How the Left makes themselves feel better
I picked up these links from some Facebook Wall Posts from TSO and Blackfive this morning. But first Matty O’Blackfive posted a link from fucktard Paul Krugman, the most intellectually dishonest economist on the planet who tells us that the last ten years have been “The Years of Shame“;
What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people on the right know this, whether they admit it or not — was deeply shameful. Te [sic] atrocity should have been a unifying event, but instead it became a wedge issue. Fake heroes like Bernie Kerik, Rudy Giuliani, and, yes, George W. Bush raced to cash in on the horror. And then the attack was used to justify an unrelated war the neocons wanted to fight, for all the wrong reasons.
A lot of other people behaved badly. How many of our professional pundits — people who should have understood very well what was happening — took the easy way out, turning a blind eye to the corruption and lending their support to the hijacking of the atrocity?
The atrocity WAS a unifying event, until the Left realized that they were losing support when people began speculating how a Democrat president (namely Al Gore) would have reacted to the terrorist attack, which had been in the planning stages during the Clinton Administration. The Democrats tried everything…they even unanimously passed the PATRIOT Act in the Senate…to prove that they were good custodians of our National Security. But given their history, the American people weren’t buying it. So fucktards like the aforementioned fucktard, Paul Krugman, took up the mantle of the intellectually dishonest and did stupid shit like magnifying so-called atrocities, telling the American people that we were better than Guantanamo and taking the fight to the enemy.
Saddam Hussein issued copies of “Black hawk Down” to his commanders as an instructional tool to show them how to resist an American attack. The left called our wars “occupations” and even they knew it was an innaccurate portrayal of our operations, since we had never really occupied a foreign country. Besides China in the 19th century.
The link from TSO is to Truthdig’s Chris Hedges, who writes in “A Decade After 9/11: We Are What We Loathe“;
We have still not woken up to whom we have become, to the fatal erosion of domestic and international law and the senseless waste of lives, resources and trillions of dollars to wage wars that ultimately we can never win. We do not see that our own faces have become as contorted as the faces of the demented hijackers who seized the three commercial jetliners a decade ago. We do not grasp that Osama bin Laden’s twisted vision of a world of indiscriminate violence and terror has triumphed. The attacks turned us into monsters, grotesque ghouls, sadists and killers who drop bombs on village children and waterboard those we kidnap, strip of their rights and hold for years without due process. We acted before we were able to think. And it is the satanic lust of violence that has us locked in its grip.
Yeah, Chris, it wasn’t the Right or Osama bin Laden that made us that way, it was the Left who has perpetuated this war beyond it’s logical conclusion by giving the enemy moral support, from the moment the “human shields” were posted at Hussein’s critical war assets, from the time three congressmen stood on the roof of Hussein’s palace and declared that Hussein was more trustworthy than our own president. From the moment of the birth of the IVAW. From the first calls from the Veterans For Peace for the impeachment of President Bush. From the time James Webb, an elected Senator, snubbed President Bush in the White House.
From the first time intellectual midgets like Chris Hedges blamed those who demanded that those attacks never occur again on American soil for the way this war was waged against 10th century throwbacks who behead innocent journalists, throw acid in the faces of preteen girls, murder their own countrymen in droves to make a political point. What we really loathe are dhimmis who are perfectly content to allow Americans to die by the thousands in unanswered attacks.
Has anyone heard anyone from the Left present an alternative to the way we’ve waged war against Muslim extremists? Other than ending the war abruptly? It’s the left who has taken on the ugly face of revenge and bloodlust since they began calling for a declaration of victory now that bin Laden is dead. It wasn’t about revenge or pay back, the war against terror was about preventing the next attack on innocent Americans going about their daily lives, which it has so far accomplished.
The blood that is on the Left’s collective hands is that of the American fighting men and women who died because of the Left’s protected right to be vocal retards and undermine our troops’ valiant efforts. Chris Hedges, you are what we loathe.
Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies
Sorry, Jonn, but the leftards are still in the naive (and fatal) belief that if we all put our guns away and start singing a few hundred chouruses of Kum-Ba-Ya it’ll all be skittle-shitting unicorns and rainbows.
You’d think they would have learned by now from the example of Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, and a hundred other idealistic idiots whose heads became separated from their necks in the name of Islam.
Here is a interesting little Jem.
$17,000 FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD PLUS UNEMPLOYMENT: The cost of wars since September 11, 2011.
Yea and then they have the nerve to say it is about the troops rather then just wanting the money.
Geez, Jonn, you’re all kinds of whipped up today. Do you need to blow off some steam with another trip to the HHC?
Krugman is a steaming pile of monkey nuts. I don’t take anything he says seriously. Especially someone that should be in jail with his Enron buddies.
As for Hedges? Whatever dude. I guess the old, tired pablum is somehow new, again? We’ve heard all this before and even the jihadis don’t believe it.
[…] Jonn noted well a couple of elements in The Pattern with the post below . […]
The rabid left is nothing if not predictable. The noises they began making almost immediately 10 years ago were the same as we remember from 40 years ago. (Were we old enough, they would sound eerily like the noises from the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s as well.) And why not? It’s a well tested strategy that has worked well for them.
For us to act surprised that they continue to do and say what has brought them what they consider success defines us as something less than smart. Put your own label on it, if you must, but continuing to do what we have always done expecting that they will change what they stand for and how they get there makes us as insane as they are.
The difference is that they are marching to exactly the goal that they want to attain, and doing so successfully every time they do it. Because we collectively let them.
Krugman turned off the comments to his blog at publication of his trash. That’s perfect. The inability to tolerate dissent and an unwillingness to subject one’s thoughts to the free marketplace of ideas is reminiscent of Stalinist USSR. Funny, Uncle Joe would have made mulch of Krugman in short order. He had little use for the worthless intelligentsia.
Yeah, Krugman can lecture the rest of us on how we’re fucked up, but can’t tolerate any blowback on the crap he spews. He knows his alleged thoughts won’t stand up to even cursory scrutiny. So, he does what he can to insulate himself, he turns off comments on the blog to avoid the slap-down he knows he’d get.
Re Hedges: “…the faces of the demented hijackers who seized the three commercial jetliners a decade ago.”
Four. Four commercial jetliners. Flights AA 11, AA 77, UA 175, UA 93. Nineteen terrorists, four planes filled with innocent people. How could he get that wrong?
Squid, he got that wrong because he was trying to read the reports through his sphincter.
He’s trying to make himself seem important by putting out misinformation and trying to get the impressionables to see things his way.
That jumped out at me, too, Squidthoughts…
no no no don’t you people know? AA 77 was actually a GOVERNMENT run operation. they landed safely at a super secret location, and a cruise missle was flown into the Pentagon. but really everyone KNOWS that United 93 wasn’t REALLY hijacked and the passengers didn’t REALLY fight back. It was all staged. Just like the moon landings. . .
[sarcasm off]
To be honest we can play fuck fuck games and have all the gays shove unicorn horns up their asses to show the world how in tune we are. We can hug an Indian and buy cheap beads and shit, then jump in our gay little Prius, whose pastel color is sadly SO last year, and go to all our little brown brothers and show how nice we are by giving them useless shit and don’t we feel better about ourselves now?
OR we can actually deal with the fact that we can not afford to show some people mercy, because they will give none. we can acknowledge that America really IS that shining light on a hill, and that the only way to have true and lasting peace is to have the presence of justice. We have to acknowledge that Justice can not flourish in the presence of evil.
the choice always seems clear to me, but maybe not to those that have never ridden the tiger.
2000 years ago, the mere utterance of the phrase, “Civis Romanus Sum” (I am a Roman citizen) was good enough to communicate that if you fucked with the person who uttered the phrase, you risked bringing the whole force of the Roman Empire down around your head.
Only when the might of the legions was diluted because of the decline of the Empire through corruption as much as anything, were folks like the Visigoths able to hasten the decline of Rome by sacking it.
And while the reasons for Rome’s decline are as varied as any potential decline in Western (and American) civilization, one thing remains perfectly clear–we, like Rome, became impotent when it came to knocking the shit out of those who fucked with us. It’s all “measured response” and “kinetic military action”.
Call it what it is–some people just need killin.
Doc, in my opinion, we have gotten it wrong. Japan kicked us in the night and we beat the crap out of them. Russia pulled their boot back for a kick in the night and we spent the crap out of them. Now, with the touchy-feelies in office, we have to make sure we don’t offend the enemy while we try to beat the crap out of them.
In my opinion, I think we should strap a pig to every bomb we drop, dip our bullets in pig blood before patrols, and not worry about setting up a new government after kicking the previous one out.
Maybe the next government that comes up to replace the charred remains of the former will think a little more than the last.
The point i was trying to make is that you can play touchie feely, and get such a warm and fuzzy from the happy happy joy joy rainbow ponies that are totally in your head, OR you can come to the real world and deal with the fact that the threat is real and that to obtain peace you have to prepare for war.
Quite frankly I think instead of independent governments we turn conquered states into real client states and turn into a real American Empire. Make it so that client states supply both troops as well as material if not money to our true empire building. Just like Rome.
And I’d prefer it was a right leaning empire than a left one as it would be far less bloody.
“Has anyone heard anyone from the Left present an alternative to the way we’ve waged war against Muslim extremists?”
Yes. The answer is: open the doors to our treasury and begin a global welfare state.
Also, just start abandoning allies (such as Israel). You see, the Islamists want to march all of the Jews into the sea and its a lot harder to do when the Jews have an ally in the United States. So let’s stop making the Islamists angry so that they can get down to their murderous business.
Then, just start apologizing for everything, even the crusades. The fact that we didn’t exist as a nation back then doesn’t matter. We should apologize anyway, because that’s what the bigger person does.
And then they will like us. Or so the Left thinks. But they’re wrong. They still won’t like us because we still won’t be Muslims. And the fact that we aren’t Muslims means that we still are submitting ourselves and our land to the one true God and his will. We’ll still have the freedom to draw cartoons that offend their faith, and still have the freedom to choose another god than Allah.
The left has suggested all sorts of alternatives. I just don’t like them.
Point a few choice ICBMs at Mecca & Medina and a few lesser mosques. Blanket the middle east with pamphlets saying that if you f**k with the US of A in any way, shape or form, we launch. And at the first Islamofascist f**kup, destroy one of the lesser mosques as an example of things to come. Hopefully (HAH! That’s a pipe dream!) then more of the responsible muzzies will beat the crap out of the irresponsible muzzies who want to attack “The Great Satan”.
But all of the above is predicated on having a US President with balls big enough to be heard clanking from a block away.
i know this fact is not often acknowledged, but 9/11 the day was chosen because that’s the anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Vienna. in 1683. the absolute LOA of the Muslim empire and the end of the “golden age” of Islam. so basically they were taking revenge for a bunch of Poles and Austrians defending themselves against invaders and succeeding. . .
do you know why the crusades were so bitter and lasted so long? Because once Islamic Armies take land it is (and according to them should always remain) “theirs”. You would expect American’s to defend Boston vigorously, even fanatically, but you wouldn’t expect us to do that in say Kabul (and forcing the locals to convert or die, and also killing tons of people making pilgrimage)
The Left doesn’t seem to get this is not Communism here, and not even close to some mindset that we can sit down and talk with. The mindset of our enemies is such that we can either capitulate or die. They don’t even allow for the thought of defeat which most sane and rational military or paramilitary minds would.