Brower: When will the madness end?
Elaine Brower takes the opportunity on 9/11/11 to remember the terrorists’ contribution to her cause of hate mongering and America-bashing.
My wish for her didn’t come true. And when will her madness end?
Someone needs to get a refund for those dance lessons;
How to cram all of your vacuous anti-war talking points into a poem (Strong Language Warning);
Thanks to one of my ninjas.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Shitbags
I love the dancer’s symbolism at the end of her dance. She was obviously waiting for one of her buddies from the Islamic Jihad movement to cut her head off. Too bad there wasn’t one around.
Speaker 4 the dead….no comment. My father always taught me to ignore idiots and drunks.
Unfortunately my brothers and sisters, this is part of the reason we all signed that blank check so many years ago…so that jackasses like these can have the right to do the stupid crap they do.
Ah street theater, I love street theater.
First off, I want to know who appointed him “speaker 4 the dead”? Was it a self appointment? Did Elaine nominate him? Did “the dead” vote for him? The arrogance and condescension on the part of these assholes is amazing.
“Speaker for the Dead” may be infringing on copyright – and if there’s any law still enforced, it’s the entertainment industry’s right to its intellectual property.
“Speaker for the Dead (1986) is a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card and an indirect sequel to the novel Ender’s Game.”
A little prosecution is in order.
Mr. “Poet” (I use the term loosely) may be in for a surprise, because DaveO is correct. He probably thinks he’s being slick by substituting the number “4” for the word “for” in his name / title, but there is case law to indicate that may not protect him from copyright infringement.
Shouldn’t a speaker for (4) the dead actually be, oh I don’t know, DEAD?