Issa: White House intimidating witnesses

| July 26, 2011

The Washington Times reports this morning that Congressman Darrel Issa is accusing the Obama Administration of intimidating witnesses in the “Fast and Furious” probe.

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, said at least two scheduled witnesses expected to be asked about a controversial weapons investigation known as “Fast and Furious”received warning letters from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to limit their testimony.

Of course, this would be a leading news item if it was the Bush Administration. We’d be reading about it on Huffington Post and the Daily Kos – however neither of those fine websites have even mentioned the Congressional probe into the US government ignoring it’s own laws and causing the deaths of US citizens and federal agents of that same government.

The investigation merits barely a mention in the Washington Post. The newspaper that still prides itself on the investigation of Richard Nixon’s cover-ups won’t touch this cover up.

Yet we were subjected to months of front page coverage on Valerie Plame, even after it turned out that she had blown her own CIA cover on a magazine cover. And no one was killed as a result of her outing. But here we have people killed in the line of duty as a result of guns being allowed to be sold to unqualified buyers and to fall into the hands of our nation’s enemies…and barely a peep from the Old Media.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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Old Trooper

Of course you won’t hear anything from the old media, because in their eyes Obama is awesome!

Doc Bailey

You know he’s starting to be guilty of all the bad nasty things that the Left hated about Nixon.


Nixon’s sin, in the eyes of the Left, was his use of Soviet methods: break-ins, stealing information, enemies lists, cover-ups. Obama’s sin, in the eyes of the Left, is not his use of stalinist tactics, but in getting caught.