DAV’s virtual march on Washington
In the Washington Post is an article about the veterans’ organization, the Disabled American Veterans, which plans a virtual march on Washington tomorrow, primarily from their Facebook presence.
“What we’ve heard is that if the debt limit isn’t raised, the government may not have enough money to pay its obligations, including veterans benefits checks,” said Garry Augustine, the DAV’s national service director. “Whether it’s accurate or not we’re not sure, but it makes people nervous when they hear it.”
“It is outrageous that disabled veterans have become political pawns in the fight over how to increase the government’s borrowing authority,” DAV National Commander Wallace E. Tyson said in a statement.
I see that some of you are already registered there and although DAV seems more concerned with current payments and not so much with the long term effects of the budget fight, it’s probably a good idea to participate in it – just to let Congress know how many of us they’re pissing off.
Category: Veterans Issues
The one overriding thing I hear from many out here in the public is: “they want to go after seniors!” Granted, the public views medicare/medicaid as a “right” and I won’t argue the merits for or against, but I do notice that they (general public) don’t say much about Veteran’s benefits. They can’t tell the difference between welfare handouts and something earned by those that had a contract and agreement from the same government.
There is no contract and agreement with the government that says “if you make bad life choices, we will take care of you”, but there is a contract that says “if you are injured/wounded in the service of your country, you will be taken care of”, yet that is the one they go after. It really does boggle the mind.
Well said OT!