Garofalo: Republicans like Cain because they’re racist
Yeah, I thought she’d died, too, but she keeps coming back like a yeast infection. Claymore sends us a link to an interview she did with Keith Olbermann last night. At first she’s sitting there with keith Olbermann talking about how Fox News has no credibility – and isn’t Olbermenn on Al Gore’s network now? I guess she doesn’t see the irony of talking about credibility with Keith Olbermann. But then she accuses republicans of supporting Hermann Cain because it enables us to cover up our inherent racism;
“Herman Cain is probably well liked by some of the Republicans because it hides the racist elements of the Republican party. Conservative movement and tea party movement, one in the same.
“People like Karl Rove liked to keep the racism very covert. And so Herman Cain provides this great opportunity say you can say ‘Look, this is not a racist, anti-immigrant, anti-female, anti-gay movement. Look we have a black man.'”
yeah, we’ve had blacks in the Republican Party before the Democrats had blacks in their party. The first black congressmen were Republicans. It was Republican votes that passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It was a Republican president and a Republican majority votes that passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957.
That’s probably because we were hiding our racism then, too. Wait wasn’t Martin Luther King, Jr. a registered Republican, too? It couldn’t have been because the Democrats in the South were segregationists, could it?
Regardless, Garofalo is a fucking moron.
Category: Shitbags
We’re so racist, we are willing to vote for a black man to hide it. That makes perfect sense.
This nation’s first Republican president was in office when the slaves were freed.
Garofalo and her ilk like to use the term, “Token Black”. She and they are “Token Humans”.
It is the democrats, who with their actions say to blacks n minorities: “We see that you are not equal to whites, so we will give you some help.” Pretty damned presumptuous, and very damned demeaning. Elitist assholes.
Just out of curiosity, why does anyone care what either of these asshats has to say?
Don’t forget that a majority of the Democrats were in the KKK back in the day. The last sitting member of Congress that was a member was a Democrat. The Jim Crow laws they keep talking about? Yeah, democrats. The dems have a LONG LONG history of racism, but they can just keep up their revisionist history and deflecting and people will bite hook, line and sinker.
Okay folks, I’m gonna say this just ONE MORE TIME:
–If you criticize a black liberal, you’re a racist.
–If you support a black conservative, you’re a racist.
There, was that so hard to wrap your head around?
Eat a steaming bag of dicks, Janeane.
So, if everyone is inherently racist, no matter what they do or what color they are, doesn’t that make her and the other moonbats racist as well?
And to think, I once had the hots for her in my youth… then she opened her mouth.
It amazes me how smart these people think they are. I know she won’t look at the ISSUES, but just for shits and grins…let’s!
Obama=big gov’t, stealing people’s money
Cain…Capitalism makes the world go round…
Obama=no grasp in the Constitution
Cain= Law of the land, amen.
Obama=blacks should keep playing the victim
Cain= blacks pick yourselves up because you can do it.
It’s that simple. And color doesn’t fucking matter, you hollywood ignoramus.
No, dipshit, the racists are those who would not vote for either of them because they are black!
Not accepting, or accepting, someone’s policies is just looking at outcomes rather than the color of the skin of the one with the policy. The racist is the one who apparently can’t get past the color of a man’s skin to look at his character.
Don’t you just know that MLK is spinning in his grave at the way his words have been subverted?
I voted for a black Republican for president in 2008. It was a write-in. His name was Alan Keyes and he’s even blacker than the half black guy the Democrats were running.
My favorite candidate for the 2012 nomination isn’t a candidate at all…yet. But he is black. His name is Allen West, and he’s even blacker than the half black guy the Democrats will be running in 2012.
I’d never given a campaign donation in my life until last week when I gave fifty bucks to a candidate for North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District. His name is Vernon Robinson and he’s pretty freaking spectacular–an Eagle Scout, a veteran, a graduate of the US Air Force Academy, and an all around conservative. He’s also black. In fact, he’s blacker than the half black guy who’s sitting in the White House right now.
I must be REALLY, REALLY racist because I’m doing a whole lot of covering up.
Clearly even thinking about racism makes you a racist since only a racist would be obsessed with race enough to try and convince other racists that they aren’t racist. To think otherwise is inherently racist.
If you DON’T vote for their black guy, you’re racist.
If you DO vote for our black guy, you’re racist.
This is such a fun game.
If any of you racists feel like covering up your antipathy for blacks by supporting a strong conservative who happens to be black, just check out Vernon Robinson here:
And if you feel moved to send him a few dollars, that would be fine too. RACISTS!
The more I learn of Mr Cain the MORE I like him! I have been a supporter of his for years now.
Excerpt from his book
As in every executive position I’ve ever undertaken, I will determine the parameters of my activities. And while I respect those who have served before me, I will not follow in their footsteps. I will create new footsteps.
I will reduce the number of protocol-oriented events that presidents are seemingly required to attend. At a time of deepening national crisis, I simply cannot afford to allocate valuable time to things that do not advance solutions to this nation’s problems. That’s why I have decided to sharply decrease the number of inaugural night balls. Instead, Mrs. Cain and I will host a series of celebratory occasions, and they will be spread out during my first months in office.
My guest lists for state dinners and other important occasions will be light on A list celebrities and heavy on normal Americans who work each day to restore our nation to greatness. And unlike the practice of certain previous administrations, there will be no “paying” guests staying in the Lincoln Bedroom.
Once each month I plan to invite small groups of average citizens to join me for dinner and conversation. As someone who will have to spend most of my working hours in Washington, these events will make it possible for me to take the nation’s pulse on the pressing issues, as well as to stay connected to the people.
To me he is a MAN OF THE PEOPLE!!!
Don’t forget what happened to Michelle Malkin in the Arec Baldwin twitter fiasco.
The racist venom directed at her made me sick to my stomach, all from the baldwin supporters.
Libbies can be just as racist, even more so, than republicans/conversatives.
“she keeps coming back like a yeast infection”. Just a perfect description of the secretion that is Janeane. Let’s see, Rove did such a great job of keeping “the racism very covert”, that I didn’t even realize I was a racist, until it pointed it out to me. The man is diabolical, he managed to infiltrate my brain and bury those racist thoughts deep, deep in my head.
Now, cue OG to come here and agree with the secretions of Janeane.
Ben and Sparky have it right. If I don’t vote for a black guy, I’m a racist. If I do vote for a black guy, I’m a racist.
Still hoping for a Palin run with the campaign slogan “Babies, Guns, and Jesus”.
her mind truly baffles me. I’m a racist so i want to vote for a black man? I don’t hate a person for their race. I hate them for their culture. BIG difference.
Sparky, I am going to steal that…
Hey Claymore,
I don’t think that’s her bag of choice. 🙂
That woman just ain’t right in the head.
Claymore, you’d think eating a dick might do her good if she weren’t such a bonner killer.
Janeane can be the birth control device for men, one look at her picture and any and all desire for sex will be gone….gone….gone.
And, Ray is probably correct, her bag doesn’t include dicks.