IVAW’s crocodile tears

| September 3, 2008

Benjamin Thompson, member of the IVAW, (his profile at IVAW is rather thin) at about 5:02 in the following video makes accusations against US forces in Iraq. Between crocodile tears he claims he was a guard at Abu Garab and that “we gave them food that made them sick, water that gave them kidney stones. We weren’t giving them medical attention”. He claims that when insurgents attacked the prison, many prisoners were killed and none of it was reported in the media.

He also accuses “my brother and sister MPs” of atrocities. And, of course, none of it was reported in the media. I’m waiting for Thompson to file his charges and prove he’s not just trying to drum up sympathy, the same way he pretended to cry for the Democracy Now! cameras.

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At least IVAW has learned to turn the flag right-side-up these days. We should probably be grateful for that.

As a note, the news reader for this piece is Amy Goodman, the Democracy Now! “journalist” who was arrested on Monday for not obeying the police in ST Paul in this video;

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Category: Politics

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In my four bouts of kidney stones, the Dr has never, ever told me it was caused by water. Diet yes, usually too much chocolate, black pepper, mustard among other things. So, the BS meter is off the peg already.
If true, why didn’t he report all of theses “crimes”? He’s just a scumbag liar.

Southern Democrat

Actually, troops were compaining about higher instances of kidney stones from only drinking bottled mineral water while overseas. Its a fact.


Southern Democrat,

“Actually, troops were compaining about higher instances of kidney stones from only drinking bottled mineral water while overseas. Its a fact.”

Piss and moan, piss and moan…it’s a liberal thing.

Southern Democrat

Or an Afghani Vet thing…my buddy told me all about it.

Its a statement of fact. Unbiased and unsided.


So where do scumbag liars go to report crimes? It seems he’s been talking about this a whole lot. It’s very easy to just make the statement, report, crimes…Perhaps he just wants people to know what happened to prevent it from reoccurring. Blackfive seems to have thought it noteworthy, see the first comment.



Jonn wrote: Say what you want to say, Thompson, instead of dropping links and running off. You don’t like that I called you a crybaby liar – tough. Man up and file REAL charges against REAL people instead of just painting every soldier with your broad brush. If you don’t have the guts to back up what you charge, STFU.



“…my buddy told me all about it.”

What’s he look like or don’t you have eyes in the back of your head?


OK… kidney stones can be caused by many things, but they can be exacerbated in hot climates due to the excessive loss of fluids through sweating. Most kidney stones are too small to notice and are passed in normal urination. It’s only when the urine production slows down that the stones can grow large enough to cause pain. We routinely treat a higher number of patients with kidney stones in the hot summer months. It would stand to reason that a good part of the increased kidney stones experienced in Iraq would be from… oh, I don’t know… 120 degree temps maybe?


Southern Democrat

I make a comment based on what someone who was overseas in Afghan says, and Raoul assumes he’s queer?

Boy, way to question a combat veterans morals there Raoul…..and you’ll probably defend your comments and say you were talking about me and not a hero…



So Dumb,

He was in Afghan? is that anywhere near Afghanistan?

And NOW troops overseas are “Heroes” to you? That statement would hold a lot more weight if you hadn’t already stated how you feel about the troops asswipe. In your other posts we’re all ignorant, baby killing rednecks.

Go play with your dolls.

Southern Democrat

Not all of them Ray…just you. But I digress. I suppose youre a cook, or a weathergirl, or you worked in the weight room overseas. I doubt very much that you were ever outside the wire, but like so many of the IVAW members, you make up an entertaining story that will make us believe you did something that could be considered as important…but really ou make up stories to hide the fact that you did your time with as much danger involved as you can imagine!


Seriously? Have you even served much less deployed? If not then you really expect to get people to hear you? Has Ray come up with any crazy stories of heroics or otherwise? No? Then you cannot assume what someone has done on their deployment with out being there.

Oh and before you start on me, I am in Iraq right now and have been on 140 convoys outside the wire in less then a year. I have seen 7 IEDs go off personally, one grazing my ride. I have been mortared at least twice that I have been in 100 meters of and I have recived a few pot shots to boot.

So unless you have been over in a combat zone you really do not know.

Frankly Opinionated

Jonn! : I think that I have this figured out. There is no way that someone can be as bone, stone stupid as Southern Dhimmicrat. You have invented this character and are using the personna to get us fired up. The things a guy will do to build readership on a blog. He cannot be for real; I mean, figure it out. To conduct himself like this for real, he would have to still be on the tit, and that wouldn’t give him the time to write his tinfoil hatted drivel.
nuf sed

Jonn wrote: I wish I could pretend to be that stupid.


Southern Democrat,

Could you change your name to something else? You create an unfair impression of most Dems I’ve known.

My OIC on my last tour was a Southern Democrat & was on his 2nd GWOT tour. He volunteered for it. His son was also running a rifle platoon in combat, too.


“But I digress. I suppose youre a cook, or a weathergirl, or you worked in the weight room overseas”

Actually, many cooks have been getting trigger time. KBR has displaced them. Weight rooms are run by contractors. You need to quit while you’re behind.