Sentinel-Echo responds to criticism
Frankly Opinionated emailed the managing editor of the Sentinel-Echo, Carrie Dillard, about their false reporting of Curtis Barger’s awards that I wrote about yesterday. Here’s their response to him;
On behalf of the Sentinel-Echo news staff, I would like to express our apologizes for the error regarding the medal of honor statement in the article on Mr. Curtis Barger. We have run a correction in regards to this error (see below).
In the article “Heroes Welcome: Local veteran honored at July Cruisin’ event” in Wednesday’s edition, 84-year-old Curtis Barger was incorrectly listed as a medal of honor recipient. He, in fact, received a silver star and purple heart. We apologize for the error.
No disrespect was intended, and again we send our apologizes.
Carrie Dillard
Managing Editor
The Sentinel-Echo
123 W. 5th St.
London, KY 40741
I commend Carrie on her quick response, except that no one said anything about a Medal of Honor, it was the Distinguished Service Cross, his rank and the drill sergeant badge with which we had issues. So the correction and apology rings hollow since obviously the editor never read the article, or Frankly’s email for that matter.
Category: Media, Phony soldiers
Perhaps a corrected correction is in order.
Okay, grammar OCD kicks in. What does it mean to send their apologizes? Apologies, maybe.
This is an EDITOR?
They’re not even trying anymore.
Hmmm. I wonder what you call half an apology?
@#2 Mommynator:
I thought the same thing too. Seems that the Sentinel-Echo doesn’t do a very good job of standing watch. i.e. doesn’t check their stories, nor have an ability to use the basics of the English language.
Didn’t address the crux of my e-mail to them at all.
I wonder if their pre-election coverage of Obumbler was as bad?
what ever happened to the days when people got fired when they didn’t get the job right the first time?
Doc, that went out the window when it was decided that personal responsibility was not to be expected of people.
Just one more facet of “Political Correctness”.
Like when people talking to or about another are “bullies”.
Rainbows, Unicorn Farts, an all, ya know…….
FO: One would think that they would have learned from the soviet union in which what we recognize as political correctness was a way of life. You would think the USSR saying “all is ok” right up until the whole Godless and God awful mess collapsed. ships shoddily built, Nuke reacors exploding at the drop of a hat, Medicine that could barely be worthy of that designation, Gulags, all because of political correctness. Sure its rainbows, and unicorn farts at first, but there is always more. Even Pradva could not hide the horror of what it meant to be a soviet citizen
on a side note: one of these days I’ll learn all the little tricks of the blog, until then I’ll just cap lock when I’m pissed.
I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!! I got the same reply, word for word, after my e-mail to the Sentinel-Echo. Boiler-plate, anyone?
Must be a form letter because even though I did NOT send my email to the managing editor, it was sent to the author of the article, I got the same d@mn thing with the same pathetic grammar.
I’d be curious to see if I get the same bullshit letter as well. I’d also be interested to see their reaction if this thread were to be pointed out to them.
Sparky, do you think they’d have the ambition, or knowledge, to click on a link? They can’t do any research, or even google or bing the term “inventory division”, I doubt they have the curiosity, or energy to click on a link.