” really its a liberal witch hunt.

2-17 AirCav

@5. Al Gore.


That Boyle is an unrepentant gadfly and law professor at the U of I. He claims to be an expert in international law, but continually struggles to differentiate his ass from a hole in the ground. A couple of years back, before the end, he undertook to defend the Tamil Tigers. I don’t think he received his fee and I don’t think he ever heard from his clients again.

Former 3364

@4 Thanks for the Bill and Ted reference.


(shakigng head) These people are nuts. They should go after Obama for war crimes. Some people can’t get anything right.

Corporal White

According to Tariq Aziz, the Hussein government in Iraq had a policy of ambiguity concerning the weapons of mass destruction a stance that heightened US and British suspicions. After his capture, Saddam told the FBI that his main intent had been to keep Iran guessing, not to beat the drums of war.


Well, there are more than a few nutcases who do want President Obama tried for the drone attacks but only the hard core nutcases. Much of the anti-Bush noise we’re still seeing is because the extremists feel the need to go after an American.

One more thing to be thankful for is that we live in a country that is so hated by people who support the use of children as human shields. I would be ashamed if such people didn’t hate President Bush.


“By people who support the use of children as human shields”. Randy, would that be the Hussein regime, or the Occutards? Or both? Just curious.


Since we were talking about this “court” in Malasia, and the wars the Bush adminstration directed, I meant every jihadist group, and those who cover for them.

But considering that the Occutards are pretty much the same group as those who cover for the jihadists, it’s probably both. It’s difficult to support groups like Wikileaks without supporting the use of children as human shields.



The Malay military has and uses White Phosphorus artillery ammo, cluster munitions, and land mines.

Among other things.

Nice MiG-29’s, be a shame if something happened to them all…


How come nobody ever calls for war crime trials for Putin/Chechnya?



And, the alleged cancellation, if there was ever a trip planned, happened back in February, not recently. And the story was put out by, among other neutral, totally reliable sources, like PuffHO, Salon,, and others. And, Bush didn’t cancel the trip, the host of the conference cancelled, over security concerns. “W’s spokesman said the ex-prez learned on Friday his invite to speak at an event in Geneva hosted by the United Israel Appeal, a Jewish charity, had been nixed because of security concerns”. And, there’s this gem from the same article, “Swiss officials said they had no plans to try to prosecute Bush and the Swiss Justice Ministry official told The Associated Press that Bush would be immune from prosecution for anything he did during his presidency”. The link to the entire article follows.


I, and most of the world, so wish he and his cronies would be arrested and charged with waging a war of aggression and crimes against humanity. I mean what bigger crime is there than being directly responsible for the deaths of, what, a million plus innocent people? Until he and his megalomaniacal buddies sit in front of a Nuremburg type tribunal justice has not been served and the world is a more dangerous place. Talk about a mass murderer skating……..


I seem to remember one of my buddies who was with 1st group telling me that they were limited in training the Malays because of the Malay’s human rights problems. It also looks like some problems are keeping them from getting any significant cash from the US.

Maybe we need to have a trial here for His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

2-17 AirCav

Joe: Would you also see Obama tried?