Jabba the Punk is back
You probably remember Fat Bastard from yesterday, right? Well, apparently you guys upset him bad enough to venture outside after he had his recliner surgically removed from his morbidly obese ass. He’s just begging you to pound his rotund, Ron Paul-lovin’ body;
Thanks to one of my ninjas for the link.
Everytime I see him, I can only think of the comment on his YouTube video yesterday when someone said that he could feed Africa with his neck fat.
TSO Adds: This fat bag of steamed cocks also loves him some Taliban. Audio on this sucks.
Category: Shitbags
Awwww…someone got a little butt-hurt.
Actually, with the size of his ass, he’ll need a morphine drip for that.
I’m sorry, but all I can do is laugh at this joke of a person. On a brighter note, he could make INSANE amounts of money as the first person of porcine heritage to be able to speak, even if he doesn’t do that well.
I volunteer to cut off his useless “trinkets” and shove ’em down his throat!
I simply cannot take this seriously. This guy is too stupid to insult. Even when we win he always “wins” in his mind.
Jonn… i think you should set your Ninjas free to track down and post his address! You know so anyone nearby (neighbors, vets, UNICEF, etc.) can drop in and show their “appreciation” for his excellent M. Moore impersonations!
I suspect he does NOT have an employer and lives under the stairs in his momma’s dungeon, oops, basement.
Or maybe start a “how fat is he?” thread? Example: How fat is he? He’s so fat, he can feed Africa with his neck fat.
So “his” medals are something he makes fun of? Well, doesn’t he know that his fat-bodied antics are the same thing for us?
Also, don’t you think it is funny that he said that a VOLUNTEER should have gone to Canada… like we are drafted or conscripted into service. His antics are so laughable.
You know, we should find out the city in which this gut lives and post fliers all over the place with links to this video and the other one and a picture of his malformed cantaloupe on it… I mean face.
I’m sure that there will be several Vietnam and DS vets that would love to hunt this gut down and “commiserate” with him and his opinions.
As for him defending his own “democracy and freedom,” let’s test his theory. Let’s dump him in the middle of Venezuela or North Korea and see how long this gut can defend his freedom of speech. Hell, in North Korea he could feed a small village… for a year.
I knew it.
It’s obvious this guy is doing this solely for the attention. He knew what he was doing, what better way to get publicity for yourself than bad mouthing the military in some fashion?
Just another example of the youtube narcissists in our society that need to fulfill their lack of self esteem and 15 minutes of fame.
This slob is so fat that his lunch is a fifty five gallon drum of Crisco with a long straw. I would like to see this rat stuck on a giant glue trap.
When the fat fuck has his heart attack (which looks like it’ll happen any minute now) I’m sure anybody near by will forget the number for 911…and the paramedics will need a fork lift to load his blob into the ambulance. He made me laugh because I know better.
As much fun as it is to dump on this massive piece of subhuman shit, we should all just leave him alone. He’s just trolling for attention and the sooner we stop responding to his childish antics the sooner he’ll go away. Basically stop feeding this fat fuck, his arteries have enough work to do as it is.
Just to be clear, “leaving alone” doesnt include telling his local eateries not to give him free shit, by all means keep doing that.
@5: Fuck that, I don’t have to be nearby. This fat piece of dog shit would be worth traveling for. He’s not even high enough to be called a douche. How dare this worthless fuckstain denigrate those that have won the MoH!?!? What this dumbfuck knows about honor would fit on the tip of a pin. Jeezus fucking cripes, I’m so pissed off right now I had better just leave it at that, otherwise I might get myself in trouble.
I only made it to 1:48 in the first video before I wanted to grab his fat jowls and rip his head off.
But do you know what is really sad. Take a look at the photos on his MySpace accounts. Seems that he has a before and after photo. The difference is huge and sad.
How fat is he? Since his grape is the only thing you can see in the video (taking up the whole shot), i’m guessing he’s so fat he could eat Michael Moore as an appetizer before he goes to McDonald’s and orders everything on the menu, and when I say everything I mean every last damn bit of food in the place.
No comment from me unless sweet cheeks makes an appearance here, like “Vlad the Dick-Licker” did a few weeks ago.
In that case, I’ll be here to verbally beat him like a rented mule.
All they are to him are “little trinkets”, and all he is to me is just some perhaps mentally misaligned guy on the internet making videos to get a rise out of someone by engaging in taboo behavior of anti-heroism.
If you don’t mind, it don’t matter. And I don’t mind. Just report him if you see him, otherwise don’t indulge his taboo fetish. Imagine how ridiculously unhappy someone so fat, old, and unattractive feels in day to day life. He’s probably been that way for all of his existence. Believing that he has some sort of power to be the anti-hero is probably quite literally all he’s got in the world.
I kept thinking his voice sounded familiar, and I got it! He’s like the evil twin of Kevin from Office Space!
Err, The Office, fuck.
Another disgusting “Fat Body”.
no words. need to kill. Strangle. Drown. beat to a bloody fucking pulp. I can’t type. I’m going to the gym before I try to choke slam someone.
Doc Bailey, he’s getting the reaction he wants from you. He gets power from seizing on the power of anti-heroism. Just disregard him as a fat loser who hasn’t ever accomplished anything, and has nothing left to get kicks from in life other than mocking you from across the internet, and if you ever actually see him punch him in the face.
That’s it.
Guys like this make me think of the Robert Heinlein quote, “an armed society is a polite society…”. Guys like this tub of shit will set in his home and never worry about anything happening to him. Every now and then a douche like this guy or asshat law professor need a good ass beating. No debate, just an ass kicking. A good kick in the ass goes a long way to shutting someone the fuck up.
@22: He probably lives at home in mamma’s basement, where momma makes sure he gets fed, his clothes washed, and the latest Hello Kitty and My Trick Pony games for his Xbox.
A guy like that? Nah, he’s probably working as a part-time unarmed security guard in a parking garage, probably keeps a few shurikens and a sword underneath the cash drawer.
People do things because they have an emotional or physical need to do them. He feels the need to not only impersonate service members, but then to mock them. I can only imagine the personal hell he lives in. How much sex do you think that guy has had in his life?
I just can’t muster the outrage.
How much sex do you think that guy has had in his life?
Throw some qualifiers in there:
3-no exchange of cash or drugs for said sexual activity
4-involving more than just himself or a blowup doll/sheep
Take those three away, I’ll put the over/under at zero.
1-possibly once (but he might’ve gotten raped by the butch girl)
2-doubtful. unless their hookers and they’re not real people anymore
3-none, Zilch, nada.
4-see one
ok after a long workout I feel better. It helped to imagine his pancreas failing, and the excessive blood sugar making him go blind, and lose his limbs. I also got a great image of his coronary artery with 90% blockage. Also the idea of him wheezing up a flight of stairs at Beechhurst, or walking up the hills of Dub V. . .
there was also a great story of a guy that got trashed passed out for a few days and the ants started having a go at him. the ER removed 3 pounds worth of ants from his lungs, mouth, pharynx, etc.
all in all I realized that this fat sack of shit would not only get his comeuppance, but that there wouldn’t be a soul around to help him, because he’s probably alienated everyone around him for being such a jack ass. In the end He’ll make his own personal hell, and only realize far too late what hes done.
“How much sex do you think that guy has had in his life?”
With a human?
Doc, Doc….Doc! YOU are a warped and twisted freak….lmao!
Seriously, that’s something I think about when I see someone so pathetic (in the classical sense) as that guy. He is probably never, ever going to have sex again. And he has probably never, ever had sex with a beautiful woman unless he paid for it. And seriously at that weight, and that age, he probably can’t even achieve erection anymore.
I can find no possible way to be angry at him. It’s not even like he’s somehow influential. I just feel pathos, and the urge to choose the salad over the fries.
Man, King Kong Buddy really let himself go!
I couldn’t even finish his first video. He seems to be just some shlump who is attempting to get a rise out of people. Frankly, I don’t think he believes is own bullshit.
Not surprised he is a Paul fan, he fits the profile after all.
Of all the posts I have seen throughout this blog, this one w/out a doubt has pissed me off the most! Can ANYONE find the background & location of this cock holster? This has gotten out of control when a POS like this has the audacity to voice an opinion as such. We don’t ask for thank you’s but if you are so pissed off at your own existance that you attempt to tear down your superiors, then it’s go time! A fucking e-tool to kneecaps is coming you fat ass liberal!