I’m Bored – You Lose
Common sense elements as defined/described by verbose folks
Occam’s Razor is defined as:
a scientific and philosophic rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities
I call it The KISS Principle.
The Law of Unintended Consequences or The Butterfly Effect.
the sensitive dependence on initial conditions where a small change at one place in a nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state.
I call it Murphy’s Law.
Those are a coupla my easy favorites.
“Nuance” is akin in some ways. When I see that word used I start getting paranoid as in “you just don’t comprehend the nuance”.
I call it not speaking clearly.
Any thoughts?
Category: Geezer Alert!, Pointless blather
Those who use the word nuance tend to be obsfucators…
I would add to your commentary on “nuance:” not writing clearly.
Body language, tone, and inflections provide nuance when speaking. Unless one is referring to context, which to a Progressive means ‘what I read on Kos this morning.’
“esprit de l’escalier” which translates to “wit of the stairs”: a concise, clever statement you don’t think of until too late, e.g. on the stairs leaving the scene.
I call it “D’OH!”
(sarc off\)
The “population bomb” stated that by the year 2000 England would have widespread famine and be unable to support itself. There’s a myth still clung to.
Bush Lied: how exactly? He was given bad intel that caused most of the leadership of England and America to crap their pants. Most of the Anti-war Sens/reps saw the same intel and couldn’t go to war fast enough
9/11: Whats the most likely explanation. That a bunch of pissed off Arabs thought up a Novel way to attack America which it wasn’t prepared for, OR that there really was this over arching conspiracy that got random people together for the purpose of staging one of the greatest disasters in history. That controlled Det, Obsolete planes (or cruise missiles) etc could somehow be used to create this catastrophe. A plot which would have involved HUNDREDS and literally cost upwards of MILLIONS of dollars? Which is more likely again?
Man Caused Global Warming: Well seeing as we were terrified of global cooling in the 70’s I’d hold off on freaking out about this one just yet.
With all these things that the trolls and Uber Alles Libs will come on here to spout you really have to wonder sometimes at their sanity.