More OWS “fringe” activity in Eureka

| November 6, 2011

A link from Old Trooper highlights more activity that our trolls classify as “fringe” activity, but is quickly becoming the norm that we expect from the unkempt animals.

A US Bank representative reported that she came to work to find an unknown subject(s) had urinated and defecated in the entry way to the bank.

Classy, huh? But there’s more – while the officer was making the report of te defecation, a bank customer reported that they’d been harassed by a crowd of occutards while the customer was attempting to use the ATM. Someone using the ATM is probably a member of the 99% – so who are the occupiers sticking up for these days? .

Officers contacted members of the media, who had been assaulted while interviewing members of “Occupy Eureka”. The media reported that while they were conducting an interview, an “Occupy Eureka” member stepped forward and pushed the camera man and reporter. He then fled.

Of course the little chicken sht fled, he’s a filthy hippie.

The Eureka Police Department would like to warn citizens to be cautious when using the ATMs or banking in the downtown area of Eureka, due to increased aggressive behavior by this group.

Yeah, but they claim they’re more popular than ever – these antics will male them virtual heroes among the 99%. I’d love to have my name associated with the occupy fleabaggers. Anyone who is brave enough to crap on the sidewalk deserves my support.

The New York Post reports that an OWS protester threw a violent hissy fit when a MacDonald’s employee wouldn’t give him free food;

Fisika Bezabeh, 27, ripped a credit-card reader from a counter and threw it at workers at about 2:30 a.m. at the Mickey D’s at 160 Broadway, a bathroom spot for protesters.

No one was hurt by Bezabeh, who has been seen hanging out with protesters in the occupied park, police sources said.

I guess the McDonald’s employee who he attacked was part of the 1%, too.

All the while, the leaders of the leaderless group are having a tug-of-war over the half million bucks they’ve raised, and typical of communist and socialist organizatons, they’re splintering according to Global Research.

Powerline reports that Occupy DC occu-tards attacked a 78-year-old woman and shoved her down a flight of stairs.

Yeah, the “fringe” seems to be spreading.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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Yeah, let’s beat on some bank tellers, that’ll show ’em.


I don’t suppose any toilet paper was found at the scene. I also wonder whether the poop consisted of nuts, berries, and grass.

Doc Bailey

I have to marvel that a movement that from the beginning has been all about stealing, or not paying what you promised to pay, could ever have been taken seriously. Moreover, I also have to marvel that every nut and fruit from the fringe of society seems to be what this group is clustered around followed by a few youths that don’t understand responsibility. The fringe of this fringe movement would probably be the people that are actually respectable

Maytag --- Nam 66/67

When you look at this sorry lot of dip s++ts. It looks one for all like the same little maggots who we counter pro-tested at GOE 1 and GOE 2. Then it was the Anti war crowd. who was there — IVAW— ANSWER— code Pink–socialist party of America—- SEIU–

NOW GUESS WHO THE DIP S**ts are at these OWS fringe ALL OF THE ABOVE


“Of course the little chicken shit fled, he’s a filthy hippie.”. Running like a girl the whole way.
From Powerline, “The Occupier movement stands for riot, assault, rape, vandalism, sexual harassment, public urination, public defecation and public masturbation. “ Couldn’t have come up with a better description of the Occutards, unless they’d add aggravated mopery.


Might we also add “capitol stupid” to the list? (Although I really like the term “aggravated mopery!”

AW1 Tim

I have to tell you: At GOE-1, the hippies had a look of fear on their faces that was priceless. No one had ever stood up to them before, and they looked like they were expecting the VERY large crowd of veterans to surge forward and beat the living shit out of them at any moment.

They need a good beating. Not for protesting, but for all the ancillary crap they’ve been doing. The squatting, stealing, vandalism, violence, etc, needs to be responded to with overwhelming force. heads need to be broken, and folks reminded that their ass-maggot choices come with consequences.

I’ll be the first to support their right to speak their minds. The rest of that crap? I’ll be the first to man the firehoses and release the dogs.


Dirty hippies… marauding huns, no-good dirtbags, etc.

Doc Bailey

Tim: GOE?

we always hear about “infiltration” and “provacatures” in fact NPR was playing an interview of a guy from Oakland that was almost tearful in how amazing it was they shut down Oakland port. How organized it was (even siting the “spirit” of the black panthers and unions among others). He was talking about how peaceful it was and how the violence was really caused by OPD officers who infiltrated the crowd. . . yeah

Sorry, but the TEA party was the first protest I ever saw that was peaceful, respectful, and though angry ACTUALLY LEFT THE PLACES BETTER THAN WHEN THEY FOUND IT. Every cause celeb of the super duper protesty types, has always had a postmortem that looked more like a barely controlled riot than “peaceably assembling”. The longer this goes on (also ironically the longer nothing happens) the more desperate cruel and vile these people will get.


I do have a question, does any body know where that half a Million came from? If any of the money could be traced back to Iran or any of the terror states, that money could be confiscated. That would tell a lot about that bowel movement they call OWS.


It’s not the fringe doing this, it’s the cops dressing up as the 99% protestors.×2250873

Common guys, you need to get your story sraight.

Bubblehead Ray


G.O.E. = Gathering of Eagles. They have a link on the right side of Jonn’s page.

Old Trooper

@7: Absolutely, Tim. The first thing anyone hears from the protesters or their supporters is “free speech” and all that, but they never acknowledge this kind of crap. Since when is it free speech to steal? When is it free speech to assault an old lady? When is it free speech to block the street so your fellow citizens can’t freely get to where they are going? You say that you have a “right” to block the road? Ok, then I have the “right” to remove you from my path of travel, also, with any means at my disposal (remember the ’74 Power Wagon I want?). You occutards have accomplished nothing. You have no real purpose other than to make pests of yourselves and conduct criminal activity and cost the rest of us money; money that we can’t afford to spend on your fucking spoiled brat tantrums. That is nothing for you, or your supporters, to celebrate or brag about. There used to be a time in this country where you would be rolled up for being worthless; now you get a website and nightly coverage on the news. You can tout any poll you want, but the average citizen is getting tired of your bullshit and that’s why you have to go to more extreme and violent measures, but prepare yourselves, because you will be met by equal violence from now on. We’ve had enough.


Now they’re claiming they’ve raised $750K. Love to know where it came from, but hey, it’s not like they have disclosure laws, nor would they follow them if they did in fact apply.


I would nopt be suprised that in 2 weeks the money will be gone, stolen by this new exclusive group


I went to GOE in Washington because Hanoi Jane was suppose to be there. The Wall was not desecrated as planned in fact the Vets outnumbered idiots. Perhaps GOE should get more active.


@11 – I’d be disappointed if the police weren’t there in an undercover capacity. I didn’t see the identified police officers conducting any criminal activities or instigating any assaults, though.


@17- I also would be disappointed if there wasn’t some presence. I was just poking fun at the numerous sites that are claiming that all of the violence and bad acts are being conducted by right wing/law enforcement plants to discredit the OWS movement.

Old Trooper

Another problem is the millions of dollars these jackwagons are costing the rest of the people in every town they’re in due to extra police and damage to public parks, extra street cleaning, extra garbage removal, etc. Why should we have to pay for their “free speech”? The OWS crowd has said they have over a half million dollars; let them pay for it.

As a side note: I heard on the radio at lunch that the Portland occutards are having a little problem with an outbreak of head and body lice. I know; I’m shocked, too.

Doc Bailey

Oh of course. So it was the COPS that did it. No I’m sure a bunch of angry hippies that do not respect any law but theirs have NOTHING to do with it.


OT, yeah, I’m shocked too. I’d bet that Occutards R Us is having problems with head lice, crabs and various STD’s anywhere they’ve managed to set up two tents.